Focus on YourSenses – Noteone thing youcan see, hear,and feel rightnow.Breath Awareness –Close your eyes andsimply notice thesensation of yourbreath entering andleaving your nostrilsfor 30 seconds.Simple GratitudeNote – Jot downone thing aboutyour work that youappreciate. Let usknow in Slack.Desk Scan – Lookaround your deskand identify onething you like.Type it in the chatand tell us why.Reflect on aPositive Experience– Take a moment toreflect on a recentpositive experienceor success.Let usknow in Slack.Deep BreathCount – Inhaledeeply for a countof 4, hold for 2,and exhale for acount of 4. Repeatonce.Positive Self-Talk – Writedown somethingpositive you didtoday. Let usknow in Slack.ComplimentYourself – Writedown a genuinecomplimentabout yourself.Visualize a CalmPlace – Closeyour eyes andvisualize apeaceful placefor 30 seconds.List YourAchievements –Write down oneaccomplishmentyou’re proud ofthis week. Let usknow in Slack.Mindful Stretch –Do a simplestretch at yourdesk, like reachingfor the sky ortouching yourtoes.Team Gratitude–List one aboutour team thatyou're gratefulfor.Let us knowin Slack.Deep Breathingwith Visualization –Take a deep breathwhile picturing aballoon inflating.Exhale as if theballoon is deflating.Positive Quote –Write down a favoritequote that inspiresyou (or do a quickgoogle search forinspiration)! Let usknow what it is.Gratitude for Nature– Write downsomething youappreciate aboutnature or yourenvironment. Let usknow what you love.Positive Affirmation– Write down apositive affirmationor mantra thatresonates with you.Let us know themantra in Slack.Quick GratitudeNote – Send aSlack to a colleagueletting them knowsomething youappreciate aboutthem.Stretch and Breathe– Reach your armsoverhead and takea deep breath.Release the stretchand exhale slowly.Draw a SimplePattern –Doodle acalming patternor design on apiece of paper.Minute of Silence– Take a 30-second pausefrom talking andtyping to just besilent. Breathedeep.Stretch YourNeck – Tilt yourhead gently toone side, hold for5 seconds, andthen switch sides.Hand Stretch –Stretch yourhands and wristsby extending yourfingers wide andthen relaxing.Body Awareness –Gently focus on yourfeet and notice howthey feel against thefloor or chair. Thenstretch them up andnotice how you feel.Body Scan – Takea moment to focuson and relax eachpart of your body,starting from yourtoes up to yourhead.Breath Counting– Count eachbreath up to 10,then start over ifyou lose track.Write 3 ThingsYou're GratefulFor – Jot downthree thingsyou're thankfulfor right now.Positive Affirmation –Think of one wordthat describes apositive quality aboutyourself (e.g.,"strong" or "creative")and focus on it.Deep Breathing –Take 3 deepbreaths, inhalingthrough the noseand exhalingthrough the mouth.Desk Stretch –Shrug yourshoulders up toyour ears andthen relax them.Repeat once.Focus on YourSenses – Noteone thing youcan see, hear,and feel rightnow.Breath Awareness –Close your eyes andsimply notice thesensation of yourbreath entering andleaving your nostrilsfor 30 seconds.Simple GratitudeNote – Jot downone thing aboutyour work that youappreciate. Let usknow in Slack.Desk Scan – Lookaround your deskand identify onething you like.Type it in the chatand tell us why.Reflect on aPositive Experience– Take a moment toreflect on a recentpositive experienceor success.Let usknow in Slack.Deep BreathCount – Inhaledeeply for a countof 4, hold for 2,and exhale for acount of 4. Repeatonce.Positive Self-Talk – Writedown somethingpositive you didtoday. Let usknow in Slack.ComplimentYourself – Writedown a genuinecomplimentabout yourself.Visualize a CalmPlace – Closeyour eyes andvisualize apeaceful placefor 30 seconds.List YourAchievements –Write down oneaccomplishmentyou’re proud ofthis week. Let usknow in Slack.Mindful Stretch –Do a simplestretch at yourdesk, like reachingfor the sky ortouching yourtoes.Team Gratitude–List one aboutour team thatyou're gratefulfor.Let us knowin Slack.Deep Breathingwith Visualization –Take a deep breathwhile picturing aballoon inflating.Exhale as if theballoon is deflating.Positive Quote –Write down a favoritequote that inspiresyou (or do a quickgoogle search forinspiration)! Let usknow what it is.Gratitude for Nature– Write downsomething youappreciate aboutnature or yourenvironment. Let usknow what you love.Positive Affirmation– Write down apositive affirmationor mantra thatresonates with you.Let us know themantra in Slack.Quick GratitudeNote – Send aSlack