SaturationThe point when no more ofsomething can beabsorbed, combined with,or added to a solution. (ex.You see a pile of sugar atthe bottom of a glass oflemonade because it hasreached its saturationpoint.)SolutionA homogeneousmixture in which thesubstance is thesame throughout.(example: lemonade)(nonexample: chexmix)CompoundA substanceformed by thechemicalcombination of twoor moreDIFFERENTatoms/elements.Dissolvewhen a substancebreaks down intosmaller pieces andmixes with anothersubstance to form asolution. Seems likeit disappears into theliquid or the gas.SolventA substancecapable ofdissolvingothersubstances.SoluteA substancethat isdissolved ina solution.ElementOne of the 118 puresubstances on Earththat can not be brokendown into anythingelse containing one ormore of the same typeof atoms (ex. O, O2,Fe, H2).HomogeneousA mixture oftwo or moresubstances inwhich DOESlook the samethroughout.HeterogeneousA mixture of two ormore substancesin which you cansee and does notlook the samethroughout.PureSubstanceA substancecontaining all ofthe same type ofatoms or all ofthe same type ofcompounds.MixtureA material composedof two or moreelements orcompounds that arephysically mixedtogether but notchemically combined.SolubilityThe abilityto dissolvein anothersubstance.SaturationThe point when no more ofsomething can beabsorbed, combined with,or added to a solution. (ex.You see a pile of sugar atthe bottom of a glass oflemonade because it hasreached its saturationpoint.)SolutionA homogeneousmixture in which thesubstance is thesame throughout.(example: lemonade)(nonexample: chexmix)CompoundA substanceformed by thechemicalcombination of twoor moreDIFFERENTatoms/elements.Dissolvewhen a substancebreaks down intosmaller pieces andmixes with anothersubstance to form asolution. Seems likeit disappears into theliquid or the gas.SolventA substancecapable ofdissolvingothersubstances.SoluteA substancethat isdissolved ina solution.ElementOne of the 118 puresubstances on Earththat can not be brokendown into anythingelse containing one ormore of the same typeof atoms (ex. O, O2,Fe, H2).HomogeneousA mixture oftwo or moresubstances inwhich DOESlook the samethroughout.HeterogeneousA mixture of two ormore substancesin which you cansee and does notlook the samethroughout.PureSubstanceA substancecontaining all ofthe same type ofatoms or all ofthe same type ofcompounds.MixtureA material composedof two or moreelements orcompounds that arephysically mixedtogether but notchemically combined.SolubilityThe abilityto dissolvein anothersubstance.

IG #3 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The point when no more of something can be absorbed, combined with, or added to a solution. (ex. You see a pile of sugar at the bottom of a glass of lemonade because it has reached its saturation point.)
  2. A homogeneous mixture in which the substance is the same throughout. (example: lemonade) (nonexample: chex mix)
  3. A substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more DIFFERENT atoms/elements.
  4. when a substance breaks down into smaller pieces and mixes with another substance to form a solution. Seems like it disappears into the liquid or the gas.
  5. A substance capable of dissolving other substances.
  6. A substance that is dissolved in a solution.
  7. One of the 118 pure substances on Earth that can not be broken down into anything else containing one or more of the same type of atoms (ex. O, O2, Fe, H2).
  8. A mixture of two or more substances in which DOES look the same throughout.
  9. A mixture of two or more substances in which you can see and does not look the same throughout.
  10. A substance containing all of the same type of atoms or all of the same type of compounds.
    Pure Substance
  11. A material composed of two or more elements or compounds that are physically mixed together but not chemically combined.
  12. The ability to dissolve in another substance.