Men aresupposed to bethe leader of thefamily and takecontrol in urgentdecisionsWomen areexpected toact a certainway (sensitive,loving, caring)Educationprimarily formen -> insome areasof the worldJobs can becategorized intomale and female(teachers ->women ;construction ->men)Men areexpected toact strong, notemotional,independentWomen areexpected tostay at homeand havechildrenBig gender paygap betweenmen andwomen for thesame amountof workMen have tosupport theirfamiliesfinanciallyMen aresupposed to bethe leader of thefamily and takecontrol in urgentdecisionsWomen areexpected toact a certainway (sensitive,loving, caring)Educationprimarily formen -> insome areasof the worldJobs can becategorized intomale and female(teachers ->women ;construction ->men)Men areexpected toact strong, notemotional,independentWomen areexpected tostay at homeand havechildrenBig gender paygap betweenmen andwomen for thesame amountof workMen have tosupport theirfamiliesfinancially

Patriarchal structures present today - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Men are supposed to be the leader of the family and take control in urgent decisions
  2. Women are expected to act a certain way (sensitive, loving, caring)
  3. Education primarily for men -> in some areas of the world
  4. Jobs can be categorized into male and female (teachers -> women ; construction -> men)
  5. Men are expected to act strong, not emotional, independent
  6. Women are expected to stay at home and have children
  7. Big gender pay gap between men and women for the same amount of work
  8. Men have to support their families financially