Double trouble– Spot a pair oftwins or twopeople dressedalike. πŸ‘―Bride does adare – Thebride is daredto dosomething wildor fun. πŸ₯³Someone asks iftwins are present– Someoneinquires whetherany twins are inyour group. πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈGroup selfie– The entiregroup takesa selfietogether. πŸ“ΈMovie-worthyprank – Someonepulls a prank inhonor of theParent Trapshenanigans. πŸ€ͺSomeone quotesThe Parent Trap– Anyone saysβ€œLet’s gettogether, yeah,yeah, yeah!”Double trouble– Spot a pair oftwins or twopeople dressedalike. πŸ‘―Dance-off – Aspontaneousdance-off orsomeone startsdancing. πŸ’ƒBachelorettesash spotted –Spot anotherbacheloretteparty with asash. πŸŽ€Cheers to thebride – Raise atoast in honorof the bride-to-be. πŸ₯‚Exchange ofnumbers –Someoneexchangesnumbers with astranger.Mention ofβ€œCalifornia” –Someone mentionsCalifornia, either inrelation to themovie or the party.🌴Bride gets afree drink –The bride isgifted adrink. πŸΉβ€œYou’re aboutto be married!”– A strangershouts it to thebride.Bride daressomeone – Thebride daressomeone in thegroup to dosomething. 🎯Bride daressomeone – Thebride daressomeone in thegroup to dosomething. 🎯Drink mix-up –Someoneaccidentallypicks up thewrong drink. 🍺Movie reference –Someone makes ajoke or referenceto the poker scenefrom "The ParentTrap." ♠️Champagnetoast – Thegroup clinksglasses filledwithchampagne. πŸΎβ€œThe bride isblushing” –Someone callsout the brideblushing from afun moment.Bride impersonatessomeone – Thebride does a funnyimpersonation ofanyone or someonein the group.Drink mix-up –Someoneaccidentallypicks up thewrong drink. 🍺Find someonewho is engaged– Spotsomeone elseat the bar whois engaged. πŸ’Switching places –Someonepretends to besomeone else forfun, like theLindsay Lohantwin swap.Spot a personwearing awedding band –Find someonemarried at theBruery. πŸ’β€œYou’re aboutto be married!”– A strangershouts it to thebride.Bride gets afree drink –The bride isgifted adrink. 🍹Movie-worthyprank – Someonepulls a prank inhonor of theParent Trapshenanigans. πŸ€ͺSerenade forthe bride –Someone singsto or serenadesthe bride. 🎀Group selfie– The entiregroup takesa selfietogether. πŸ“ΈSomeone quotesThe Parent Trap– Anyone saysβ€œLet’s gettogether, yeah,yeah, yeah!”Cheers to thebride – Raise atoast in honorof the bride-to-be. πŸ₯‚Parent Traphandshake moment– Someoneattempts to create asecret handshakelike the one fromthe movie. 🀝Movie reference –Someone makes ajoke or referenceto the poker scenefrom "The ParentTrap." ♠️Group hug –Aspontaneousgroup hughappens.Double trouble– Spot a pair oftwins or twopeople dressedalike. πŸ‘―Bride does adare – Thebride is daredto dosomething wildor fun. πŸ₯³Someone asks iftwins are present– Someoneinquires whetherany twins are inyour group. πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈGroup selfie– The entiregroup takesa selfietogether. πŸ“ΈMovie-worthyprank – Someonepulls a prank inhonor of theParent Trapshenanigans. πŸ€ͺSomeone quotesThe Parent Trap– Anyone saysβ€œLet’s gettogether, yeah,yeah, yeah!”Double trouble– Spot a pair oftwins or twopeople dressedalike. πŸ‘―Dance-off – Aspontaneousdance-off orsomeone startsdancing. πŸ’ƒBachelorettesash spotted –Spot anotherbacheloretteparty with asash. πŸŽ€Cheers to thebride – Raise atoast in honorof the bride-to-be. πŸ₯‚Exchange ofnumbers –Someoneexchangesnumbers with astranger.Mention ofβ€œCalifornia” –Someone mentionsCalifornia, either inrelation to themovie or the party.🌴Bride gets afree drink –The bride isgifted adrink. πŸΉβ€œYou’re aboutto be married!”– A strangershouts it to thebride.Bride daressomeone – Thebride daressomeone in thegroup to dosomething. 🎯Bride daressomeone – Thebride daressomeone in thegroup to dosomething. 🎯Drink mix-up –Someoneaccidentallypicks up thewrong drink. 🍺Movie reference –Someone makes ajoke or referenceto the poker scenefrom "The ParentTrap." ♠️Champagnetoast – Thegroup clinksglasses filledwithchampagne. πŸΎβ€œThe bride isblushing” –Someone callsout the brideblushing from afun moment.Bride impersonatessomeone – Thebride does a funnyimpersonation ofanyone or someonein the group.Drink mix-up –Someoneaccidentallypicks up thewrong drink. 