Women mayfacerestrictionson … havingan own job.Men oftenreceivemore …freedom.Culturally,women facepressure toconform to …the ideal of theperfect Woman.Womenencounterchallenges in… doing whatthey want.Womenmight face… socialinequality.Some societiestolerate ordownplay …the rights ofdifferentgenders.Men are oftenexpected to… be thestrongergender.Men might facesocial pressureto … providefor their familyon their own.Society oftenexpects mento … takethe leadingrole.Women mayfacerestrictionson … havingan own job.Men oftenreceivemore …freedom.Culturally,women facepressure toconform to …the ideal of theperfect Woman.Womenencounterchallenges in… doing whatthey want.Womenmight face… socialinequality.Some societiestolerate ordownplay …the rights ofdifferentgenders.Men are oftenexpected to… be thestrongergender.Men might facesocial pressureto … providefor their familyon their own.Society oftenexpects mento … takethe leadingrole.

Patriarchal structures - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Women may face restrictions on … having an own job.
  2. Men often receive more … freedom.
  3. Culturally, women face pressure to conform to … the ideal of the perfect Woman.
  4. Women encounter challenges in … doing what they want.
  5. Women might face … social inequality.
  6. Some societies tolerate or downplay … the rights of different genders.
  7. Men are often expected to … be the stronger gender.
  8. Men might face social pressure to … provide for their family on their own.
  9. Society often expects men to … take the leading role.