Practice handhygienebeforeinteractingwith a patientHealthcarepersonnel oftenclean theirhands morethan 7 times inan hourGerms cansurvive onyour handsfor over 3hoursPat handsdry ratherthan rubhands dryAvoid usinghot water topreventdrying of theskinWashing yourhands a fewtimes a day canreduce diarrhearates by 40%The averageperson onlyspends 6secondswashing theirhandsThe 2 mostimportant times towash your handsare before and afterpreparing food, andafter going to thebathroomWear gloveswhenneeded forStandardPrecautionsDamp handsare 1,000 timesmore likely tospread bacteriathan dry handsMost bacteriaon our handsare under ourfingernailsTouching yourface with dirtyhands spreadssicknessespneumonia, acold, and the fluDeaths canbe preventedwith properhandwashingpracticesThe idealamount oftime to washyour hands is30 secondsOnly 2/3 ofpeople whodo washtheir handsuse soapPractice handhygieneimmediatelyafter gloveremovalAreas frequentlymissed includethe tips of thefingers, palms ofyour hands andthumbsUse a towelto turn offthe faucetand opendoorCDC recommendsusing alcohol-based handsanitizer unlesshands are visiblydirtyPneumonia is the#1 cause ofchildhood death,and is preventableby regular handwashingRemove glovescarefully toprevent handcontaminationas dirty glovescan soil hands40% of peopledon’t wash theirhands aftersneezing,coughing orblowing their noseNatural nailsshould notextend pastthe fingertipMen are lesslikely towash theirhands thanwomenPractice handhygienebeforeinteractingwith a patientHealthcarepersonnel oftenclean theirhands morethan 7 times inan hourGerms cansurvive onyour handsfor over 3hoursPat handsdry ratherthan rubhands dryAvoid usinghot water topreventdrying of theskinWashing yourhands a fewtimes a day canreduce diarrhearates by 40%The averageperson onlyspends 6secondswashing theirhandsThe 2 mostimportant times towash your handsare before and afterpreparing food, andafter going to thebathroomWear gloveswhenneeded forStandardPrecautionsDamp handsare 1,000 timesmore likely tospread bacteriathan dry handsMost bacteriaon our handsare under ourfingernailsTouching yourface with dirtyhands spreadssicknessespneumonia, acold, and the fluDeaths canbe preventedwith properhandwashingpracticesThe idealamount oftime to washyour hands is30 secondsOnly 2/3 ofpeople whodo washtheir handsuse soapPractice handhygieneimmediatelyafter gloveremovalAreas frequentlymissed includethe tips of thefingers, palms ofyour hands andthumbsUse a towelto turn offthe faucetand opendoorCDC recommendsusing alcohol-based handsanitizer unlesshands are visiblydirtyPneumonia is the#1 cause ofchildhood death,and is preventableby regular handwashingRemove glovescarefully toprevent handcontaminationas dirty glovescan soil hands40% of peopledon’t wash theirhands aftersneezing,coughing orblowing their noseNatural nailsshould notextend pastthe fingertipMen are lesslikely towash theirhands thanwomen

Hand Hygiene - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Practice hand hygiene before interacting with a patient
  2. Healthcare personnel often clean their hands more than 7 times in an hour
  3. Germs can survive on your hands for over 3 hours
  4. Pat hands dry rather than rub hands dry
  5. Avoid using hot water to prevent drying of the skin
  6. Washing your hands a few times a day can reduce diarrhea rates by 40%
  7. The average person only spends 6 seconds washing their hands
  8. The 2 most important times to wash your hands are before and after preparing food, and after going to the bathroom
  9. Wear gloves when needed for Standard Precautions
  10. Damp hands are 1,000 times more likely to spread bacteria than dry hands
  11. Most bacteria on our hands are under our fingernails
  12. Touching your face with dirty hands spreads sicknesses pneumonia, a cold, and the flu
  13. Deaths can be prevented with proper handwashing practices
  14. The ideal amount of time to wash your hands is 30 seconds
  15. Only 2/3 of people who do wash their hands use soap
  16. Practice hand hygiene immediately after glove removal
  17. Areas frequently missed include the tips of the fingers, palms of your hands and thumbs
  18. Use a towel to turn off the faucet and open door
  19. CDC recommends using alcohol-based hand sanitizer unless hands are visibly dirty
  20. Pneumonia is the #1 cause of childhood death, and is preventable by regular hand washing
  21. Remove gloves carefully to prevent hand contamination as dirty gloves can soil hands
  22. 40% of people don’t wash their hands after sneezing, coughing or blowing their nose
  23. Natural nails should not extend past the fingertip
  24. Men are less likely to wash their hands than women