Off-Topic Conversations Tutoring Cramming for Exams Hold yourself accountable Cleaning when Unnecessary Negative friends Write a list of most urgent tasks Responding to texts/calls Turn off phone Breaking down tasks into steps Set goals for each sit-down Planning tools (calendar, planner) Ask for help Whining/Complaining Schedule study time Snapchat/Instagram messages Working in Unproductive Environment Office Hours/Professors TikTok/YT reels Student health services Multitasking Procrastination/Waiting Study with positive friends Doing homework due later Positive Mindset RAs and Peer Counselors Counseling services Academic Skills center Reward yourself for studying/working Take breaks Read textbooks/Reread Off-Topic Conversations Tutoring Cramming for Exams Hold yourself accountable Cleaning when Unnecessary Negative friends Write a list of most urgent tasks Responding to texts/calls Turn off phone Breaking down tasks into steps Set goals for each sit-down Planning tools (calendar, planner) Ask for help Whining/Complaining Schedule study time Snapchat/Instagram messages Working in Unproductive Environment Office Hours/Professors TikTok/YT reels Student health services Multitasking Procrastination/Waiting Study with positive friends Doing homework due later Positive Mindset RAs and Peer Counselors Counseling services Academic Skills center Reward yourself for studying/working Take breaks Read textbooks/Reread
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Off-Topic Conversations
Cramming for Exams
Hold yourself accountable
Cleaning when Unnecessary
Negative friends
Write a list of most urgent tasks
Responding to texts/calls
Turn off phone
Breaking down tasks into steps
Set goals for each sit-down
Planning tools (calendar, planner)
Ask for help
Whining/Complaining Schedule study time
Snapchat/Instagram messages
Working in Unproductive Environment
Office Hours/Professors
TikTok/YT reels
Student health services
Study with positive friends
Doing homework due later
Positive Mindset
RAs and Peer Counselors
Counseling services
Academic Skills center
Reward yourself for studying/working
Take breaks
Read textbooks/Reread