What aresome valuesyou want ina friendship?What is a copingskill you learnedwhile here at theCSU that youwill use after youleave?name ahealthy way tocommunicateyour emotionsto others.What emotionare youfeelingcurrently whilein group?How canyou showyourselflove?whattriggers acrisis foryou?name 5 things youcan see, fourthings, you cantouch, 3 things youcan hear, and 2things you cansmell.Where isyourhappyplace?When is itchallenging foryou to regulateor control youremotions?name a timewhen you feltas if you wereon anemotionalrollercoasterName threecoping skills youcan use whenexperiencingintenseemotions.What arethree thingsyou aregood at?How can youexpresswhen youare indistress?name ahealthy wayto expressyour needsto othersHow can youhave healthyboundariesfor yourself?Name a wayyou practicemindfulness?who canyou reachout to whenin crisis?What is onething youare gratefulfor?How can youdecreaseangertowardsyourself?How can youcontrol angertowardsothers?How can yourespect otherpeople'sboundaries?What copingskill helpsyou regulateyouremotions?whathelps youfeel safe?What issomething youare lookingforward to inthe next year?What aresome valuesyou want ina friendship?What is a copingskill you learnedwhile here at theCSU that youwill use after youleave?name ahealthy way tocommunicateyour emotionsto others.What emotionare youfeelingcurrently whilein group?How canyou showyourselflove?whattriggers acrisis foryou?name 5 things youcan see, fourthings, you cantouch, 3 things youcan hear, and 2things you cansmell.Where isyourhappyplace?When is itchallenging foryou to regulateor control youremotions?name a timewhen you feltas if you wereon anemotionalrollercoasterName threecoping skills youcan use whenexperiencingintenseemotions.What arethree thingsyou aregood at?How can youexpresswhen youare indistress?name ahealthy wayto expressyour needsto othersHow can youhave healthyboundariesfor yourself?Name a wayyou practicemindfulness?who canyou reachout to whenin crisis?What is onething youare gratefulfor?How can youdecreaseangertowardsyourself?How can youcontrol angertowardsothers?How can yourespect otherpeople'sboundaries?What copingskill helpsyou regulateyouremotions?whathelps youfeel safe?What issomething youare lookingforward to inthe next year?

DBT CSU Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What are some values you want in a friendship?
  2. What is a coping skill you learned while here at the CSU that you will use after you leave?
  3. name a healthy way to communicate your emotions to others.
  4. What emotion are you feeling currently while in group?
  5. How can you show yourself love?
  6. what triggers a crisis for you?
  7. name 5 things you can see, four things, you can touch, 3 things you can hear, and 2 things you can smell.
  8. Where is your happy place?
  9. When is it challenging for you to regulate or control your emotions?
  10. name a time when you felt as if you were on an emotional rollercoaster
  11. Name three coping skills you can use when experiencing intense emotions.
  12. What are three things you are good at?
  13. How can you express when you are in distress?
  14. name a healthy way to express your needs to others
  15. How can you have healthy boundaries for yourself?
  16. Name a way you practice mindfulness?
  17. who can you reach out to when in crisis?
  18. What is one thing you are grateful for?
  19. How can you decrease anger towards yourself?
  20. How can you control anger towards others?
  21. How can you respect other people's boundaries?
  22. What coping skill helps you regulate your emotions?
  23. what helps you feel safe?
  24. What is something you are looking forward to in the next year?