Has a specialhobby orinterest thatthey arepassionateaboutHas experienced amoment of failureand learned from it Learnt howsometimes failurecan lead to bigaccomplishments Has someone theylook up to as a rolemodel or mentor Discussing rolemodels can revealvalues and goals.  Has faced a difficultdecision and learnedsomething valuablefrom the experience This can includechoices about toschool, friendships, orfamily Has experienced a timewhen they felt really proudof an accomplishment This could be anythingfrom finishing a challengingproject to achieving apersonal goal.Has faced a bigchallenge and found away to overcome it This can includepersonal or schoolchallenges, and howthey managed to getthrough them. Has a favoritememory with friendsor family that bringsthem joy Positive, personalmemories andstories. Has apersonal goalor dream theyare workingtowardsHas a familytradition that theyfind meaningful Something specialthat their familydoes together. Has felt nervous oranxious about animportant event Examples mightinclude taking a test,performing in front ofothers, or moving to anew place. Has experienced atime when they feltleft out or excluded Sharing theseexperiences canmake you feel moreconnected Has a specialhobby orinterest thatthey arepassionateaboutHas experienced amoment of failureand learned from it Learnt howsometimes failurecan lead to bigaccomplishments Has someone theylook up to as a rolemodel or mentor Discussing rolemodels can revealvalues and goals.  Has faced a difficultdecision and learnedsomething valuablefrom the experience This can includechoices about toschool, friendships, orfamily Has experienced a timewhen they felt really proudof an accomplishment This could be anythingfrom finishing a challengingproject to achieving apersonal goal.Has faced a bigchallenge and found away to overcome it This can includepersonal or schoolchallenges, and howthey managed to getthrough them. Has a favoritememory with friendsor family that bringsthem joy Positive, personalmemories andstories. Has apersonal goalor dream theyare workingtowardsHas a familytradition that theyfind meaningful Something specialthat their familydoes together. Has felt nervous oranxious about animportant event Examples mightinclude taking a test,performing in front ofothers, or moving to anew place. Has experienced atime when they feltleft out or excluded Sharing theseexperiences canmake you feel moreconnected 

Chassidus Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has a special hobby or interest that they are passionate about
  2. Has experienced a moment of failure and learned from it Learnt how sometimes failure can lead to big accomplishments
  3. Has someone they look up to as a role model or mentor Discussing role models can reveal values and goals.
  4. Has faced a difficult decision and learned something valuable from the experience This can include choices about to school, friendships, or family
  5. Has experienced a time when they felt really proud of an accomplishment This could be anything from finishing a challenging project to achieving a personal goal.
  6. Has faced a big challenge and found a way to overcome it This can include personal or school challenges, and how they managed to get through them.
  7. Has a favorite memory with friends or family that brings them joy Positive, personal memories and stories.
  8. Has a personal goal or dream they are working towards
  9. Has a family tradition that they find meaningful Something special that their family does together.
  10. Has felt nervous or anxious about an important event Examples might include taking a test, performing in front of others, or moving to a new place.
  11. Has experienced a time when they felt left out or excluded Sharing these experiences can make you feel more connected