Lovestrue crimeshows orpodcastsHas studiedabroad orcompleted aculturalexchangeprogramGraduatedhighschoolearlyHas cookeda dish from aculture otherthan theirownSpeaksmore thantwolanguagesPractices acultural traditionpassed downthroughgenerationsWas bornoutside ofthe USAHas livedin 2 ormorestatesHascelebrated aholiday froma differentcultureHas lived inanothercountry formore than ayearHas triedcooking a dishfrom a cultureother thantheir ownHas learneda traditionaldance from adifferentcultureHas lived inanothercountry formore than ayearHas visitedmore thanthreecountriesHas participated ina cultural ritual(e.g., wedding,coming-of-ageceremony) from aculture differentthan their ownKnows how togreet someonein more thanthreelanguagesHas shared ameal withsomeone from adifferent culturalbackground inthe last monthHas worked ina multiculturalorinternationalteamDoesn’thave anysocialmediaCan namefive traditionaldishes fromdifferentcountriesHascelebrated aholiday from aculture otherthan their ownRecentlymarried orengagedIs anonlychildCan name atleast onecultural customthey’ve adoptedfrom anothercultureWas born ina differentcountry thanthe USAHas visited amuseum orexhibit focusedon anothercultureHas learnedabout their ownfamily’s culturalheritagerecentlyHas watched aforeignlanguage movieor TV series inthe last sixmonthsHas pickedout aHalloweencostumeHas friendsor familymembersfrom anothercultureSpeaksmore than2languagesHas visitedmore than3 countriesHas neverbeen on aplaneHas attended acultural festivalor celebrationoutside theirown cultureHas reada goodbookrecentlyLovestrue crimeshows orpodcastsHas studiedabroad orcompleted aculturalexchangeprogramGraduatedhighschoolearlyHas cookeda dish from aculture otherthan theirownSpeaksmore thantwolanguagesPractices acultural traditionpassed downthroughgenerationsWas bornoutside ofthe USAHas livedin 2 ormorestatesHascelebrated aholiday froma differentcultureHas lived inanothercountry formore than ayearHas triedcooking a dishfrom a cultureother thantheir ownHas learneda traditionaldance from adifferentcultureHas lived inanothercountry formore than ayearHas visitedmore thanthreecountriesHas participated ina cultural ritual(e.g., wedding,coming-of-ageceremony) from aculture differentthan their ownKnows how togreet someonein more thanthreelanguagesHas shared ameal withsomeone from adifferent culturalbackground inthe last monthHas worked ina multiculturalorinternationalteamDoesn’thave anysocialmediaCan namefive traditionaldishes fromdifferentcountriesHascelebrated aholiday from aculture otherthan their ownRecentlymarried orengagedIs anonlychildCan name atleast onecultural customthey’ve adoptedfrom anothercultureWas born ina differentcountry thanthe USAHas visited amuseum orexhibit focusedon anothercultureHas learnedabout their ownfamily’s culturalheritagerecentlyHas watched aforeignlanguage movieor TV series inthe last sixmonthsHas pickedout aHalloweencostumeHas friendsor familymembersfrom anothercultureSpeaksmore than2languagesHas visitedmore than3 countriesHas neverbeen on aplaneHas attended acultural festivalor celebrationoutside theirown cultureHas reada goodbookrecently

Virtual Icebreaker Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Loves true crime shows or podcasts
  2. Has studied abroad or completed a cultural exchange program
  3. Graduated high school early
  4. Has cooked a dish from a culture other than their own
  5. Speaks more than two languages
  6. Practices a cultural tradition passed down through generations
  7. Was born outside of the USA
  8. Has lived in 2 or more states
  9. Has celebrated a holiday from a different culture
  10. Has lived in another country for more than a year
  11. Has tried cooking a dish from a culture other than their own
  12. Has learned a traditional dance from a different culture
  13. Has lived in another country for more than a year
  14. Has visited more than three countries
  15. Has participated in a cultural ritual (e.g., wedding, coming-of-age ceremony) from a culture different than their own
  16. Knows how to greet someone in more than three languages
  17. Has shared a meal with someone from a different cultural background in the last month
  18. Has worked in a multicultural or international team
  19. Doesn’t have any social media
  20. Can name five traditional dishes from different countries
  21. Has celebrated a holiday from a culture other than their own
  22. Recently married or engaged
  23. Is an only child
  24. Can name at least one cultural custom they’ve adopted from another culture
  25. Was born in a different country than the USA
  26. Has visited a museum or exhibit focused on another culture
  27. Has learned about their own family’s cultural heritage recently
  28. Has watched a foreign language movie or TV series in the last six months
  29. Has picked out a Halloween costume
  30. Has friends or family members from another culture
  31. Speaks more than 2 languages
  32. Has visited more than 3 countries
  33. Has never been on a plane
  34. Has attended a cultural festival or celebration outside their own culture
  35. Has read a good book recently