Kamala GetsReallyExcited AboutSomethingSuper NicheTrump ClaimsHe’s the“Greatest Ever”at SomethingCompletelyRandomTrump ClaimsHe Could SolveWorld Peace IfOnly He Werein ChargeTrump ClaimsThat“Everybody”Agrees withHim, WithoutAny EvidenceKamala Makesa Reference to“HistoricalLessons” LikeShe’s a TimeTravelerKamala TalksAbout Her“IncredibleTeam” LikeThey’reSuperheroesKamalaMentions Her“Grandmother’sWisdom” with aSweet butSerious StoryTrump Makesa GrandioseClaim AboutSaving theWorldKamala TalksAbout How She“Danced HerWay to the Top”(Metaphoricallyor Literally)Trump TalksAbout How “NoOne” KnowsMore About[insert topic]Than He DoesKamala Uses anElaborate AnalogyAbout EverydayLife (e.g., “It’s liketrying to bake acake with noflour”)Kamala Makesan ImpassionedPlea AboutUnity and ThenSmiles Like aCheshire CatTrump Claims theDebate is “TheMost ImportantDebate Ever”While ShufflingPapers Like aMagicianKamala Uses aPhrase Like“Let’s Get Real”and Then Dropsa ComplexPolicy ProposalKamala Makesa Reference toa Celebrity orPop CultureIcon in a PolicyContextTrump BoastsAbout His“TremendousMemory” and ThenForgets What HeWas Talking AboutKamala UsesHer “I’m NotMad, JustDisappointed”Face to Make aPointKamalaMentions “TheAmericanDream” with aNostalgic Glintin Her EyeTrump Claims ThatHis AdministrationWas “MoreSuccessful ThanAny Other” with anOutlandish StatisticTrump InsultsSomeone in theAudience (orClaims They’re“Not Smart”)KamalaUses aMovie Quoteto Explain aPolicyKamalaDrops a MicDropMoment onPolicyTrump ComparesHimself toHistorical Figuresin the MostOutlandish WayTrumpReferences His“Huge, VeryPopular” SocialMediaFollowingTrumpComplainsAbout theDebate Being“Rigged” withNo EvidenceTrump Attemptsa Funny Storybut Ends UpJust CriticizingSomeoneTrump Claims theMedia is “Out toGet Him” withEvidence Like“They Didn’t ShowMy Best Side”KamalaUses a Joketo Underlinea SeriousPointTrump ClaimsHe “Invented”aCommonplaceThingTrump Usesan OutdatedCatchphraseLike “Huge”or “Yuge”Trump Tries toDemonstrateHow Great His“Very LargeHands” AreKamala TalksAbout “Bridgingthe Divide” withan EnthusiasticHand GestureTrump CallsKamala aNickname OnlyHe Thinks isFunnyKamalaReferences HerFavorite IceCream Flavor as aMetaphor forSomethingSeriousTrump TalksAbout His“TremendousSuccesses” inCompletelyRandom AreasKamalaLaughs Likea FriendlyHyenaTrumpMentions His“Beautiful,Tremendous”WallKamala CallsOut a SpecificPolicy Mistakewith a SmileThat Could CutGlassKamala BringsUp Her “ToughestCases” LikeShe’s JustWritten a NewThriller NovelKamala Usesan EmotionalAppeal SoPowerful ItNearly Breaksthe InternetKamala GetsReallyExcited AboutSomethingSuper NicheTrump ClaimsHe’s the“Greatest Ever”at SomethingCompletelyRandomTrump ClaimsHe Could SolveWorld Peace IfOnly He Werein ChargeTrump ClaimsThat“Everybody”Agrees withHim, WithoutAny EvidenceKamala Makesa Reference to“HistoricalLessons” LikeShe’s a TimeTravelerKamala TalksAbout Her“IncredibleTeam” LikeThey’reSuperheroesKamalaMentions Her“Grandmother’sWisdom” with aSweet butSerious StoryTrump Makesa GrandioseClaim AboutSaving theWorldKamala TalksAbout How She“Danced HerWay to the Top”(Metaphoricallyor Literally)Trump TalksAbout How “NoOne” KnowsMore About[insert topic]Than He DoesKamala Uses anElaborate AnalogyAbout EverydayLife (e.g., “It’s liketrying to bake acake with noflour”)Kamala Makesan ImpassionedPlea AboutUnity and ThenSmiles Like aCheshire CatTrump Claims theDebate is “TheMost ImportantDebate Ever”While ShufflingPapers Like aMagicianKamala Uses aPhrase Like“Let’s Get Real”and Then Dropsa ComplexPolicy ProposalKamala Makesa Reference toa Celebrity orPop CultureIcon in a PolicyContextTrump BoastsAbout His“TremendousMemory” and ThenForgets What HeWas Talking AboutKamala UsesHer “I’m NotMad, JustDisappointed”Face to Make aPointKamalaMentions “TheAmericanDream” with aNostalgic Glintin Her EyeTrump Claims ThatHis AdministrationWas “MoreSuccessful ThanAny Other” with anOutlandish StatisticTrump InsultsSomeone in theAudience (orClaims They’re“Not Smart”)KamalaUses aMovie Quoteto Explain aPolicyKamalaDrops a MicDropMoment onPolicyTrump ComparesHimself toHistorical Figuresin the