Find andread/share thePride ResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Thank someonewho helped youout from anotherdepartment/team.Find andread/share theAbility NetworkResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Share amissionmoment onan upcomingTeams call.Start a teammeeting byasking a fellowRed Crossertheir why.Ask your localCultureChampion howyou can supportupcomingevents.Find andread/share theWomen’sResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Someonewho hasreceived anawardrecently.Check in with aRed Crosser inyour departmentwho has beenhere less than ayear!Meet someonewho has donatedtheir time foranother non-profitand ask themabout theirpassion.Find andread/share theAAPI ResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Change yourTeamsbackground to aSpirit Weekbackgroundlocated onOneSource.Send a cuteGIF to a staffmember whorecentlycelebrated abirthday.Take aclass inPercipio.Make aprofessionaldevelopmentplan foryourself for thenext 6 months.Workedtogether ona projectwith anotherpeer.Findsomeonewho hasdeployed fora disaster.Thank aServiceMemberover Teams.Find a teammember who hasgiven over a gallonof blood and askthem how theystarted donating.Sign upfor CPRclass orRefresh.Find andread/share theVIDA ResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Find a DEIevent thathappens onyour birthdayand share witha peer.Celebrate DEI withtheir team bysharing somethingabout the month ofOctober in a teammeeting.Come upwith an ideaand presentit in a groupmeeting.Make a virtualcard for a co-worker,volunteer, ordonor.Join aresourcegroup thatspeaks toyou.Find a DEI eventthat happens onyour workanniversary andshare with apeer.Find somethingRed in yourenvironmentthat isn’t RedCross.Find a RedCrosser who hasbeen here morethan 25+ yearsand congratulatethem in a meetingfor their tenure.Reach out toyour localSAF andthank them forwhat they do.Take a pictureof the fireextinguisherin your house.Find andread/share theVeteransResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Open ameeting with“Tell mesomethinggood!”.Find andread/share theUmojaResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Find someonewho hasworked with thesound theAlarm program.Find andread/share thePride ResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Thank someonewho helped youout from anotherdepartment/team.Find andread/share theAbility NetworkResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Share amissionmoment onan upcomingTeams call.Start a teammeeting byasking a fellowRed Crossertheir why.Ask your localCultureChampion howyou can supportupcomingevents.Find andread/share theWomen’sResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Someonewho hasreceived anawardrecently.Check in with aRed Crosser inyour departmentwho has beenhere less than ayear!Meet someonewho has donatedtheir time foranother non-profitand ask themabout theirpassion.Find andread/share theAAPI ResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Change yourTeamsbackground to aSpirit Weekbackgroundlocated onOneSource.Send a cuteGIF to a staffmember whorecentlycelebrated abirthday.Take aclass inPercipio.Make aprofessionaldevelopmentplan foryourself for thenext 6 months.Workedtogether ona projectwith anotherpeer.Findsomeonewho hasdeployed fora disaster.Thank aServiceMemberover Teams.Find a teammember who hasgiven over a gallonof blood and askthem how theystarted donating.Sign upfor CPRclass orRefresh.Find andread/share theVIDA ResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Find a DEIevent thathappens onyour birthdayand share witha peer.Celebrate DEI withtheir team bysharing somethingabout the month ofOctober in a teammeeting.Come upwith an ideaand presentit in a groupmeeting.Make a virtualcard for a co-worker,volunteer, ordonor.Join aresourcegroup thatspeaks toyou.Find a DEI eventthat happens onyour workanniversary andshare with apeer.Find somethingRed in yourenvironmentthat isn’t RedCross.Find a RedCrosser who hasbeen here morethan 25+ yearsand congratulatethem in a meetingfor their tenure.Reach out toyour localSAF andthank them forwhat they do.Take a pictureof the fireextinguisherin your house.Find andread/share theVeteransResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Open ameeting with“Tell mesomethinggood!”.Find andread/share theUmojaResourceGroups Missionon OneSource.Find someonewho hasworked with thesound theAlarm program.

Superhero Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find and read/share the Pride Resource Groups Mission on OneSource.
  2. Thank someone who helped you out from another department/team.
  3. Find and read/share the Ability Network Resource Groups Mission on OneSource.
  4. Share a mission moment on an upcoming Teams call.
  5. Start a team meeting by asking a fellow Red Crosser their why.
  6. Ask your local Culture Champion how you can support upcoming events.
  7. Find and read/share the Women’s Resource Groups Mission on OneSource.
  8. Someone who has received an award recently.
  9. Check in with a Red Crosser in your department who has been here less than a year!
  10. Meet someone who has donated their time for another non-profit and ask them about their passion.
  11. Find and read/share the AAPI Resource Groups Mission on OneSource.
  12. Change your Teams background to a Spirit Week background located on OneSource.
  13. Send a cute GIF to a staff member who recently celebrated a birthday.
  14. Take a class in Percipio.
  15. Make a professional development plan for yourself for the next 6 months.
  16. Worked together on a project with another peer.
  17. Find someone who has deployed for a disaster.
  18. Thank a Service Member over Teams.
  19. Find a team member who has given over a gallon of blood and ask them how they started donating.
  20. Sign up for CPR class or Refresh.
  21. Find and read/share the VIDA Resource Groups Mission on OneSource.
  22. Find a DEI event that happens on your birthday and share with a peer.
  23. Celebrate DEI with their team by sharing something about the month of October in a team meeting.
  24. Come up with an idea and present it in a group meeting.
  25. Make a virtual card for a co-worker, volunteer, or donor.
  26. Join a resource group that speaks to you.
  27. Find a DEI event that happens on your work anniversary and share with a peer.
  28. Find something Red in your environment that isn’t Red Cross.
  29. Find a Red Crosser who has been here more than 25+ years and congratulate them in a meeting for their tenure.
  30. Reach out to your local SAF and thank them for what they do.
  31. Take a picture of the fire extinguisher in your house.
  32. Find and read/share the Veterans Resource Groups Mission on OneSource.
  33. Open a meeting with “Tell me something good!”.
  34. Find and read/share the Umoja Resource Groups Mission on OneSource.
  35. Find someone who has worked with the sound the Alarm program.