Women oftenface pressureto …stay hometake care ofthe kidsWomen areoftenexpected to…care of thehouseholdThere is a lotof pressure ..comply to menand the socialstructureThe decisionswomen make,such as…choosing a jobover staying athomeWomen oftenplay a bigrole in takingof … childrenand babiesSociety mighthavesspecific ideasabout howwomen should…be treatedWomen mightface criticismfor … wantingto change thesocial systemWomensometimeshave to fightfor …theirrightsWomen oftenface pressureto …stay hometake care ofthe kidsWomen areoftenexpected to…care of thehouseholdThere is a lotof pressure ..comply to menand the socialstructureThe decisionswomen make,such as…choosing a jobover staying athomeWomen oftenplay a bigrole in takingof … childrenand babiesSociety mighthavesspecific ideasabout howwomen should…be treatedWomen mightface criticismfor … wantingto change thesocial systemWomensometimeshave to fightfor …theirrights

Patriarchy - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Women often face pressure to …stay home take care of the kids
  2. Women are often expected to…care of the household
  3. There is a lot of pressure .. comply to men and the social structure
  4. The decisions women make, such as…choosing a job over staying at home
  5. Women often play a big role in taking of … children and babies
  6. Society might haves specific ideas about how women should…be treated
  7. Women might face criticism for … wanting to change the social system
  8. Women sometimes have to fight for …their rights