Can namethree U.S.presidents(not the firstone)Knows whatstateFrederickDouglasswas born inCan namethe firstpresidentof the U.S.Knowswhat monthElectionDay is inKnows whatbranch ofgovernmentCongress isa part ofKnowsthe capitalof theU.S.Knows theoriginalnumber ofcolonies inthe U.S.Knows whatthe GreatDepressionisCan nameone reasonwhy 2024 is amajor year inU.S. politicsKnows whatamendmentgave womenthe right tovoteHas heard ofthe SupremeCourt caseBrown vs.Board ofEducationKnowsanotherterm for"the 1900s"Can nametwo warsAmerica wasinvolved inHas heardthe term"ManifestDestiny"beforeKnows whatthe AmericanRevolution isCan namethe numberof states inthe U.S.Can namea majorriver or lakein the U.S.Can nameone militaryconflict/warhappeningtodayCan namethe two majorpoliticalparties in theU.S.Knows whathappenedat PearlHarborCan nametwo peoplewho foughtagainstinjusticeCan namethe threebranches ofgovernmentKnows whattheUndergroundRailroad isCan nametwo U.S.territoriesCan namethree U.S.presidents(not the firstone)Knows whatstateFrederickDouglasswas born inCan namethe firstpresidentof the U.S.Knowswhat monthElectionDay is inKnows whatbranch ofgovernmentCongress isa part ofKnowsthe capitalof theU.S.Knows theoriginalnumber ofcolonies inthe U.S.Knows whatthe GreatDepressionisCan nameone reasonwhy 2024 is amajor year inU.S. politicsKnows whatamendmentgave womenthe right tovoteHas heard ofthe SupremeCourt caseBrown vs.Board ofEducationKnowsanotherterm for"the 1900s"Can nametwo warsAmerica wasinvolved inHas heardthe term"ManifestDestiny"beforeKnows whatthe AmericanRevolution isCan namethe numberof states inthe U.S.Can namea majorriver or lakein the U.S.Can nameone militaryconflict/warhappeningtodayCan namethe two majorpoliticalparties in theU.S.Knows whathappenedat PearlHarborCan nametwo peoplewho foughtagainstinjusticeCan namethe threebranches ofgovernmentKnows whattheUndergroundRailroad isCan nametwo U.S.territories

U.S. History & Current Events Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Can name three U.S. presidents (not the first one)
  2. Knows what state Frederick Douglass was born in
  3. Can name the first president of the U.S.
  4. Knows what month Election Day is in
  5. Knows what branch of government Congress is a part of
  6. Knows the capital of the U.S.
  7. Knows the original number of colonies in the U.S.
  8. Knows what the Great Depression is
  9. Can name one reason why 2024 is a major year in U.S. politics
  10. Knows what amendment gave women the right to vote
  11. Has heard of the Supreme Court case Brown vs. Board of Education
  12. Knows another term for "the 1900s"
  13. Can name two wars America was involved in
  14. Has heard the term "Manifest Destiny" before
  15. Knows what the American Revolution is
  16. Can name the number of states in the U.S.
  17. Can name a major river or lake in the U.S.
  18. Can name one military conflict/war happening today
  19. Can name the two major political parties in the U.S.
  20. Knows what happened at Pearl Harbor
  21. Can name two people who fought against injustice
  22. Can name the three branches of government
  23. Knows what the Underground Railroad is
  24. Can name two U.S. territories