Free!(just likeBuck)Tags OSor RG insomethingcringeUsesthe term'Bummy'Calls BT fansfetishizers whilealso speculatingabout how Eddiemust be gay nomatter whatGets madaboutTommycalling Buck,'Evan'Calls BTfans hags(derogatory)Refers toTommy asa'predatorRefuses tocondemn hatefulbehavior fromBuddies but thendogpile on anyBT post they canCites'queerbaiting'IgnorescanonInsists Chimand Hen stillhate TommyCites Tommy'sracist/misogynistpast as a reasonto hate him withoutalsoacknowledging hisgrowthCalls BTfans'fetishizers'Sends ahateful anonmessage toa BT fanSends areal persona deaththreatAccuses BTfans ofsomething butnever providesreceiptsFree!(just likeBuck)Tags OSor RG insomethingcringeUsesthe term'Bummy'Calls BT fansfetishizers whilealso speculatingabout how Eddiemust be gay nomatter whatGets madaboutTommycalling Buck,'Evan'Calls BTfans hags(derogatory)Refers toTommy asa'predatorRefuses tocondemn hatefulbehavior fromBuddies but thendogpile on anyBT post they canCites'queerbaiting'IgnorescanonInsists Chimand Hen stillhate TommyCites Tommy'sracist/misogynistpast as a reasonto hate him withoutalsoacknowledging hisgrowthCalls BTfans'fetishizers'Sends ahateful anonmessage toa BT fanSends areal persona deaththreatAccuses BTfans ofsomething butnever providesreceipts

If a Bestie Boo... - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Free! (just like Buck)
  2. Tags OS or RG in something cringe
  3. Uses the term 'Bummy'
  4. Calls BT fans fetishizers while also speculating about how Eddie must be gay no matter what
  5. Gets mad about Tommy calling Buck, 'Evan'
  6. Calls BT fans hags (derogatory)
  7. Refers to Tommy as a 'predator
  8. Refuses to condemn hateful behavior from Buddies but then dogpile on any BT post they can
  9. Cites 'queerbaiting'
  10. Ignores canon
  11. Insists Chim and Hen still hate Tommy
  12. Cites Tommy's racist/misogynist past as a reason to hate him without also acknowledging his growth
  13. Calls BT fans 'fetishizers'
  14. Sends a hateful anon message to a BT fan
  15. Sends a real person a death threat
  16. Accuses BT fans of something but never provides receipts