I'm lookingfor someoneto: take meoff this appThe keyto myheart is:FoodI won'tshut upabout:anythingAll I ask isthat you:are funnyThe bestway to askme out is:by askingBiggest riskI've taken:downloadingthis appFirst roundis on me if: Iwould neversay thisI'll bragabout you tomy friends if:you cancookWhat if I toldyou that: Iactuallyknow whereI want to eatI know thebest spotin townfor: bobaAsking for songrecommendationsThe way towin me overis: if my doglikes youMostspontaneousthing I've done:planned tripright beforegoingMy mostcontroversialopinion:Pineapple onpizzaI want tobe yourpassengerprincessGive metravel tipsfor: (city youare in) ORjapanAll I ask ifthat you:arehonestYou shouldnot go outwith me if:you're under6 ftA random factthat I love: ottershold handswhen they sleepso they don'tdrift apartDon't hateme if: I'mfunnierthan youI'm lookingfor: someoneto carry meon Leagueor ValorantLet's debatethis topic:Milk orcereal first?This yearI reallywant to:TravelLet's make surewe're on thesame pageabout: The fakestory of how wemetI'm lookingfor: a goldenretrieverboyfriendTry to guess thisabout me:ethnicity/MBTI/#of tattoos/# ofpiercings/haircolorTypicalSunday:staying inbedDon't hateme if: I take3-5 businessdays to replyig orsnaphandleMy mostirrationalfear/Changemy mindabout: menI'm lookingfor someoneto: take meoff this appThe keyto myheart is:FoodI won'tshut upabout:anythingAll I ask isthat you:are funnyThe bestway to askme out is:by askingBiggest riskI've taken:downloadingthis appFirst roundis on me if: Iwould neversay thisI'll bragabout you tomy friends if:you cancookWhat if I toldyou that: Iactuallyknow whereI want to eatI know thebest spotin townfor: bobaAsking for songrecommendationsThe way towin me overis: if my doglikes youMostspontaneousthing I've done:planned tripright beforegoingMy mostcontroversialopinion:Pineapple onpizzaI want tobe yourpassengerprincessGive metravel tipsfor: (city youare in) ORjapanAll I ask ifthat you:arehonestYou shouldnot go outwith me if:you're under6 ftA random factthat I love: ottershold handswhen they sleepso they don'tdrift apartDon't hateme if: I'mfunnierthan youI'm lookingfor: someoneto carry meon Leagueor ValorantLet's debatethis topic:Milk orcereal first?This yearI reallywant to:TravelLet's make surewe're on thesame pageabout: The fakestory of how wemetI'm lookingfor: a goldenretrieverboyfriendTry to guess thisabout me:ethnicity/MBTI/#of tattoos/# ofpiercings/haircolorTypicalSunday:staying inbedDon't hateme if: I take3-5 businessdays to replyig orsnaphandleMy mostirrationalfear/Changemy mindabout: men

Hinge girl prompts - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I'm looking for someone to: take me off this app
  2. The key to my heart is: Food
  3. I won't shut up about: anything
  4. All I ask is that you: are funny
  5. The best way to ask me out is: by asking
  6. Biggest risk I've taken: downloading this app
  7. First round is on me if: I would never say this
  8. I'll brag about you to my friends if: you can cook
  9. What if I told you that: I actually know where I want to eat
  10. I know the best spot in town for: boba
  11. Asking for song recommendations
  12. The way to win me over is: if my dog likes you
  13. Most spontaneous thing I've done: planned trip right before going
  14. My most controversial opinion: Pineapple on pizza
  15. I want to be your passenger princess
  16. Give me travel tips for: (city you are in) OR japan
  17. All I ask if that you: are honest
  18. You should not go out with me if: you're under 6 ft
  19. A random fact that I love: otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift apart
  20. Don't hate me if: I'm funnier than you
  21. I'm looking for: someone to carry me on League or Valorant
  22. Let's debate this topic: Milk or cereal first?
  23. This year I really want to: Travel
  24. Let's make sure we're on the same page about: The fake story of how we met
  25. I'm looking for: a golden retriever boyfriend
  26. Try to guess this about me: ethnicity/MBTI/# of tattoos/# of piercings/hair color
  27. Typical Sunday: staying in bed
  28. Don't hate me if: I take 3-5 business days to reply
  29. ig or snap handle
  30. My most irrational fear/Change my mind about: men