Hasvolunteeredfor aninternationalorganizationParticipatedin aninternationalexchangeprogramHasattended anevent inanothercountryHas taken partin a groupproject withstudents fromanother countrySpeaks alanguage with adifferent writingsystem (e.g.,Japanese,Korean, Arabic)Has studiedabroad formore than ayearHasattended aninternationaljob fairTrained orcoachedinternationalcolleaguesHas livedin three ormorecountriesHasexperienced asignificant lifechange due tomoving abroadHas experiencedculturalmisunderstandingsin the workplaceGave apresentationin a non-nativelanguageWorked withsomeonefrom adifferentcontinentWas part of aninternationalproject thatlasted morethan threemonthsWasmentored bysomeone froma differentcountryHas visited amuseum orexhibitionfocused onanother cultureHasparticipatedin a culturalfestival oreventHasrelocatedfor morethan twiceHas workedin a non-English-speakingcountryFacilitated ameeting withparticipantsfrom multipletime zonesLived in acountry with adifferent climatethan your homecountryKnows how togreetsomeone inmore than twolanguagesHas triedfood from atleast fivedifferentcountriesCompleted aproject withcolleagues fromthree or morenationalitiesStayed in acountry whereyou didn’tspeak the locallanguagefluentlyHasvolunteeredfor aninternationalorganizationParticipatedin aninternationalexchangeprogramHasattended anevent inanothercountryHas taken partin a groupproject withstudents fromanother countrySpeaks alanguage with adifferent writingsystem (e.g.,Japanese,Korean, Arabic)Has studiedabroad formore than ayearHasattended aninternationaljob fairTrained orcoachedinternationalcolleaguesHas livedin three ormorecountriesHasexperienced asignificant lifechange due tomoving abroadHas experiencedculturalmisunderstandingsin the workplaceGave apresentationin a non-nativelanguageWorked withsomeonefrom adifferentcontinentWas part of aninternationalproject thatlasted morethan threemonthsWasmentored bysomeone froma differentcountryHas visited amuseum orexhibitionfocused onanother cultureHasparticipatedin a culturalfestival oreventHasrelocatedfor morethan twiceHas workedin a non-English-speakingcountryFacilitated ameeting withparticipantsfrom multipletime zonesLived in acountry with adifferent climatethan your homecountryKnows how togreetsomeone inmore than twolanguagesHas triedfood from atleast fivedifferentcountriesCompleted aproject withcolleagues fromthree or morenationalitiesStayed in acountry whereyou didn’tspeak the locallanguagefluently

Cultural and Global Career Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has volunteered for an international organization
  2. Participated in an international exchange program
  3. Has attended an event in another country
  4. Has taken part in a group project with students from another country
  5. Speaks a language with a different writing system (e.g., Japanese, Korean, Arabic)
  6. Has studied abroad for more than a year
  7. Has attended an international job fair
  8. Trained or coached international colleagues
  9. Has lived in three or more countries
  10. Has experienced a significant life change due to moving abroad
  11. Has experienced cultural misunderstandings in the workplace
  12. Gave a presentation in a non-native language
  13. Worked with someone from a different continent
  14. Was part of an international project that lasted more than three months
  15. Was mentored by someone from a different country
  16. Has visited a museum or exhibition focused on another culture
  17. Has participated in a cultural festival or event
  18. Has relocated for more than twice
  19. Has worked in a non-English-speaking country
  20. Facilitated a meeting with participants from multiple time zones
  21. Lived in a country with a different climate than your home country
  22. Knows how to greet someone in more than two languages
  23. Has tried food from at least five different countries
  24. Completed a project with colleagues from three or more nationalities
  25. Stayed in a country where you didn’t speak the local language fluently