I’ve seen orsharedmisinformationon socialmedia.I’ve deleted apost becauseit didn’t getenough likes.I creepmore thanI post.I’ve beeninfluenced bysocial media tochange myopinion about atopic.I’ve scrolledthrough socialmedia for morethan two hoursin one sitting.I’ve stayed uplate scrollingthrough socialmedia eventhough I wastired.I’ve postedsomething justbecause Ithought it wouldget a lot oflikes.I'vetaggedsomeonein a post.I’ve changedmy behaviorbased on thenumber of likesor comments Ireceived.I’ve feltpressure topostsomething tostay relevant.I’ve felt anxiouswaiting for likesor commentson a post.I’ve followedsomeonebecause theywere popular,even though Ididn’t know them.I’ve completeda DIY project bywatching avideo posted onsocial mediaI’vecomparedmyself toothers onsocial media.I’ve unfollowedsomeonebecause theircontent mademe feel badabout myself.I've foundnew musicand artiststhrough usingsocial mediaI have morethan onesocial mediaaccount.I've unfollowedsomeonebecause I didn'tagree with thecontent theyposted.I’ve spent timeediting orretaking aphoto multipletimes beforeposting it.I've used ameme tocommunicate.I’veexperiencedFOMO (Fear ofMissing Out)because ofsocial media.I'veparticipatedin a socialmediachallenge.I’ve clickedon an ad andended upbuyingsomething.I’ve taken abreak fromsocial mediafor my mentalhealth.I’ve used socialmedia to keepup with friendsand family butfeltdisconnected.I’ve seen orsharedmisinformationon socialmedia.I’ve deleted apost becauseit didn’t getenough likes.I creepmore thanI post.I’ve beeninfluenced bysocial media tochange myopinion about atopic.I’ve scrolledthrough socialmedia for morethan two hoursin one sitting.I’ve stayed uplate scrollingthrough socialmedia eventhough I wastired.I’ve postedsomething justbecause Ithought it wouldget a lot oflikes.I'vetaggedsomeonein a post.I’ve changedmy behaviorbased on thenumber of likesor comments Ireceived.I’ve feltpressure topostsomething tostay relevant.I’ve felt anxiouswaiting for likesor commentson a post.I’ve followedsomeonebecause theywere popular,even though Ididn’t know them.I’ve completeda DIY project bywatching avideo posted onsocial mediaI’vecomparedmyself toothers onsocial media.I’ve unfollowedsomeonebecause theircontent mademe feel badabout myself.I've foundnew musicand artiststhrough usingsocial mediaI have morethan onesocial mediaaccount.I've unfollowedsomeonebecause I didn'tagree with thecontent theyposted.I’ve spent timeediting orretaking aphoto multipletimes beforeposting it.I've used ameme tocommunicate.I’veexperiencedFOMO (Fear ofMissing Out)because ofsocial media.I'veparticipatedin a socialmediachallenge.I’ve clickedon an ad andended upbuyingsomething.I’ve taken abreak fromsocial mediafor my mentalhealth.I’ve used socialmedia to keepup with friendsand family butfeltdisconnected.

Social Dilemma BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I’ve seen or shared misinformation on social media.
  2. I’ve deleted a post because it didn’t get enough likes.
  3. I creep more than I post.
  4. I’ve been influenced by social media to change my opinion about a topic.
  5. I’ve scrolled through social media for more than two hours in one sitting.
  6. I’ve stayed up late scrolling through social media even though I was tired.
  7. I’ve posted something just because I thought it would get a lot of likes.
  8. I've tagged someone in a post.
  9. I’ve changed my behavior based on the number of likes or comments I received.
  10. I’ve felt pressure to post something to stay relevant.
  11. I’ve felt anxious waiting for likes or comments on a post.
  12. I’ve followed someone because they were popular, even though I didn’t know them.
  13. I’ve completed a DIY project by watching a video posted on social media
  14. I’ve compared myself to others on social media.
  15. I’ve unfollowed someone because their content made me feel bad about myself.
  16. I've found new music and artists through using social media
  17. I have more than one social media account.
  18. I've unfollowed someone because I didn't agree with the content they posted.
  19. I’ve spent time editing or retaking a photo multiple times before posting it.
  20. I've used a meme to communicate.
  21. I’ve experienced FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) because of social media.
  22. I've participated in a social media challenge.
  23. I’ve clicked on an ad and ended up buying something.
  24. I’ve taken a break from social media for my mental health.
  25. I’ve used social media to keep up with friends and family but felt disconnected.