Women mightface criticismfor their wayof selfexpressionWomen areexpected tobe obedienttowardsother menWomensometimeshave to fightfor respect andrecognitionSome societiestolerate ordownplaySexualharassmentagainst womenWomenencounterchallenges inmaledominatedworking fieldsMen might facesocial pressureto stick to thestrict definitionsof masculinityWomen mightface criticismfor beingemotional orsensitiveMen areexpected tohide theirfeelingsMen oftenreceive morepraise fordoing basicthingsSociety oftenexpects mento suppresstheiremotionsCulturally,women facepressure toconform tobeautystandardsThere is a lot ofpressure on howwomen should actand behavemindful, demureand petite in publicWomenmight facesexualisationMen areoftenexpected tobe a providerWomen mayfacerestrictions onthe decision oftheir own bodyThe decisionswomen make,such as notwanting to havechildren or getmarried arecriticizedWomen oftenface pressure tobe presentableand appearpretty to the„male gaze“Society mighthave specificideas abouthow womenshould walkand talkSociety mighthave specificideas abouthow womenshould dressWomen are oftenexpected to domost housechores withoutgetting anyrecognition for itSome societiestolerate ordownplaydomesticviolenceWomen often playa big role in takingcare of everyonebut themselveswhile disregardingtheir own emotionsThere is a lotof pressureon women tohide theirstrugglesThere is a lot ofpressure onwomen toConform totraditionalgender rolesSociety mighthave specificideas abouthow womenshould live theirlivesWomen mightface criticismfor their wayof selfexpressionWomen areexpected tobe obedienttowardsother menWomensometimeshave to fightfor respect andrecognitionSome societiestolerate ordownplaySexualharassmentagainst womenWomenencounterchallenges inmaledominatedworking fieldsMen might facesocial pressureto stick to thestrict definitionsof masculinityWomen mightface criticismfor beingemotional orsensitiveMen areexpected tohide theirfeelingsMen oftenreceive morepraise fordoing basicthingsSociety oftenexpects mento suppresstheiremotionsCulturally,women facepressure toconform tobeautystandardsThere is a lot ofpressure on howwomen should actand behavemindful, demureand petite in publicWomenmight facesexualisationMen areoftenexpected tobe a providerWomen mayfacerestrictions onthe decision oftheir own bodyThe decisionswomen make,such as notwanting to havechildren or getmarried arecriticizedWomen oftenface pressure tobe presentableand appearpretty to the„male gaze“Society mighthave specificideas abouthow womenshould walkand talkSociety mighthave specificideas abouthow womenshould dressWomen are oftenexpected to domost housechores withoutgetting anyrecognition for itSome societiestolerate ordownplaydomesticviolenceWomen often playa big role in takingcare of everyonebut themselveswhile disregardingtheir own emotionsThere is a lotof pressureon women tohide theirstrugglesThere is a lot ofpressure onwomen toConform totraditionalgender rolesSociety mighthave specificideas abouthow womenshould live theirlives

Patriarchy - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Women might face criticism for their way of self expression
  2. Women are expected to be obedient towards other men
  3. Women sometimes have to fight for respect and recognition
  4. Some societies tolerate or downplay Sexual harassment against women
  5. Women encounter challenges in male dominated working fields
  6. Men might face social pressure to stick to the strict definitions of masculinity
  7. Women might face criticism for being emotional or sensitive
  8. Men are expected to hide their feelings
  9. Men often receive more praise for doing basic things
  10. Society often expects men to suppress their emotions
  11. Culturally, women face pressure to conform to beauty standards
  12. There is a lot of pressure on how women should act and behave mindful, demure and petite in public
  13. Women might face sexualisation
  14. Men are often expected to be a provider
  15. Women may face restrictions on the decision of their own body
  16. The decisions women make, such as not wanting to have children or get married are criticized
  17. Women often face pressure to be presentable and appear pretty to the „male gaze“
  18. Society might have specific ideas about how women should walk and talk
  19. Society might have specific ideas about how women should dress
  20. Women are often expected to do most house chores without getting any recognition for it
  21. Some societies tolerate or downplay domestic violence
  22. Women often play a big role in taking care of everyone but themselves while disregarding their own emotions
  23. There is a lot of pressure on women to hide their struggles
  24. There is a lot of pressure on women to Conform to traditional gender roles
  25. Society might have specific ideas about how women should live their lives