Asksomeonehow theyrelax after abusy day.Find out whatsomeoneenjoys doingonweekends.Have a conversationwith someone, andafter they speak,reflect back what youheard bysummarizing in yourown words.Have aconversationwhile maintainingeye contact forthe entireinteraction.Find someonewho has lived inmore than onecity and ask themwhat they likedabout each place.Introduceyourself tosomeonenew.Sharesomethingyou’re proud ofwith someonenew.Play “rock, paper,scissors” withsomeone and thenask them how theyfelt about winningor losing.Share a timeyou faced achallenge andask someoneto share theirs.Have aconversation withsomeone whereyou focus only onlistening andrespond only withfollow-up questions.Asksomeoneabout theirfavoritehobby.Ask someone toexplain theirfavorite activitywithout using anywords. You haveto guess what it is.Share one ofyour goals andask someonewhat theirgoals are.Find someone andshare a funny orembarrassingstory. Then askthem to share onetoo.Approachsomeone and givethem acompliment, butavoid mentioninganything related totheir appearance.Find someonewho has ahidden talentand ask themto tell you aboutit.Find someonewho has had anunusual job andask them to tellyou about it.Share afun factaboutyourself.Ask someone whatthey would do ifthey had to work ona group project withsomeone they didn’tget along with.Ask someone toshare theirstrategy forresolving amisunderstandingwith a familymember.Ask someoneto describetheir favoritechildhood gameor activityStart aconversation withsomeone, but onlyask open-endedquestions (noyes/no answers).Find someonewho speaks morethan onelanguage and askthem to teachyou a word.Ask someonewhat they thinkis the mostimportantquality in afriend.Asksomeonehow theyrelax after abusy day.Find out whatsomeoneenjoys doingonweekends.Have a conversationwith someone, andafter they speak,reflect back what youheard bysummarizing in yourown words.Have aconversationwhile maintainingeye contact forthe entireinteraction.Find someonewho has lived inmore than onecity and ask themwhat they likedabout each place.Introduceyourself tosomeonenew.Sharesomethingyou’re proud ofwith someonenew.Play “rock, paper,scissors” withsomeone and thenask them how theyfelt about winningor losing.Share a timeyou faced achallenge andask someoneto share theirs.Have aconversation withsomeone whereyou focus only onlistening andrespond only withfollow-up questions.Asksomeoneabout theirfavoritehobby.Ask someone toexplain theirfavorite activitywithout using anywords. You haveto guess what it is.Share one ofyour goals andask someonewhat theirgoals are.Find someone andshare a funny orembarrassingstory. Then askthem to share onetoo.Approachsomeone and givethem acompliment, butavoid mentioninganything related totheir appearance.Find someonewho has ahidden talentand ask themto tell you aboutit.Find someonewho has had anunusual job andask them to tellyou about it.Share afun factaboutyourself.Ask someone whatthey would do ifthey had to work ona group project withsomeone they didn’tget along with.Ask someone toshare theirstrategy forresolving amisunderstandingwith a familymember.Ask someoneto describetheir favoritechildhood gameor activityStart aconversation withsomeone, but onlyask open-endedquestions (noyes/no answers).Find someonewho speaks morethan onelanguage and askthem to teachyou a word.Ask someonewhat they thinkis the mostimportantquality in afriend.

Social Skills Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Ask someone how they relax after a busy day.
  2. Find out what someone enjoys doing on weekends.
  3. Have a conversation with someone, and after they speak, reflect back what you heard by summarizing in your own words.
  4. Have a conversation while maintaining eye contact for the entire interaction.
  5. Find someone who has lived in more than one city and ask them what they liked about each place.
  6. Introduce yourself to someone new.
  7. Share something you’re proud of with someone new.
  8. Play “rock, paper, scissors” with someone and then ask them how they felt about winning or losing.
  9. Share a time you faced a challenge and ask someone to share theirs.
  10. Have a conversation with someone where you focus only on listening and respond only with follow-up questions.
  11. Ask someone about their favorite hobby.
  12. Ask someone to explain their favorite activity without using any words. You have to guess what it is.
  13. Share one of your goals and ask someone what their goals are.
  14. Find someone and share a funny or embarrassing story. Then ask them to share one too.
  15. Approach someone and give them a compliment, but avoid mentioning anything related to their appearance.
  16. Find someone who has a hidden talent and ask them to tell you about it.
  17. Find someone who has had an unusual job and ask them to tell you about it.
  18. Share a fun fact about yourself.
  19. Ask someone what they would do if they had to work on a group project with someone they didn’t get along with.
  20. Ask someone to share their strategy for resolving a misunderstanding with a family member.
  21. Ask someone to describe their favorite childhood game or activity
  22. Start a conversation with someone, but only ask open-ended questions (no yes/no answers).
  23. Find someone who speaks more than one language and ask them to teach you a word.
  24. Ask someone what they think is the most important quality in a friend.