Offer tomentor orgive adviceto a juniorcolleague.Offer totroubleshoota tech issuefor ateammate.Pick up litterin or aroundtheworkplace orcommunity.Acknowledgesomeone’s hardwork publicly onthe company’sintranet orSlack.Organize avirtual coffeechat with acoworker youdon’t know well.Hold the dooropen forsomeone orassist acolleague withsomething small.Send ananonymousupliftingmessage ornote to acolleague.Donateitems to alocal shelteror cause.Share a funnyor motivationalquote with acoworker orteam.Share aprofessionaldevelopmentopportunity witha colleague.Bring in (orsend) coffeeor a treat toa coworker.Give ashout-out toa colleaguein a teammeeting.Share positivefeedbackyou’ve receivedwith the wholeteam.Check in withan old friend orcolleague youhaven’t spokento in a while.Write a LinkedInrecommendationfor a coworker.Offer to helpa colleaguewith aproject ortask.Send a “thankyou” email tosomeonewho’s helpedyou recently.Givesomeonecredit for theiridea during adiscussion.Celebrate ateam member’smilestone oraccomplishment.Complimenta coworkeron a jobwell done.Compliment astranger or acoworker youdon’t interactwith often.Take notesduring ameeting forsomeone whocouldn’t attend.Support a localbusiness bybuying fromthem or sharingtheir info.Donate toa charityof yourchoice.Send anencouragingmessage toa teammember.Offer tomentor orgive adviceto a juniorcolleague.Offer totroubleshoota tech issuefor ateammate.Pick up litterin or aroundtheworkplace orcommunity.Acknowledgesomeone’s hardwork publicly onthe company’sintranet orSlack.Organize avirtual coffeechat with acoworker youdon’t know well.Hold the dooropen forsomeone orassist acolleague withsomething small.Send ananonymousupliftingmessage ornote to acolleague.Donateitems to alocal shelteror cause.Share a funnyor motivationalquote with acoworker orteam.Share aprofessionaldevelopmentopportunity witha colleague.Bring in (orsend) coffeeor a treat toa coworker.Give ashout-out toa colleaguein a teammeeting.Share positivefeedbackyou’ve receivedwith the wholeteam.Check in withan old friend orcolleague youhaven’t spokento in a while.Write a LinkedInrecommendationfor a coworker.Offer to helpa colleaguewith aproject ortask.Send a “thankyou” email tosomeonewho’s helpedyou recently.Givesomeonecredit for theiridea during adiscussion.Celebrate ateam member’smilestone oraccomplishment.Complimenta coworkeron a jobwell done.Compliment astranger or acoworker youdon’t interactwith often.Take notesduring ameeting forsomeone whocouldn’t attend.Support a localbusiness bybuying fromthem or sharingtheir info.Donate toa charityof yourchoice.Send anencouragingmessage toa teammember.

Acts of Kindness - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Offer to mentor or give advice to a junior colleague.
  2. Offer to troubleshoot a tech issue for a teammate.
  3. Pick up litter in or around the workplace or community.
  4. Acknowledge someone’s hard work publicly on the company’s intranet or Slack.
  5. Organize a virtual coffee chat with a coworker you don’t know well.
  6. Hold the door open for someone or assist a colleague with something small.
  7. Send an anonymous uplifting message or note to a colleague.
  8. Donate items to a local shelter or cause.
  9. Share a funny or motivational quote with a coworker or team.
  10. Share a professional development opportunity with a colleague.
  11. Bring in (or send) coffee or a treat to a coworker.
  12. Give a shout-out to a colleague in a team meeting.
  13. Share positive feedback you’ve received with the whole team.
  14. Check in with an old friend or colleague you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  15. Write a LinkedIn recommendation for a coworker.
  16. Offer to help a colleague with a project or task.
  17. Send a “thank you” email to someone who’s helped you recently.
  18. Give someone credit for their idea during a discussion.
  19. Celebrate a team member’s milestone or accomplishment.
  20. Compliment a coworker on a job well done.
  21. Compliment a stranger or a coworker you don’t interact with often.
  22. Take notes during a meeting for someone who couldn’t attend.
  23. Support a local business by buying from them or sharing their info.
  24. Donate to a charity of your choice.
  25. Send an encouraging message to a team member.