to a colleagueletting them knowsomething youappreciate aboutthem.Stretch and Breathe– Reach your armsoverhead and takea deep breath.Release the stretchand exhale slowly.Draw a SimplePattern –Doodle acalming patternor design on apiece of paper.Minute of Silence– Take a 30-second pausefrom talking andtyping to just besilent. Breathedeep.Stretch YourNeck – Tilt yourhead gently toone side, hold for5 seconds, andthen switch sides.Hand Stretch –Stretch yourhands and wristsby extending yourfingers wide andthen relaxing.Body Awareness –Gently focus on yourfeet and notice howthey feel against thefloor or chair. Thenstretch them up andnotice how you feel.Body Scan – Takea moment to focuson and relax eachpart of your body,starting from yourtoes up to yourhead.Breath Counting– Count eachbreath up to 10,then start over ifyou lose track.Write 3 ThingsYou're GratefulFor – Jot downthree thingsyou're thankfulfor right now.Positive Affirmation –Think of one wordthat describes apositive quality aboutyourself (e.g.,"strong" or "creative")and focus on it.Deep Breathing –Take 3 deepbreaths, inhalingthrough the noseand exhalingthrough the mouth.Desk Stretch –Shrug yourshoulders up toyour ears andthen relax them.Repeat once.

Mindful Moments - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Focus on Your Senses – Note one thing you can see, hear, and feel right now.
  2. Breath Awareness – Close your eyes and simply notice the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your nostrils for 30 seconds.
  3. Simple Gratitude Note – Jot down one thing about your work that you appreciate. Let us know in Slack.
  4. Desk Scan – Look around your desk and identify one thing you like. Type it in the chat and tell us why.
  5. Reflect on a Positive Experience – Take a moment to reflect on a recent positive experience or success.Let us know in Slack.
  6. Deep Breath Count – Inhale deeply for a count of 4, hold for 2, and exhale for a count of 4. Repeat once.
  7. Positive Self-Talk – Write down something positive you did today. Let us know in Slack.
  8. Compliment Yourself – Write down a genuine compliment about yourself.
  9. Visualize a Calm Place – Close your eyes and visualize a peaceful place for 30 seconds.
  10. List Your Achievements – Write down one accomplishment you’re proud of this week. Let us know in Slack.
  11. Mindful Stretch – Do a simple stretch at your desk, like reaching for the sky or touching your toes.
  12. Team Gratitude– List one about our team that you're grateful for.Let us know in Slack.
  13. Deep Breathing with Visualization – Take a deep breath while picturing a balloon inflating. Exhale as if the balloon is deflating.
  14. Positive Quote – Write down a favorite quote that inspires you (or do a quick google search for inspiration)! Let us know what it is.
  15. Gratitude for Nature – Write down something you appreciate about nature or your environment. Let us know what you love.
  16. Positive Affirmation – Write down a positive affirmation or mantra that resonates with you. Let us know the mantra in Slack.
  17. Quick Gratitude Note – Send a Slack to a colleague letting them know something you appreciate about them.
  18. Stretch and Breathe – Reach your arms overhead and take a deep breath. Release the stretch and exhale slowly.
  19. Draw a Simple Pattern – Doodle a calming pattern or design on a piece of paper.
  20. Minute of Silence – Take a 30-second pause from talking and typing to just be silent. Breathe deep.
  21. Stretch Your Neck – Tilt your head gently to one side, hold for 5 seconds, and then switch sides.
  22. Hand Stretch – Stretch your hands and wrists by extending your fingers wide and then relaxing.
  23. Body Awareness – Gently focus on your feet and notice how they feel against the floor or chair. Then stretch them up and notice how you feel.
  24. Body Scan – Take a moment to focus on and relax each part of your body, starting from your toes up to your head.
  25. Breath Counting – Count each breath up to 10, then start over if you lose track.
  26. Write 3 Things You're Grateful For – Jot down three things you're thankful for right now.
  27. Positive Affirmation – Think of one word that describes a positive quality about yourself (e.g., "strong" or "creative") and focus on it.
  28. Deep Breathing – Take 3 deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
  29. Desk Stretch – Shrug your shoulders up to your ears and then relax them. Repeat once.