Talk tosomeone whohas had aremoteinternshipexperience.Talk to astudent who isinterested instarting theirown companyor startup.Find someonewho volunteersfor communityservice orsocial causes.Find someonewho followsbusinessleaders orentrepreneursfor inspiration.Talk tosomeone whohas found amentor in thebusiness world.Talk to someonewho ispassionate aboutsocialentrepreneurship.Ask someoneabout a hands-on project theydid during aninternship.Find someonewho has workedon an innovativesolution for areal-world issue.Talk to astudent whohas publishedor plans topublish atechnical paper.Ask someoneabout a book orresource thathas influencedtheir businessmindset.Findsomeonewho has anidea for astartup.Ask someonehow they buildand maintaintheirprofessionalnetwork.Ask someonehow they stayupdated withthe latesttech trends.Talk to a studentwho followsentrepreneurshiptrends.Talk to a studentabout the mostinterestingengineeringconcept they'velearned.Find someonewho is workingon a product orservice thataddresses amarket need.Find someonewho haspitched astartup idea toinvestors ormentors.Find a studentwho hasnetworked withprofessionals orentrepreneursin their field.Talk to someonewho hascollaboratedwith others on abusiness idea orstartup project.Ask someoneabout the skillsthey developedduring theirinternship.Find a studentwho ispassionate aboutsustainable orgreenentrepreneurship.Ask someonewhat successlooks like forthem as anentrepreneur.Talk tosomeone whois interestedin marketingor sales.Talk to astudent whointerned ata startup.Ask someoneabout the mostvaluable pieceof businessadvice theyhave received.Ask someonehow they thinkengineeringcan drivebusinessinnovation.Find someonewho enjoys thesameextracurricularactivity as you.Ask someoneabout aleadership rolethey have takenin a club orproject.Ask someoneabout the mostimportantbusiness skillthey’vedeveloped.Talk tosomeone whohas had aremoteinternshipexperience.Talk to astudent who isinterested instarting theirown companyor startup.Find someonewho volunteersfor communityservice orsocial causes.Find someonewho followsbusinessleaders orentrepreneursfor inspiration.Talk tosomeone whohas found amentor in thebusiness world.Talk to someonewho ispassionate aboutsocialentrepreneurship.Ask someoneabout a hands-on project theydid during aninternship.Find someonewho has workedon an innovativesolution for areal-world issue.Talk to astudent whohas publishedor plans topublish atechnical paper.Ask someoneabout a book orresource thathas influencedtheir businessmindset.Findsomeonewho has anidea for astartup.Ask someonehow they buildand maintaintheirprofessionalnetwork.Ask someonehow they stayupdated withthe latesttech trends.Talk to a studentwho followsentrepreneurshiptrends.Talk to a studentabout the mostinterestingengineeringconcept they'velearned.Find someonewho is workingon a product orservice thataddresses amarket need.Find someonewho haspitched astartup idea toinvestors ormentors.Find a studentwho hasnetworked withprofessionals orentrepreneursin their field.Talk to someonewho hascollaboratedwith others on abusiness idea orstartup project.Ask someoneabout the skillsthey developedduring theirinternship.Find a studentwho ispassionate aboutsustainable orgreenentrepreneurship.Ask someonewhat successlooks like forthem as anentrepreneur.Talk tosomeone whois interestedin marketingor sales.Talk to astudent whointerned ata startup.Ask someoneabout the mostvaluable pieceof businessadvice theyhave received.Ask someonehow they thinkengineeringcan drivebusinessinnovation.Find someonewho enjoys thesameextracurricularactivity as you.Ask someoneabout aleadership rolethey have takenin a club orproject.Ask someoneabout the mostimportantbusiness skillthey’vedeveloped.

Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Talk to someone who has had a remote internship experience.
  2. Talk to a student who is interested in starting their own company or startup.
  3. Find someone who volunteers for community service or social causes.
  4. Find someone who follows business leaders or entrepreneurs for inspiration.
  5. Talk to someone who has found a mentor in the business world.
  6. Talk to someone who is passionate about social entrepreneurship.
  7. Ask someone about a hands-on project they did during an internship.
  8. Find someone who has worked on an innovative solution for a real-world issue.
  9. Talk to a student who has published or plans to publish a technical paper.
  10. Ask someone about a book or resource that has influenced their business mindset.
  11. Find someone who has an idea for a startup.
  12. Ask someone how they build and maintain their professional network.
  13. Ask someone how they stay updated with the latest tech trends.
  14. Talk to a student who follows entrepreneurship trends.
  15. Talk to a student about the most interesting engineering concept they've learned.
  16. Find someone who is working on a product or service that addresses a market need.
  17. Find someone who has pitched a startup idea to investors or mentors.
  18. Find a student who has networked with professionals or entrepreneurs in their field.
  19. Talk to someone who has collaborated with others on a business idea or startup project.
  20. Ask someone about the skills they developed during their internship.
  21. Find a student who is passionate about sustainable or green entrepreneurship.
  22. Ask someone what success looks like for them as an entrepreneur.
  23. Talk to someone who is interested in marketing or sales.
  24. Talk to a student who interned at a startup.
  25. Ask someone about the most valuable piece of business advice they have received.
  26. Ask someone how they think engineering can drive business innovation.
  27. Find someone who enjoys the same extracurricular activity as you.
  28. Ask someone about a leadership role they have taken in a club or project.
  29. Ask someone about the most important business skill they’ve developed.