What exactly isReptar? Conjure theimage in your head: helooks like a T-Rex buthas the backside of astegosaurus? Now it’syour turn to work thatinto a conversation. Remember Yoshi?Mario took noissue withdinosaurs—instead hebefriended onethat eats fruit!Dinos lived duringthe ‘Mesozoic Era’known as ‘The Ageof The Dinosaurs’.And coming soon,the ‘DiFiore-NortonEra’ will commence! The smallestdino eggs wereone inch acrossand laid by themussaurus.Pterodactylsactually aren’tdinosaurs. They’retheir own speciesthat evolvedbefore their dinorelatives.Jurassic Park wasinarguably a smash hit,but it still cost $63million dollars to make—which ‘might’ be howmuch groceries start tocost at the DiNohousehold once thehatchlings are born!Stegosaurus’were the‘dumbest’dinos, havingbrains the sizeof walnuts. The first mounteddino skeleton in theworld was createdin Philadelphia forthe Academy ofNatural Sciences in1868. Dinosaurshave beenextinct for 65million years.Are you a Doctor Whofan? Apparently therewas a 1974 episodecalled ‘Invasion of theDinosaurs’ thatfeatured a T-Rexamong other dinos.Good luck making thisreference. Free!Saltopus was theoldest dinosaurhaving lived 245million years agowith remains foundin Scotland!The largest land-based dinosaurswere 40 meterslong and 21meters tall (thelength of 4 fireengines)A T-Rex’s bite had aforce or 12,800 poundsper square inch. Youmight need to warnJulia to keep herdistance from Malcolmwhen dinner is servedat the wedding!Snakes have beenaround as long asthe dinosaurs, sono time machinecan save you froma fear of snakes,unfortunately.Dinos lived on allseven continents,includingAntarctica. Goodluck digging upthose bones!What exactly isReptar? Conjure theimage in your head: helooks like a T-Rex buthas the backside of astegosaurus? Now it’syour turn to work thatinto a conversation. Remember Yoshi?Mario took noissue withdinosaurs—instead hebefriended onethat eats fruit!Dinos lived duringthe ‘Mesozoic Era’known as ‘The Ageof The Dinosaurs’.And coming soon,the ‘DiFiore-NortonEra’ will commence! The smallestdino eggs wereone inch acrossand laid by themussaurus.Pterodactylsactually aren’tdinosaurs. They’retheir own speciesthat evolvedbefore their dinorelatives.Jurassic Park wasinarguably a smash hit,but it still cost $63million dollars to make—which ‘might’ be howmuch groceries start tocost at the DiNohousehold once thehatchlings are born!Stegosaurus’were the‘dumbest’dinos, havingbrains the sizeof walnuts. The first mounteddino skeleton in theworld was createdin Philadelphia forthe Academy ofNatural Sciences in1868. Dinosaurshave beenextinct for 65million years.Are you a Doctor Whofan? Apparently therewas a 1974 episodecalled ‘Invasion of theDinosaurs’ thatfeatured a T-Rexamong other dinos.Good luck making thisreference. Free!Saltopus was theoldest dinosaurhaving lived 245million years agowith remains foundin Scotland!The largest land-based dinosaurswere 40 meterslong and 21meters tall (thelength of 4 fireengines)A T-Rex’s bite had aforce or 12,800 poundsper square inch. Youmight need to warnJulia to keep herdistance from Malcolmwhen dinner is servedat the wedding!Snakes have beenaround as long asthe dinosaurs, sono time machinecan save you froma fear of snakes,unfortunately.Dinos lived on allseven continents,includingAntarctica. Goodluck digging upthose bones!

DiNo Wedding Party Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What exactly is Reptar? Conjure the image in your head: he looks like a T-Rex but has the backside of a stegosaurus? Now it’s your turn to work that into a conversation.
  2. Remember Yoshi? Mario took no issue with dinosaurs—instead he befriended one that eats fruit!
  3. Dinos lived during the ‘Mesozoic Era’ known as ‘The Age of The Dinosaurs’. And coming soon, the ‘DiFiore-Norton Era’ will commence!
  4. The smallest dino eggs were one inch across and laid by the mussaurus.
  5. Pterodactyls actually aren’t dinosaurs. They’re their own species that evolved before their dino relatives.
  6. Jurassic Park was inarguably a smash hit, but it still cost $63 million dollars to make—which ‘might’ be how much groceries start to cost at the DiNo household once the hatchlings are born!
  7. Stegosaurus’ were the ‘dumbest’ dinos, having brains the size of walnuts.
  8. The first mounted dino skeleton in the world was created in Philadelphia for the Academy of Natural Sciences in 1868.
  9. Dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 million years.
  10. Are you a Doctor Who fan? Apparently there was a 1974 episode called ‘Invasion of the Dinosaurs’ that featured a T-Rex among other dinos. Good luck making this reference.
  11. Free!
  12. Saltopus was the oldest dinosaur having lived 245 million years ago with remains found in Scotland!
  13. The largest land-based dinosaurs were 40 meters long and 21 meters tall (the length of 4 fire engines)
  14. A T-Rex’s bite had a force or 12,800 pounds per square inch. You might need to warn Julia to keep her distance from Malcolm when dinner is served at the wedding!
  15. Snakes have been around as long as the dinosaurs, so no time machine can save you from a fear of snakes, unfortunately.
  16. Dinos lived on all seven continents, including Antarctica. Good luck digging up those bones!