Matt Mickmentions howhe's worked atCenTrak for11 yearsSomeonementions>$1MremediationeffortSomeoneasks wherewe're at interms ofreleaseDeadlineneeds toget pushedbackSomeonementions apreviousTiger TeamMarcus popsinto themeeting andthen dropsbefore it endsDipal mentionssomething thatderails theconversationand causespanicMatt Mickmentions thathe's knownsomething is aproblem foreverThe excel filedoesn'tactually getupdated duringthe meetingJeff mentionshow he's toobusy to dosomething / isoverworkedSrini getsasked aquestion he'salreadyansweredbeforeBryanforgets toshare hisscreenSomeone sits onthe meetingmuted the wholetime, only to say"Thank you,bye" at the endSomeonementionsthat maybewe need togo on siteJason triesto shut downirrelevantdiscussionAnthony hasto requestprioritization/ moreresourcesSomeonewho needsto be on thecall isn't onthe callTheconversationloops backaround withoutsolvinganythingKosta bringsup a sideissue that heneeds toinvestigateSomeoneasks aquestion thatmakes nosenseMatt Mickyells at hiskid withoutbeing onmuteMatt Mickmakes aridiculousanalogyBryan triesto end themeeting inless than 15minutesSomescrum teamis gatingreleaseMatt Mickmentions howhe's worked atCenTrak for11 yearsSomeonementions>$1MremediationeffortSomeoneasks wherewe're at interms ofreleaseDeadlineneeds toget pushedbackSomeonementions apreviousTiger TeamMarcus popsinto themeeting andthen dropsbefore it endsDipal mentionssomething thatderails theconversationand causespanicMatt Mickmentions thathe's knownsomething is aproblem foreverThe excel filedoesn'tactually getupdated duringthe meetingJeff mentionshow he's toobusy to dosomething / isoverworkedSrini getsasked aquestion he'salreadyansweredbeforeBryanforgets toshare hisscreenSomeone sits onthe meetingmuted the wholetime, only to say"Thank you,bye" at the endSomeonementionsthat maybewe need togo on siteJason triesto shut downirrelevantdiscussionAnthony hasto requestprioritization/ moreresourcesSomeonewho needsto be on thecall isn't onthe callTheconversationloops backaround withoutsolvinganythingKosta bringsup a sideissue that heneeds toinvestigateSomeoneasks aquestion thatmakes nosenseMatt Mickyells at hiskid withoutbeing onmuteMatt Mickmakes aridiculousanalogyBryan triesto end themeeting inless than 15minutesSomescrum teamis gatingrelease

Tiger Team Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Matt Mick mentions how he's worked at CenTrak for 11 years
  2. Someone mentions >$1M remediation effort
  3. Someone asks where we're at in terms of release
  4. Deadline needs to get pushed back
  5. Someone mentions a previous Tiger Team
  6. Marcus pops into the meeting and then drops before it ends
  7. Dipal mentions something that derails the conversation and causes panic
  8. Matt Mick mentions that he's known something is a problem forever
  9. The excel file doesn't actually get updated during the meeting
  10. Jeff mentions how he's too busy to do something / is overworked
  11. Srini gets asked a question he's already answered before
  12. Bryan forgets to share his screen
  13. Someone sits on the meeting muted the whole time, only to say "Thank you, bye" at the end
  14. Someone mentions that maybe we need to go on site
  15. Jason tries to shut down irrelevant discussion
  16. Anthony has to request prioritization / more resources
  17. Someone who needs to be on the call isn't on the call
  18. The conversation loops back around without solving anything
  19. Kosta brings up a side issue that he needs to investigate
  20. Someone asks a question that makes no sense
  21. Matt Mick yells at his kid without being on mute
  22. Matt Mick makes a ridiculous analogy
  23. Bryan tries to end the meeting in less than 15 minutes
  24. Some scrum team is gating release