Men mightfeel pressureto choose ajob with asecure salaryCulturally,women facepressure toconform to theirfamiliesexpectationsMen areoftenexpected tosuppressvulnerabilitySome societiestolerate ordownplayyoung boys‘saggressiontowards girlsSociety oftenexpects mento take onthe leadingroleWomenencounterchallengesmultitaskingdomestic tasksWomenmight facedifficultiesreachingtheir dreamsWomen mayfacerestrictionson choices ofprofessionsMen mightfeel pressureto choose ajob with asecure salaryCulturally,women facepressure toconform to theirfamiliesexpectationsMen areoftenexpected tosuppressvulnerabilitySome societiestolerate ordownplayyoung boys‘saggressiontowards girlsSociety oftenexpects mento take onthe leadingroleWomenencounterchallengesmultitaskingdomestic tasksWomenmight facedifficultiesreachingtheir dreamsWomen mayfacerestrictionson choices ofprofessions

Patriarchy Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Men might feel pressure to choose a job with a secure salary
  2. Culturally, women face pressure to conform to their families expectations
  3. Men are often expected to suppress vulnerability
  4. Some societies tolerate or downplay young boys‘s aggression towards girls
  5. Society often expects men to take on the leading role
  6. Women encounter challenges multitasking domestic tasks
  7. Women might face difficulties reaching their dreams
  8. Women may face restrictions on choices of professions