"Follow up on this ASAP." "Let me double- check your work." "Why didn’t you do it this way?" "I want to know exactly what you’re working on." "I’ll sit in on this call." "Did you get my email?" "I made a few changes." "I’ll just do it myself." "Let’s schedule a quick meeting." "I need to review everything before it goes out." "I want to see a draft before you send it." "I need to approve this first." "I’ll be checking in with you later." "What’s the status on this?" "CC me on that." "Can you send me hourly updates?" "Do it exactly as I said." "Where are you with that task?" "How long will this take?" "Just copy and paste this." "I need a timeline on this." "Why haven’t you finished it yet?" "That’s not how I would’ve done it." "Keep me updated on every step." "Follow up on this ASAP." "Let me double- check your work." "Why didn’t you do it this way?" "I want to know exactly what you’re working on." "I’ll sit in on this call." "Did you get my email?" "I made a few changes." "I’ll just do it myself." "Let’s schedule a quick meeting." "I need to review everything before it goes out." "I want to see a draft before you send it." "I need to approve this first." "I’ll be checking in with you later." "What’s the status on this?" "CC me on that." "Can you send me hourly updates?" "Do it exactly as I said." "Where are you with that task?" "How long will this take?" "Just copy and paste this." "I need a timeline on this." "Why haven’t you finished it yet?" "That’s not how I would’ve done it." "Keep me updated on every step."
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
"Follow up on this ASAP."
"Let me double-check your work."
"Why didn’t you do it this way?"
"I want to know exactly what you’re working on."
"I’ll sit in on this call."
"Did you get my email?"
"I made a few changes."
"I’ll just do it myself."
"Let’s schedule a quick meeting."
"I need to review everything before it goes out."
"I want to see a draft before you send it."
"I need to approve this first."
"I’ll be checking in with you later."
"What’s the status on this?"
"CC me on that."
"Can you send me hourly updates?"
"Do it exactly as I said."
"Where are you with that task?"
"How long will this take?"
"Just copy and paste this."
"I need a timeline on this."
"Why haven’t you finished it yet?"
"That’s not how I would’ve done it."
"Keep me updated on every step."