A friendlymodel occupiesthe highestpoint on thebattlefieldA friendly modelapply an extraBLOOD MARKER toan enemy model as aresult of theKeyword(s) FIRE,GAS, and/orSHRAPNELA friendly modeltakes their thirdenemy modelOut of Actionduring this BattleAn enemymodel has 6 ormore Blood orInfectionMarkerscombinedA friendly modeltakes an enemymodel Out ofAction with an off-hand weapon inMelee CombatA friendlymodel Retreatsfrom MeleeCombat and isnot hit by anyMelee attacksYourWarbandfails aMorale TestAll friendlynon-Elitemodels havebeen takenOut of ActionA friendly modelsucceeds at fourACTIONS in arow in a singleActivationAt least onefriendly modelis within 16" ofeach corner ofthe mapA friendly model istaken Out ofAction fromDangerous Terrainor a Fall during itsActivationThe enemyleader istaken Outof ActionA friendlymodeluncoversa RelicYou expend 3Blood Markersto hinder anenemy model'sACTIONA friendlymodel hitsthree or moreenemy modelswith a singleBLAST attackFriendlymodels haveuncoveredthree RelicsFriendlymodels haveuncoveredtwo RelicsEvery ELITEmodel in theenemyWarband hasbeen taken Outof ActionA friendly modelrolls an injury thatignores Armouragainst a modelwith an ArmourCharacteristic of -2or higherThe enemyWarbandmakes aMorale TestA friendlymodel fails aRISKY ACTIONas its firstACTION duringan ActivationA friendlymodelsuccessfullyCharges atarget that is atleast 10" awayA friendlymodel takes anenemy modelthat is in CoverOut of ActionA friendly modelsucceeds at twoRISKYACTIONS in asingle ActivationA friendlymodel occupiesthe highestpoint on thebattlefieldA friendly modelapply an extraBLOOD MARKER toan enemy model as aresult of theKeyword(s) FIRE,GAS, and/orSHRAPNELA friendly modeltakes their thirdenemy modelOut of Actionduring this BattleAn enemymodel has 6 ormore Blood orInfectionMarkerscombinedA friendly modeltakes an enemymodel Out ofAction with an off-hand weapon inMelee CombatA friendlymodel Retreatsfrom MeleeCombat and isnot hit by anyMelee attacksYourWarbandfails aMorale TestAll friendlynon-Elitemodels havebeen takenOut of ActionA friendly modelsucceeds at fourACTIONS in arow in a singleActivationAt least onefriendly modelis within 16" ofeach corner ofthe mapA friendly model istaken Out ofAction fromDangerous Terrainor a Fall during itsActivationThe enemyleader istaken Outof ActionA friendlymodeluncoversa RelicYou expend 3Blood Markersto hinder anenemy model'sACTIONA friendlymodel hitsthree or moreenemy modelswith a singleBLAST attackFriendlymodels haveuncoveredthree RelicsFriendlymodels haveuncoveredtwo RelicsEvery ELITEmodel in theenemyWarband hasbeen taken Outof ActionA friendly modelrolls an injury thatignores Armouragainst a modelwith an ArmourCharacteristic of -2or higherThe enemyWarbandmakes aMorale TestA friendlymodel fails aRISKY ACTIONas its firstACTION duringan ActivationA friendlymodelsuccessfullyCharges atarget that is atleast 10" awayA friendlymodel takes anenemy modelthat is in CoverOut of ActionA friendly modelsucceeds at twoRISKYACTIONS in asingle Activation

Trench Crusade Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A friendly model occupies the highest point on the battlefield
  2. A friendly model apply an extra BLOOD MARKER to an enemy model as a result of the Keyword(s) FIRE, GAS, and/or SHRAPNEL
  3. A friendly model takes their third enemy model Out of Action during this Battle
  4. An enemy model has 6 or more Blood or Infection Markers combined
  5. A friendly model takes an enemy model Out of Action with an off-hand weapon in Melee Combat
  6. A friendly model Retreats from Melee Combat and is not hit by any Melee attacks
  7. Your Warband fails a Morale Test
  8. All friendly non-Elite models have been taken Out of Action
  9. A friendly model succeeds at four ACTIONS in a row in a single Activation
  10. At least one friendly model is within 16" of each corner of the map
  11. A friendly model is taken Out of Action from Dangerous Terrain or a Fall during its Activation
  12. The enemy leader is taken Out of Action
  13. A friendly model uncovers a Relic
  14. You expend 3 Blood Markers to hinder an enemy model's ACTION
  15. A friendly model hits three or more enemy models with a single BLAST attack
  16. Friendly models have uncovered three Relics
  17. Friendly models have uncovered two Relics
  18. Every ELITE model in the enemy Warband has been taken Out of Action
  19. A friendly model rolls an injury that ignores Armour against a model with an Armour Characteristic of -2 or higher
  20. The enemy Warband makes a Morale Test
  21. A friendly model fails a RISKY ACTION as its first ACTION during an Activation
  22. A friendly model successfully Charges a target that is at least 10" away
  23. A friendly model takes an enemy model that is in Cover Out of Action
  24. A friendly model succeeds at two RISKY ACTIONS in a single Activation