the type ofbusiness whereit is easy totransferownershiptype ofbusinesswhere there isrisk of partnerconflictthe oldestand mostcommontype ofbusinessorganizationsthat operatefor purposesother thanmaking a profita type ofbusinesswhere all theprofits go tothe ownerthe type ofaccountantwith themostexpertisethe uniquequalities thatmake usdifferent fromeach othera review ofaccountingsystems to makesure accountingprinciples havebeen followedthecorporation'slegal ownersorganizationsthat provideclients withmanyaccountingservicesassessmentsthat helpidentify yourpreferencesperson that doesmany things,includingpreparing andinterpretingfinancial reportstype ofbusiness thatis easy to start,but hardest toraise moneymakingcontacts toshareinformationand advicetheprinciples/beliefsthat you live byand areimportant to youan entry-leveljob where onecan eitherspecialize or domultiple tasksthis type ofbusiness iseasy toexpandorganizationsthat operateto earnmoney fortheir ownersthe way youuse yourtime, energyandresourcesanaccountantwho haspassed anational testtype ofbusinessthat hasmoreregulationstype ofbusinesswhere lossesare limited toinvestmentactivitiesthat youdo welltype ofbusiness whereit is easy tostart, but thereare sharedrisksthe type ofbusiness whereit is easy totransferownershiptype ofbusinesswhere there isrisk of partnerconflictthe oldestand mostcommontype ofbusinessorganizationsthat operatefor purposesother thanmaking a profita type ofbusinesswhere all theprofits go tothe ownerthe type ofaccountantwith themostexpertisethe uniquequalities thatmake usdifferent fromeach othera review ofaccountingsystems to makesure accountingprinciples havebeen followedthecorporation'slegal ownersorganizationsthat provideclients withmanyaccountingservicesassessmentsthat helpidentify yourpreferencesperson that doesmany things,includingpreparing andinterpretingfinancial reportstype ofbusiness thatis easy to start,but hardest toraise moneymakingcontacts toshareinformationand advicetheprinciples/beliefsthat you live byand areimportant to youan entry-leveljob where onecan eitherspecialize or domultiple tasksthis type ofbusiness iseasy toexpandorganizationsthat operateto earnmoney fortheir ownersthe way youuse yourtime, energyandresourcesanaccountantwho haspassed anational testtype ofbusinessthat hasmoreregulationstype ofbusinesswhere lossesare limited toinvestmentactivitiesthat youdo welltype ofbusiness whereit is easy tostart, but thereare sharedrisks

Chapters 1 and 2 Accounting Bingo C - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. the type of business where it is easy to transfer ownership
  2. type of business where there is risk of partner conflict
  3. the oldest and most common type of business
  4. organizations that operate for purposes other than making a profit
  5. a type of business where all the profits go to the owner
  6. the type of accountant with the most expertise
  7. the unique qualities that make us different from each other
  8. a review of accounting systems to make sure accounting principles have been followed
  9. the corporation's legal owners
  10. organizations that provide clients with many accounting services
  11. assessments that help identify your preferences
  12. person that does many things, including preparing and interpreting financial reports
  13. type of business that is easy to start, but hardest to raise money
  14. making contacts to share information and advice
  15. the principles/beliefs that you live by and are important to you
  16. an entry-level job where one can either specialize or do multiple tasks
  17. this type of business is easy to expand
  18. organizations that operate to earn money for their owners
  19. the way you use your time, energy and resources
  20. an accountant who has passed a national test
  21. type of business that has more regulations
  22. type of business where losses are limited to investment
  23. activities that you do well
  24. type of business where it is easy to start, but there are shared risks