What is onekind thingyou can dotoday?What is onething you'regrateful for?Make a list of3 things youcan dowhen youfeel sadSomeonetook yourpencil! Whatdo you do?No one isplaying withyouat recess. Whatdo you do?You need anadult's help.Who canyou ask?FeelingsCheck-In!How do youfeel today?Set agoal forthis weekIf you arefeeling angry,how mightyou also befeeling?Make a list of3 things youcan do whenyou feelannoyedYou're workingwith apartner and youdisagree withthem. What doyou do?Name 3things thatmake agood friendHow can youshow empathyto someoneyou don'tagree with?Uh oh. You saidsomething thathurt yourfriend'sfeelings. Howdo you fix it?What is an "I"statement forwhen someonecalls you amean name?Practice abreathingexercise!What doesyour bodyfeel likewhen youare mad? 😡What are somethings thatmake youupset? What doyou do whenyou're upset?Talk abouta place thatmakes youfeel happyCome up witha list of 3things you loveabout a familymemberYour friendsaid somethingunkind to you.What doyou do?Make a list of3 things youcan do whenyou feelanger.5 things you see,4 things you touch,3 things you hear,2 things you smell,1 thing you tasteWhat doesyour mindtell you whenyou're mad?What is onekind thingyou can dotoday?What is onething you'regrateful for?Make a list of3 things youcan dowhen youfeel sadSomeonetook yourpencil! Whatdo you do?No one isplaying withyouat recess. Whatdo you do?You need anadult's help.Who canyou ask?FeelingsCheck-In!How do youfeel today?Set agoal forthis weekIf you arefeeling angry,how mightyou also befeeling?Make a list of3 things youcan do whenyou feelannoyedYou're workingwith apartner and youdisagree withthem. What doyou do?Name 3things thatmake agood friendHow can youshow empathyto someoneyou don'tagree with?Uh oh. You saidsomething thathurt yourfriend'sfeelings. Howdo you fix it?What is an "I"statement forwhen someonecalls you amean name?Practice abreathingexercise!What doesyour bodyfeel likewhen youare mad? 😡What are somethings thatmake youupset? What doyou do whenyou're upset?Talk abouta place thatmakes youfeel happyCome up witha list of 3things you loveabout a familymemberYour friendsaid somethingunkind to you.What doyou do?Make a list of3 things youcan do whenyou feelanger.5 things you see,4 things you touch,3 things you hear,2 things you smell,1 thing you tasteWhat doesyour mindtell you whenyou're mad?

Anger Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is one kind thing you can do today?
  2. What is one thing you're grateful for?
  3. Make a list of 3 things you can do when you feel sad
  4. Someone took your pencil! What do you do?
  5. No one is playing with you at recess. What do you do?
  6. You need an adult's help. Who can you ask?
  7. Feelings Check-In! How do you feel today?
  8. Set a goal for this week
  9. If you are feeling angry, how might you also be feeling?
  10. Make a list of 3 things you can do when you feel annoyed
  11. You're working with a partner and you disagree with them. What do you do?
  12. Name 3 things that make a good friend
  13. How can you show empathy to someone you don't agree with?
  14. Uh oh. You said something that hurt your friend's feelings. How do you fix it?
  15. What is an "I" statement for when someone calls you a mean name?
  16. Practice a breathing exercise!
  17. What does your body feel like when you are mad? 😡
  18. What are some things that make you upset? What do you do when you're upset?
  19. Talk about a place that makes you feel happy
  20. Come up with a list of 3 things you love about a family member
  21. Your friend said something unkind to you. What do you do?
  22. Make a list of 3 things you can do when you feel anger.
  23. 5 things you see, 4 things you touch, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, 1 thing you taste
  24. What does your mind tell you when you're mad?