MostOutlandish WayTrumpReferences His“Huge, VeryPopular” SocialMediaFollowingTrumpComplainsAbout theDebate Being“Rigged” withNo EvidenceTrump Attemptsa Funny Storybut Ends UpJust CriticizingSomeoneTrump Claims theMedia is “Out toGet Him” withEvidence Like“They Didn’t ShowMy Best Side”KamalaUses a Joketo Underlinea SeriousPointTrump ClaimsHe “Invented”aCommonplaceThingTrump Usesan OutdatedCatchphraseLike “Huge”or “Yuge”Trump Tries toDemonstrateHow Great His“Very LargeHands” AreKamala TalksAbout “Bridgingthe Divide” withan EnthusiasticHand GestureTrump CallsKamala aNickname OnlyHe Thinks isFunnyKamalaReferences HerFavorite IceCream Flavor as aMetaphor forSomethingSeriousTrump TalksAbout His“TremendousSuccesses” inCompletelyRandom AreasKamalaLaughs Likea FriendlyHyenaTrumpMentions His“Beautiful,Tremendous”WallKamala CallsOut a SpecificPolicy Mistakewith a SmileThat Could CutGlassKamala BringsUp Her “ToughestCases” LikeShe’s JustWritten a NewThriller NovelKamala Usesan EmotionalAppeal SoPowerful ItNearly Breaksthe Internet

Presidential Debate Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Kamala Gets Really Excited About Something Super Niche
  2. Trump Claims He’s the “Greatest Ever” at Something Completely Random
  3. Trump Claims He Could Solve World Peace If Only He Were in Charge
  4. Trump Claims That “Everybody” Agrees with Him, Without Any Evidence
  5. Kamala Makes a Reference to “Historical Lessons” Like She’s a Time Traveler
  6. Kamala Talks About Her “Incredible Team” Like They’re Superheroes
  7. Kamala Mentions Her “Grandmother’s Wisdom” with a Sweet but Serious Story
  8. Trump Makes a Grandiose Claim About Saving the World
  9. Kamala Talks About How She “Danced Her Way to the Top” (Metaphorically or Literally)
  10. Trump Talks About How “No One” Knows More About [insert topic] Than He Does
  11. Kamala Uses an Elaborate Analogy About Everyday Life (e.g., “It’s like trying to bake a cake with no flour”)
  12. Kamala Makes an Impassioned Plea About Unity and Then Smiles Like a Cheshire Cat
  13. Trump Claims the Debate is “The Most Important Debate Ever” While Shuffling Papers Like a Magician
  14. Kamala Uses a Phrase Like “Let’s Get Real” and Then Drops a Complex Policy Proposal
  15. Kamala Makes a Reference to a Celebrity or Pop Culture Icon in a Policy Context
  16. Trump Boasts About His “Tremendous Memory” and Then Forgets What He Was Talking About
  17. Kamala Uses Her “I’m Not Mad, Just Disappointed” Face to Make a Point
  18. Kamala Mentions “The American Dream” with a Nostalgic Glint in Her Eye
  19. Trump Claims That His Administration Was “More Successful Than Any Other” with an Outlandish Statistic
  20. Trump Insults Someone in the Audience (or Claims They’re “Not Smart”)
  21. Kamala Uses a Movie Quote to Explain a Policy
  22. Kamala Drops a Mic Drop Moment on Policy
  23. Trump Compares Himself to Historical Figures in the Most Outlandish Way
  24. Trump References His “Huge, Very Popular” Social Media Following
  25. Trump Complains About the Debate Being “Rigged” with No Evidence
  26. Trump Attempts a Funny Story but Ends Up Just Criticizing Someone
  27. Trump Claims the Media is “Out to Get Him” with Evidence Like “They Didn’t Show My Best Side”
  28. Kamala Uses a Joke to Underline a Serious Point
  29. Trump Claims He “Invented” a Commonplace Thing
  30. Trump Uses an Outdated Catchphrase Like “Huge” or “Yuge”
  31. Trump Tries to Demonstrate How Great His “Very Large Hands” Are
  32. Kamala Talks About “Bridging the Divide” with an Enthusiastic Hand Gesture
  33. Trump Calls Kamala a Nickname Only He Thinks is Funny
  34. Kamala References Her Favorite Ice Cream Flavor as a Metaphor for Something Serious
  35. Trump Talks About His “Tremendous Successes” in Completely Random Areas
  36. Kamala Laughs Like a Friendly Hyena
  37. Trump Mentions His “Beautiful, Tremendous” Wall
  38. Kamala Calls Out a Specific Policy Mistake with a Smile That Could Cut Glass
  39. Kamala Brings Up Her “Toughest Cases” Like She’s Just Written a New Thriller Novel
  40. Kamala Uses an Emotional Appeal So Powerful It Nearly Breaks the Internet