Refuse toconsiderotherviewpoints ina discussionInsist ondoing agroup projectaloneAccept asudden changein your dailyroutine withoutcomplaintListen toconstructivefeedbackand makechangesComplete aproject exactlyas assigned,ignoringpersonalcreativityAccept thatyour plansmay need tochangeunexpectedlyAgree tochange yourrole in a groupproject forbetterteamworkTry a foodyou’venever likedbeforeGet frustratedwhen groupactivitiesdon’t go asplannedTake up anew sport oractivityoutside yourcomfort zoneExplore adifferent wayto completea homeworkassignmentAvoidcollaboratingbecause youwant fullcontrolResistchanging yourmind about afavorite bookor movieChange yourstrategy in agame whenit’s notworkingRefuse toadapt whena friendneeds yoursupportCompromiseon a teamdecision tokeep peaceInsist onfollowing astrict scheduleeven when itcauses stressCollaboratewith ateammatewho has adifferent ideaAdjust yourplans toinclude afriend whofeels left outIgnorefeedback onyour workbecause you’reconfident inyour approachStick to yourown opinioneven wheneveryone elsedisagreesDismiss aclassmate’ssuggestionwithoutconsiderationStick to youroriginal plandespite newinformationOffer to helpsomeone elseeven if it’sinconvenientfor youRefuse toconsiderotherviewpoints ina discussionInsist ondoing agroup projectaloneAccept asudden changein your dailyroutine withoutcomplaintListen toconstructivefeedbackand makechangesComplete aproject exactlyas assigned,ignoringpersonalcreativityAccept thatyour plansmay need tochangeunexpectedlyAgree tochange yourrole in a groupproject forbetterteamworkTry a foodyou’venever likedbeforeGet frustratedwhen groupactivitiesdon’t go asplannedTake up anew sport oractivityoutside yourcomfort zoneExplore adifferent wayto completea homeworkassignmentAvoidcollaboratingbecause youwant fullcontrolResistchanging yourmind about afavorite bookor movieChange yourstrategy in agame whenit’s notworkingRefuse toadapt whena friendneeds yoursupportCompromiseon a teamdecision tokeep peaceInsist onfollowing astrict scheduleeven when itcauses stressCollaboratewith ateammatewho has adifferent ideaAdjust yourplans toinclude afriend whofeels left outIgnorefeedback onyour workbecause you’reconfident inyour approachStick to yourown opinioneven wheneveryone elsedisagreesDismiss aclassmate’ssuggestionwithoutconsiderationStick to youroriginal plandespite newinformationOffer to helpsomeone elseeven if it’sinconvenientfor you

Flexibility Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Refuse to consider other viewpoints in a discussion
  2. Insist on doing a group project alone
  3. Accept a sudden change in your daily routine without complaint
  4. Listen to constructive feedback and make changes
  5. Complete a project exactly as assigned, ignoring personal creativity
  6. Accept that your plans may need to change unexpectedly
  7. Agree to change your role in a group project for better teamwork
  8. Try a food you’ve never liked before
  9. Get frustrated when group activities don’t go as planned
  10. Take up a new sport or activity outside your comfort zone
  11. Explore a different way to complete a homework assignment
  12. Avoid collaborating because you want full control
  13. Resist changing your mind about a favorite book or movie
  14. Change your strategy in a game when it’s not working
  15. Refuse to adapt when a friend needs your support
  16. Compromise on a team decision to keep peace
  17. Insist on following a strict schedule even when it causes stress
  18. Collaborate with a teammate who has a different idea
  19. Adjust your plans to include a friend who feels left out
  20. Ignore feedback on your work because you’re confident in your approach
  21. Stick to your own opinion even when everyone else disagrees
  22. Dismiss a classmate’s suggestion without consideration
  23. Stick to your original plan despite new information
  24. Offer to help someone else even if it’s inconvenient for you