AnswerAllQuestionsIn “all of the above”questions, if you findone answer option thatyou are confident isincorrect, you canimmediately eliminatethat answer and the“all of the above”answer option.Before looking atthe answerchoices, see ifyou can come upwith an answer inyour head first.If you are runningout of time,prioritize questionsthat are worthmore points orones that seemeasy.Occasionallycheck the timeyou have left tomake sure youare staying ontrack.Listen to yourteacher’sexplanations toother students'questions.Be an active test taker.Underline key termswhen reading aquestion, circleimportant words, anduse your pointer fingerto scan the questionand answer options.Double-checkthat youcompleted allquestions onthe test.Knock out theeasiestquestions firstto buildconfidence andreduce stress!Plan the order youwant to completethe test in andwhere you mightneed to spend themost time.Read TestDirectionsGo back andrevisit difficultquestions orquestionsyou marked.Circle negativewords like “Not” or“Except” in thequestion to helpyou focus onselecting thecorrect answer.Trust yourintuition and donot change youranswer unlessyou arecompletely sure.Listenclosely forany last-minute tipsor directions.Sometimes, theanswer from aquestion farther intothe test will help youanswer a previousquestion you wereunsure about.Eliminate anyobviously wronganswers andphysically cross themout so you do notwaste time looking atthem anymore.It is okay to “jumparound” the testand answersections out oforder, as long asyou completeevery question.It is better to makeyour best guesson a question youare not sure aboutthan leave it blank.Ask last-minutequestionsfrom yourstudying.Circle wordslike always,never, all,every, ornone.Beforeansweringquestions, lookover the wholetest so you knowwhat to expect.In “all of the above”questions, once youfind two answersthat are definitelycorrect, you canimmediately mark“all of the above.”Break longquestions intosmaller, moremanageablechunks.Circle or markquestions youskip over orwant to returnto later!Once you havefinished thetest, take thetime to reviewyour work.Do not rushthrough atest to get itover with.Do what youcan, even if youdon’t knoweverything. Youmight earnpartial points.Throughout thetest, take somedeep breaths,relax your writinghand, or take ashort stretchingbreak.ShowUpEarlyReframe yournegative orlimiting beliefsinto positivethoughts.This strategy canhelp you come upwith your answerwithout becomingconfused byincorrect answerchoices.Save sometime at the endto review yourwork and lookover the entiretest.As soon as thetest starts, quicklyjot down anyinformation youremember that youwill likely need toknow for the test.AnswerAllQuestionsIn “all of the above”questions, if you findone answer option thatyou are confident isincorrect, you canimmediately eliminatethat answer and the“all of the above”answer option.Before looking atthe answerchoices, see ifyou can come upwith an answer inyour head first.If you are runningout of time,prioritize questionsthat are worthmore points orones that seemeasy.Occasionallycheck the timeyou have left tomake sure youare staying ontrack.Listen to yourteacher’sexplanations toother students'questions.Be an active test taker.Underline key termswhen reading aquestion, circleimportant words, anduse your pointer fingerto scan the questionand answer options.Double-checkthat youcompleted allquestions onthe test.Knock out theeasiestquestions firstto buildconfidence andreduce stress!Plan the order youwant to completethe test in andwhere you mightneed to spend themost time.Read TestDirectionsGo back andrevisit difficultquestions orquestionsyou marked.Circle negativewords like “Not” or“Except” in thequestion to helpyou focus onselecting thecorrect answer.Trust yourintuition and donot change youranswer unlessyou arecompletely sure.Listenclosely forany last-minute tipsor directions.Sometimes, theanswer from aquestion farther intothe test will help youanswer a previousquestion you wereunsure about.Eliminate anyobviously wronganswers andphysically cross themout so you do notwaste time looking atthem anymore.It is okay to “jumparound” the testand answersections out oforder, as long asyou completeevery question.It is better to makeyour best guesson a question youare not sure aboutthan leave it blank.Ask last-minutequestionsfrom yourstudying.Circle wordslike always,never, all,every, ornone.Beforeansweringquestions, lookover the wholetest so you knowwhat to expect.In “all of the above”questions, once youfind two answersthat are definitelycorrect, you canimmediately mark“all of the above.”Break longquestions intosmaller, moremanageablechunks.Circle or markquestions youskip over orwant to returnto later!Once you havefinished thetest, take thetime to reviewyour work.Do not rushthrough atest to get itover with.Do what youcan, even if youdon’t knoweverything. Youmight earnpartial points.Throughout thetest, take somedeep breaths,relax your writinghand, or take ashort stretchingbreak.ShowUpEarlyReframe yournegative orlimiting beliefsinto positivethoughts.This strategy canhelp you come upwith your answerwithout becomingconfused byincorrect answerchoices.Save sometime at the endto review yourwork and lookover the entiretest.As soon as thetest starts, quicklyjot down anyinformation youremember that youwill likely need toknow for the test.

Test Taking Strategies - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Answer All Questions
  2. In “all of the above” questions, if you find one answer option that you are confident is incorrect, you can immediately eliminate that answer and the “all of the above” answer option.
  3. Before looking at the answer choices, see if you can come up with an answer in your head first.
  4. If you are running out of time, prioritize questions that are worth more points or ones that seem easy.
  5. Occasionally check the time you have left to make sure you are staying on track.
  6. Listen to your teacher’s explanations to other students' questions.
  7. Be an active test taker. Underline key terms when reading a question, circle important words, and use your pointer finger to scan the question and answer options.
  8. Double-check that you completed all questions on the test.
  9. Knock out the easiest questions first to build confidence and reduce stress!
  10. Plan the order you want to complete the test in and where you might need to spend the most time.
  11. Read Test Directions
  12. Go back and revisit difficult questions or questions you marked.
  13. Circle negative words like “Not” or “Except” in the question to help you focus on selecting the correct answer.
  14. Trust your intuition and do not change your answer unless you are completely sure.
  15. Listen closely for any last-minute tips or directions.
  16. Sometimes, the answer from a question farther into the test will help you answer a previous question you were unsure about.
  17. Eliminate any obviously wrong answers and physically cross them out so you do not waste time looking at them anymore.
  18. It is okay to “jump around” the test and answer sections out of order, as long as you complete every question.
  19. It is better to make your best guess on a question you are not sure about than leave it blank.
  20. Ask last-minute questions from your studying.
  21. Circle words like always, never, all, every, or none.
  22. Before answering questions, look over the whole test so you know what to expect.
  23. In “all of the above” questions, once you find two answers that are definitely correct, you can immediately mark “all of the above.”
  24. Break long questions into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  25. Circle or mark questions you skip over or want to return to later!
  26. Once you have finished the test, take the time to review your work.
  27. Do not rush through a test to get it over with.
  28. Do what you can, even if you don’t know everything. You might earn partial points.
  29. Throughout the test, take some deep breaths, relax your writing hand, or take a short stretching break.
  30. Show Up Early
  31. Reframe your negative or limiting beliefs into positive thoughts.
  32. This strategy can help you come up with your answer without becoming confused by incorrect answer choices.
  33. Save some time at the end to review your work and look over the entire test.
  34. As soon as the test starts, quickly jot down any information you remember that you will likely need to know for the test.