Make Inference– Drawingconclusionsfrom clues inthe text. Condensing themain points orthemes of atext into ashorter form. Environmentalchange – Thechanges to the landand environmentcaused bycolonisation andmoderndevelopment.Tradition vs.Modernity – Thecontrast betweentraditionalIndigenous ways oflife and modern,Western influences.Culturaldisplacement –The sense ofbeing removed ordistanced fromone’s originalculture.Loss of identity –The theme oflosing one’scultural orpersonal identitydue to externalchanges.FrustrationSadnessBitternessIronyDisappointmentCriticismAngerLossAlienationSarcasmHopelessnessContrast:The poem frequentlycontrasts traditionalIndigenous practiceswith modern Westerntechnologies orideologies. Colonisation – Theimpact ofEuropeansettlement onIndigenousAustraliancultures. Make Inference– Drawingconclusionsfrom clues inthe text. Condensing themain points orthemes of atext into ashorter form. Environmentalchange – Thechanges to the landand environmentcaused bycolonisation andmoderndevelopment.Tradition vs.Modernity – Thecontrast betweentraditionalIndigenous ways oflife and modern,Western influences.Culturaldisplacement –The sense ofbeing removed ordistanced fromone’s originalculture.Loss of identity –The theme oflosing one’scultural orpersonal identitydue to externalchanges.FrustrationSadnessBitternessIronyDisappointmentCriticismAngerLossAlienationSarcasmHopelessnessContrast:The poem frequentlycontrasts traditionalIndigenous practiceswith modern Westerntechnologies orideologies. Colonisation – Theimpact ofEuropeansettlement onIndigenousAustraliancultures. 


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Make Inference – Drawing conclusions from clues in the text.
  2. Condensing the main points or themes of a text into a shorter form.
  3. Environmental change – The changes to the land and environment caused by colonisation and modern development.
  4. Tradition vs. Modernity – The contrast between traditional Indigenous ways of life and modern, Western influences.
  5. Cultural displacement – The sense of being removed or distanced from one’s original culture.
  6. Loss of identity – The theme of losing one’s cultural or personal identity due to external changes.
  7. Frustration Sadness Bitterness Irony Disappointment Criticism Anger Loss Alienation Sarcasm Hopelessness
  8. Contrast: The poem frequently contrasts traditional Indigenous practices with modern Western technologies or ideologies.
  9. Colonisation – The impact of European settlement on Indigenous Australian cultures.