Perform a series ofdesk-friendlyexercises (e.g.,stretching, seated leglifts, or arm circles)and record a shortvideo or take a selfiewhile doing them.Find an itemthat startswith the firstletter of yourreal nameTake apicture ofsomethinginspiringPlease takea screenshotshowinglogging in towork on timeMake afunny faceand take aselfie with it.Share afun factaboutyourselfTake ascreenshotof yourinboxShare anexample of achat where thecustomerthanked you foryour serviceSend acoworkera positivenoteSing yourfavorite songfor 10 secondsand share theaudioShow yourfavorite snackor beveragethat you enjoywhile working.Findsomethinggreen inyour homeWrite downthree thingsyou aregrateful forShow an itemyou useeverymorning tostart your dayDescribe yourday or a recentexperienceusing onlyemojisFindsomethingblue atyour deskProvidefeedback onanycompanyprocessShowyourfavoritemugTake a photoof yourcurrentworkstationsetupTake a pictureof yourbreakfast.lunch ordinnerTake aselfie witha pet (realor plush)Create atask listfor thedayShare awork-lifebalancetipFindsomethingred atyour deskPerform a series ofdesk-friendlyexercises (e.g.,stretching, seated leglifts, or arm circles)and record a shortvideo or take a selfiewhile doing them.Find an itemthat startswith the firstletter of yourreal nameTake apicture ofsomethinginspiringPlease takea screenshotshowinglogging in towork on timeMake afunny faceand take aselfie with it.Share afun factaboutyourselfTake ascreenshotof yourinboxShare anexample of achat where thecustomerthanked you foryour serviceSend acoworkera positivenoteSing yourfavorite songfor 10 secondsand share theaudioShow yourfavorite snackor beveragethat you enjoywhile working.Findsomethinggreen inyour homeWrite downthree thingsyou aregrateful forShow an itemyou useeverymorning tostart your dayDescribe yourday or a recentexperienceusing onlyemojisFindsomethingblue atyour deskProvidefeedback onanycompanyprocessShowyourfavoritemugTake a photoof yourcurrentworkstationsetupTake a pictureof yourbreakfast.lunch ordinnerTake aselfie witha pet (realor plush)Create atask listfor thedayShare awork-lifebalancetipFindsomethingred atyour desk

UXDGI Mission Bingo Challenge - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Perform a series of desk-friendly exercises (e.g., stretching, seated leg lifts, or arm circles) and record a short video or take a selfie while doing them.
  2. Find an item that starts with the first letter of your real name
  3. Take a picture of something inspiring
  4. Please take a screenshot showing logging in to work on time
  5. Make a funny face and take a selfie with it.
  6. Share a fun fact about yourself
  7. Take a screenshot of your inbox
  8. Share an example of a chat where the customer thanked you for your service
  9. Send a coworker a positive note
  10. Sing your favorite song for 10 seconds and share the audio
  11. Show your favorite snack or beverage that you enjoy while working.
  12. Find something green in your home
  13. Write down three things you are grateful for
  14. Show an item you use every morning to start your day
  15. Describe your day or a recent experience using only emojis
  16. Find something blue at your desk
  17. Provide feedback on any company process
  18. Show your favorite mug
  19. Take a photo of your current workstation setup
  20. Take a picture of your breakfast. lunch or dinner
  21. Take a selfie with a pet (real or plush)
  22. Create a task list for the day
  23. Share a work-life balance tip
  24. Find something red at your desk