7. Most likelyperson to getinto anargument withthe cashier atthe counter5. Who ismost likely togo on adating realitygame show ?6. Most likelyperson to go brokefrom spending alltheir money onsomething useless8. Most likely toaccidentallypoisonsomeone withterriblecooking?1. Who ismost likely tosteal icecream froma baby?2. Most likelyto take aweek toreply to atext?3 . Mostlikely towork atmcdonalds4. Who ismost likely tobe the mostpopular guyin school?7. Most likelyperson to getinto anargument withthe cashier atthe counter5. Who ismost likely togo on adating realitygame show ?6. Most likelyperson to go brokefrom spending alltheir money onsomething useless8. Most likely toaccidentallypoisonsomeone withterriblecooking?1. Who ismost likely tosteal icecream froma baby?2. Most likelyto take aweek toreply to atext?3 . Mostlikely towork atmcdonalds4. Who ismost likely tobe the mostpopular guyin school?

Gacha Husbando Bingo!! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 7. Most likely person to get into an argument with the cashier at the counter
  2. 5. Who is most likely to go on a dating reality game show ?
  3. 6. Most likely person to go broke from spending all their money on something useless
  4. 8. Most likely to accidentally poison someone with terrible cooking?
  5. 1. Who is most likely to steal ice cream from a baby?
  6. 2. Most likely to take a week to reply to a text?
  7. 3 . Most likely to work at mcdonalds
  8. 4. Who is most likely to be the most popular guy in school?