The profit we madefrom revenue, afterwe paid allexpenses, includematerials, labor,building officesupplies, etc.Individual orinstitution withauthority to vote onbehalf of the stockshare owners, andhas discretion overESOP plan assets. The process of aneligible participantreceiving cashpayment(s) from theirESOP account.   The organizationthat manages theindividualparticipant ESOPaccounts,including accountstatements. A unit ofownership inthe corporation.   The ability of aneligible activeparticipant to electto move a portion oftheir ESOP balanceo a differentretirement account. The process ofLoftness contributingESOP stock sharesto eligibleparticipants,increasing theirpersonal ESOPaccount balance.Employee StockOwnership Plan. Aqualifiedretirement planthat is designed toprimarily invest incompany stock. Number of hours aeligible employeemust work duringa plan year for it tobe considered a"Year of Service"under the ESOP. Consists ofindividuals who areresponsible for thebusiness strategyand direction of thecompany andExecutive Team. Stock that has beenassigned to aspecific participantaccount and is partof their personalretirementaccount. An individual that isrequired under law toact prudently andsolely in the bestinterest of the planparticipants in regardsto the retirement plan(ESOP)The act or processof determining thevalue of abusiness andsetting the stockshare price.  This type ofcorporation isgenerally exemptfrom federalcorporate incometaxes, increasing thecompany's netincome. This individualor institution isa Fiduciary forthe plan   The person(s) aparticipant hasdesignated toreceive theirbenefits in thecase of theirdeath. How long do youneed to beemployed tobecome an activeparticipant inESOP  The independentFinancial Advisorthat Loftness usesfor the Valuationprocess.  The yearLoftnessESOP wascreated.  The price of theproducts/ serviceswe have sold.    The profit we madefrom revenue, afterwe paid allexpenses, includematerials, labor,building officesupplies, etc.Individual orinstitution withauthority to vote onbehalf of the stockshare owners, andhas discretion overESOP plan assets. The process of aneligible participantreceiving cashpayment(s) from theirESOP account.   The organizationthat manages theindividualparticipant ESOPaccounts,including accountstatements. A unit ofownership inthe corporation.   The ability of aneligible activeparticipant to electto move a portion oftheir ESOP balanceo a differentretirement account. The process ofLoftness contributingESOP stock sharesto eligibleparticipants,increasing theirpersonal ESOPaccount balance.Employee StockOwnership Plan. Aqualifiedretirement planthat is designed toprimarily invest incompany stock. Number of hours aeligible employeemust work duringa plan year for it tobe considered a"Year of Service"under the ESOP. Consists ofindividuals who areresponsible for thebusiness strategyand direction of thecompany andExecutive Team. Stock that has beenassigned to aspecific participantaccount and is partof their personalretirementaccount. An individual that isrequired under law toact prudently andsolely in the bestinterest of the planparticipants in regardsto the retirement plan(ESOP)The act or processof determining thevalue of abusiness andsetting the stockshare price.  This type ofcorporation isgenerally exemptfrom federalcorporate incometaxes, increasing thecompany's netincome. This individualor institution isa Fiduciary forthe plan   The person(s) aparticipant hasdesignated toreceive theirbenefits in thecase of theirdeath. How long do youneed to beemployed tobecome an activeparticipant inESOP  The independentFinancial Advisorthat Loftness usesfor the Valuationprocess.  The yearLoftnessESOP wascreated.  The price of theproducts/ serviceswe have sold.    

ESOP BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The profit we made from revenue, after we paid all expenses, include materials, labor, building office supplies, etc.
  2. Individual or institution with authority to vote on behalf of the stock share owners, and has discretion over ESOP plan assets.
  3. The process of an eligible participant receiving cash payment(s) from their ESOP account.
  4. The organization that manages the individual participant ESOP accounts, including account statements.
  5. A unit of ownership in the corporation.
  6. The ability of an eligible active participant to elect to move a portion of their ESOP balance o a different retirement account.
  7. The process of Loftness contributing ESOP stock shares to eligible participants, increasing their personal ESOP account balance.
  8. Employee Stock Ownership Plan. A qualified retirement plan that is designed to primarily invest in company stock.
  9. Number of hours a eligible employee must work during a plan year for it to be considered a "Year of Service" under the ESOP.
  10. Consists of individuals who are responsible for the business strategy and direction of the company and Executive Team.
  11. Stock that has been assigned to a specific participant account and is part of their personal retirement account.
  12. An individual that is required under law to act prudently and solely in the best interest of the plan participants in regards to the retirement plan (ESOP)
  13. The act or process of determining the value of a business and setting the stock share price.
  14. This type of corporation is generally exempt from federal corporate income taxes, increasing the company's net income.
  15. This individual or institution is a Fiduciary for the plan
  16. The person(s) a participant has designated to receive their benefits in the case of their death.
  17. How long do you need to be employed to become an active participant in ESOP
  18. The independent Financial Advisor that Loftness uses for the Valuation process.
  19. The year Loftness ESOP was created.
  20. The price of the products/ services we have sold.