🍺Find someonewho is engaged– Spotsomeone elseat the bar whois engaged. πŸ’Switching places –Someonepretends to besomeone else forfun, like theLindsay Lohantwin swap.Spot a personwearing awedding band –Find someonemarried at theBruery. πŸ’β€œYou’re aboutto be married!”– A strangershouts it to thebride.Bride gets afree drink –The bride isgifted adrink. 🍹Movie-worthyprank – Someonepulls a prank inhonor of theParent Trapshenanigans. πŸ€ͺSerenade forthe bride –Someone singsto or serenadesthe bride. 🎀Group selfie– The entiregroup takesa selfietogether. πŸ“ΈSomeone quotesThe Parent Trap– Anyone saysβ€œLet’s gettogether, yeah,yeah, yeah!”Cheers to thebride – Raise atoast in honorof the bride-to-be. πŸ₯‚Parent Traphandshake moment– Someoneattempts to create asecret handshakelike the one fromthe movie. 🀝Movie reference –Someone makes ajoke or referenceto the poker scenefrom "The ParentTrap." ♠️Group hug –Aspontaneousgroup hughappens.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Double trouble – Spot a pair of twins or two people dressed alike. πŸ‘―
  2. Bride does a dare – The bride is dared to do something wild or fun. πŸ₯³
  3. Someone asks if twins are present – Someone inquires whether any twins are in your group. πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ
  4. Group selfie – The entire group takes a selfie together. πŸ“Έ
  5. Movie-worthy prank – Someone pulls a prank in honor of the Parent Trap shenanigans. πŸ€ͺ
  6. Someone quotes The Parent Trap – Anyone says β€œLet’s get together, yeah, yeah, yeah!”
  7. Double trouble – Spot a pair of twins or two people dressed alike. πŸ‘―
  8. Dance-off – A spontaneous dance-off or someone starts dancing. πŸ’ƒ
  9. Bachelorette sash spotted – Spot another bachelorette party with a sash. πŸŽ€
  10. Cheers to the bride – Raise a toast in honor of the bride-to-be. πŸ₯‚
  11. Exchange of numbers – Someone exchanges numbers with a stranger.
  12. Mention of β€œCalifornia” – Someone mentions California, either in relation to the movie or the party. 🌴
  13. Bride gets a free drink – The bride is gifted a drink. 🍹
  14. β€œYou’re about to be married!” – A stranger shouts it to the bride.
  15. Bride dares someone – The bride dares someone in the group to do something. 🎯
  16. Bride dares someone – The bride dares someone in the group to do something. 🎯
  17. Drink mix-up – Someone accidentally picks up the wrong drink. 🍺
  18. Movie reference – Someone makes a joke or reference to the poker scene from "The Parent Trap." ♠️
  19. Champagne toast – The group clinks glasses filled with champagne. 🍾
  20. β€œThe bride is blushing” – Someone calls out the bride blushing from a fun moment.
  21. Bride impersonates someone – The bride does a funny impersonation of anyone or someone in the group.
  22. Drink mix-up – Someone accidentally picks up the wrong drink. 🍺
  23. Find someone who is engaged – Spot someone else at the bar who is engaged. πŸ’
  24. Switching places – Someone pretends to be someone else for fun, like the Lindsay Lohan twin swap.
  25. Spot a person wearing a wedding band – Find someone married at the Bruery. πŸ’
  26. β€œYou’re about to be married!” – A stranger shouts it to the bride.
  27. Bride gets a free drink – The bride is gifted a drink. 🍹
  28. Movie-worthy prank – Someone pulls a prank in honor of the Parent Trap shenanigans. πŸ€ͺ
  29. Serenade for the bride – Someone sings to or serenades the bride. 🎀
  30. Group selfie – The entire group takes a selfie together. πŸ“Έ
  31. Someone quotes The Parent Trap – Anyone says β€œLet’s get together, yeah, yeah, yeah!”
  32. Cheers to the bride – Raise a toast in honor of the bride-to-be. πŸ₯‚
  33. Parent Trap handshake moment – Someone attempts to create a secret handshake like the one from the movie. 🀝
  34. Movie reference – Someone makes a joke or reference to the poker scene from "The Parent Trap." ♠️
  35. Group hug – A spontaneous group hug happens.