Positivity: Findsomeone wholoves to inspireand motivateothers.Intellection:Find someonewho enjoysdeep thinkingand reflection.Ideation: Findsomeone wholovesbrainstormingand generatingnew ideas.Learner: Findsomeone wholoves acquiringnew skills orknowledge.Relator: Findsomeone whoenjoys buildingclose,meaningfulrelationships.Activator: Findsomeone wholoves to getprojects startedand jump intoaction.Empathy: Findsomeone whocan easilyunderstandothers’ feelings.Deliberative: Findsomeone wholikes to carefullythink throughdecisions beforeacting.Individualization:Find someonewho sees whatmakes eachperson unique.Arranger: Findsomeone whois good atorganizing andenjoysmultitasking.Connectedness:Find someonewho believeseverythinghappens for areason.Command: Findsomeone who iscomfortabletaking chargeand makingdecisions.Input: Findsomeone whoenjoys gatheringinformation andlearning newthings.Significance:Find someonewho wants tomake a lastingimpact onothers.Achiever: Findsomeone whofeels a sense ofaccomplishmentafter completingtasks.Woo (WinningOthers Over): Findsomeone wholoves meeting newpeople andmakingconnections.Belief: Findsomeone whois motivatedby their corevalues.Futuristic: Findsomeone whoenjoys thinkingabout andplanning for thefuture.Maximizer: Findsomeone whostrives to turnsomething goodinto somethinggreat.Self-Assurance:Find someonewho isconfident intheir abilitiesand decisions.Developer: Findsomeone wholoves helpingothers growand improve.Discipline: Findsomeone wholikes structureand sticking toa routine.Focus: Findsomeone whois good atconcentratingon their goals.Restorative:Find someonewho enjoyssolvingproblems andfixing things.Consistency:Find someonewho valuesfairness andtreating everyoneequally.Harmony: Findsomeone whovalues peaceand prefersavoidingconflict.Includer: Findsomeone whoalways tries toinvolve othersin activities.Competition:Find someonewho lovescompeting andenjoys beingthe best.Communication:Find someonewho enjoystelling stories orsharing ideas.Analytical: Findsomeone wholikes to thinkcritically andanalyzesituations.Adaptability:Find someonewho enjoysflexibility andcan easily gowith the flow.Strategic: Findsomeone who canquickly findpatterns andsolutions incomplexsituations.Responsibility:Find someonewho alwayskeeps theirpromises.Positivity: Findsomeone wholoves to inspireand motivateothers.Intellection:Find someonewho enjoysdeep thinkingand reflection.Ideation: Findsomeone wholovesbrainstormingand generatingnew ideas.Learner: Findsomeone wholoves acquiringnew skills orknowledge.Relator: Findsomeone whoenjoys buildingclose,meaningfulrelationships.Activator: Findsomeone wholoves to getprojects startedand jump intoaction.Empathy: Findsomeone whocan easilyunderstandothers’ feelings.Deliberative: Findsomeone wholikes to carefullythink throughdecisions beforeacting.Individualization:Find someonewho sees whatmakes eachperson unique.Arranger: Findsomeone whois good atorganizing andenjoysmultitasking.Connectedness:Find someonewho believeseverythinghappens for areason.Command: Findsomeone who iscomfortabletaking chargeand makingdecisions.Input: Findsomeone whoenjoys gatheringinformation andlearning newthings.Significance:Find someonewho wants tomake a lastingimpact onothers.Achiever: Findsomeone whofeels a sense ofaccomplishmentafter completingtasks.Woo (WinningOthers Over): Findsomeone wholoves meeting newpeople andmakingconnections.Belief: Findsomeone whois motivatedby their corevalues.Futuristic: Findsomeone whoenjoys thinkingabout andplanning for thefuture.Maximizer: Findsomeone whostrives to turnsomething goodinto somethinggreat.Self-Assurance:Find someonewho isconfident intheir abilitiesand decisions.Developer: Findsomeone wholoves helpingothers growand improve.Discipline: Findsomeone wholikes structureand sticking toa routine.Focus: Findsomeone whois good atconcentratingon their goals.Restorative:Find someonewho enjoyssolvingproblems andfixing things.Consistency:Find someonewho valuesfairness andtreating everyoneequally.Harmony: Findsomeone whovalues peaceand prefersavoidingconflict.Includer: Findsomeone whoalways tries toinvolve othersin activities.Competition:Find someonewho lovescompeting andenjoys beingthe best.Communication:Find someonewho enjoystelling stories orsharing ideas.Analytical: Findsomeone wholikes to thinkcritically andanalyzesituations.Adaptability:Find someonewho enjoysflexibility andcan easily gowith the flow.Strategic: Findsomeone who canquickly findpatterns andsolutions incomplexsituations.Responsibility:Find someonewho alwayskeeps theirpromises.

Strength Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Positivity: Find someone who loves to inspire and motivate others.
  2. Intellection: Find someone who enjoys deep thinking and reflection.
  3. Ideation: Find someone who loves brainstorming and generating new ideas.
  4. Learner: Find someone who loves acquiring new skills or knowledge.
  5. Relator: Find someone who enjoys building close, meaningful relationships.
  6. Activator: Find someone who loves to get projects started and jump into action.
  7. Empathy: Find someone who can easily understand others’ feelings.
  8. Deliberative: Find someone who likes to carefully think through decisions before acting.
  9. Individualization: Find someone who sees what makes each person unique.
  10. Arranger: Find someone who is good at organizing and enjoys multitasking.
  11. Connectedness: Find someone who believes everything happens for a reason.
  12. Command: Find someone who is comfortable taking charge and making decisions.
  13. Input: Find someone who enjoys gathering information and learning new things.
  14. Significance: Find someone who wants to make a lasting impact on others.
  15. Achiever: Find someone who feels a sense of accomplishment after completing tasks.
  16. Woo (Winning Others Over): Find someone who loves meeting new people and making connections.
  17. Belief: Find someone who is motivated by their core values.
  18. Futuristic: Find someone who enjoys thinking about and planning for the future.
  19. Maximizer: Find someone who strives to turn something good into something great.
  20. Self-Assurance: Find someone who is confident in their abilities and decisions.
  21. Developer: Find someone who loves helping others grow and improve.
  22. Discipline: Find someone who likes structure and sticking to a routine.
  23. Focus: Find someone who is good at concentrating on their goals.
  24. Restorative: Find someone who enjoys solving problems and fixing things.
  25. Consistency: Find someone who values fairness and treating everyone equally.
  26. Harmony: Find someone who values peace and prefers avoiding conflict.
  27. Includer: Find someone who always tries to involve others in activities.
  28. Competition: Find someone who loves competing and enjoys being the best.
  29. Communication: Find someone who enjoys telling stories or sharing ideas.
  30. Analytical: Find someone who likes to think critically and analyze situations.
  31. Adaptability: Find someone who enjoys flexibility and can easily go with the flow.
  32. Strategic: Find someone who can quickly find patterns and solutions in complex situations.
  33. Responsibility: Find someone who always keeps their promises.