Teach eachother yourfavoritedance moveFree! Giveyourself ahug. Yougot this!!!Givesomeonea jumpinghigh-five.Find someonewho likes thesame TV showor movie asyou do.Playpattycakewithsomeone.Has thesamefavorite livingapostle asyouAsk for aBishop'sautographMake silly facesat each otherfor 30 secondswithoutlaughing.Findsomeoneborn inJulyFindsomeonewho has thesame favoritefood as you.Lose tosomeone inRock, Paper,Scissors threetimes in a row.Find someonewho was bornthe samemonth as youTake turnssinging partof yourfavoritesong.Findsomeonewho doesn'tlike Chick-Fill-AFind someonewho has thesame kind ofpet as you.Share a storyabout that pet.Create a sillyhandshakethat includesat least 3moves.Share yourbest animalimpressionwithsomeone.Find someonewho has reada novel thatyou have readShare analbum you'reobsessedwithFindsomeonewho is amiddle childHave a staringcontest for onewhole minutewithout talking.Share yourfavoritescripture tosomeoneFindsomwonewho knows agood DadJokeStand back toback for one wholeminute, takingturns describing toeach other whatyou see.Give twocomplimentsto yourroommate orneighborTake turnstelling a jokeor sharing afunny story.Findsomeonewho loveshikingFindsomeonewho has thesame favoritegame as you.Findsomeonewho has thesame middleinitial as youTell eachother aboutthe last nicething you didfor someoneSharesomethingyou areexcited aboutfor this Fall.Find someonewho is wearingthe same colorshirt as youare.Find someonewho ate thesame thing forbreakfast asyouFindsomeonewith thesame eyecolor as you.Find someonewho will go tothe sameschool as youin the fallFindsomeonewho lovesDr.PepperTeach eachother yourfavoritedance moveFree! Giveyourself ahug. Yougot this!!!Givesomeonea jumpinghigh-five.Find someonewho likes thesame TV showor movie asyou do.Playpattycakewithsomeone.Has thesamefavorite livingapostle asyouAsk for aBishop'sautographMake silly facesat each otherfor 30 secondswithoutlaughing.Findsomeoneborn inJulyFindsomeonewho has thesame favoritefood as you.Lose tosomeone inRock, Paper,Scissors threetimes in a row.Find someonewho was bornthe samemonth as youTake turnssinging partof yourfavoritesong.Findsomeonewho doesn'tlike Chick-Fill-AFind someonewho has thesame kind ofpet as you.Share a storyabout that pet.Create a sillyhandshakethat includesat least 3moves.Share yourbest animalimpressionwithsomeone.Find someonewho has reada novel thatyou have readShare analbum you'reobsessedwithFindsomeonewho is amiddle childHave a staringcontest for onewhole minutewithout talking.Share yourfavoritescripture tosomeoneFindsomwonewho knows agood DadJokeStand back toback for one wholeminute, takingturns describing toeach other whatyou see.Give twocomplimentsto yourroommate orneighborTake turnstelling a jokeor sharing afunny story.Findsomeonewho loveshikingFindsomeonewho has thesame favoritegame as you.Findsomeonewho has thesame middleinitial as youTell eachother aboutthe last nicething you didfor someoneSharesomethingyou areexcited aboutfor this Fall.Find someonewho is wearingthe same colorshirt as youare.Find someonewho ate thesame thing forbreakfast asyouFindsomeonewith thesame eyecolor as you.Find someonewho will go tothe sameschool as youin the fallFindsomeonewho lovesDr.Pepper

The best Rexburg 77th YSA Ward ever - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Teach each other your favorite dance move
  2. Free! Give yourself a hug. You got this!!!
  3. Give someone a jumping high-five.
  4. Find someone who likes the same TV show or movie as you do.
  5. Play pattycake with someone.
  6. Has the same favorite living apostle as you
  7. Ask for a Bishop's autograph
  8. Make silly faces at each other for 30 seconds without laughing.
  9. Find someone born in July
  10. Find someone who has the same favorite food as you.
  11. Lose to someone in Rock, Paper, Scissors three times in a row.
  12. Find someone who was born the same month as you
  13. Take turns singing part of your favorite song.
  14. Find someone who doesn't like Chick-Fill-A
  15. Find someone who has the same kind of pet as you. Share a story about that pet.
  16. Create a silly handshake that includes at least 3 moves.
  17. Share your best animal impression with someone.
  18. Find someone who has read a novel that you have read
  19. Share an album you're obsessed with
  20. Find someone who is a middle child
  21. Have a staring contest for one whole minute without talking.
  22. Share your favorite scripture to someone
  23. Find somwone who knows a good Dad Joke
  24. Stand back to back for one whole minute, taking turns describing to each other what you see.
  25. Give two compliments to your roommate or neighbor
  26. Take turns telling a joke or sharing a funny story.
  27. Find someone who loves hiking
  28. Find someone who has the same favorite game as you.
  29. Find someone who has the same middle initial as you
  30. Tell each other about the last nice thing you did for someone
  31. Share something you are excited about for this Fall.
  32. Find someone who is wearing the same color shirt as you are.
  33. Find someone who ate the same thing for breakfast as you
  34. Find someone with the same eye color as you.
  35. Find someone who will go to the same school as you in the fall
  36. Find someone who loves Dr.Pepper