It is okay to“jump around”the test andanswersections out oforderIn “all of the above”questions, if you findone answer option thatyou are confident isincorrect, you canimmediately eliminatethat answer and the“all of the above”answer optionGo back andrevisit difficultquestions orquestionsyou markedDo what youcan, even if youdon’t knoweverything. Youmight earnpartial pointsJot down anyimportantinformation atthe start ofthe testListen forany last-minute tipsor directionsOccasionallycheck the timeremaining soyou can stayon trackTrust yourintuition – don’tchange youranswer unlessyou arecompletely sureDouble-checkthat youcompleted allquestions onthe testDon’t rushthrough atest just toget it overwithRead TestDirectionsIn “all of the above”questions, once youfind two answersthat are definitelycorrect, you canimmediately mark“all of the above.”Circle or markquestions youskip over orwant to returnto laterShowupearlyCirclenegativewords like“Not” or“Except”Complete easyquestions firstto buildconfidence andreduce stressAsk last-minutequestionsEliminateobviouslywrong answersand physicallycross them outTry to come up withan answer in yourhead before lookingat the answerchoices so you aren’tconfused by incorrectanswer choicesBe an activetest taker.Underline keyterms whenreading aquestionCircle wordslike always,never, all,every, ornoneMaking yourbest guess on aquestion you areunsure about isbetter thanleaving it blankReframe yournegative orlimiting beliefsinto positivethoughtsLook overthe wholetest beforeyou startBreak longquestions intosmaller, moremanageablechunksSometimes theanswer from onequestion will helpyou answeranother questionyou were unsureaboutSave timeat the endto reviewyour workTake some deepbreaths, relaxyour writinghand, or take ashort stretchingbreakAnswerAllQuestionsOnce you havefinished thetest, take thetime to reviewyour workRunning out oftime? Prioritizequestions thatare worth morepoints or thatseem easyIt is okay to“jump around”the test andanswersections out oforderIn “all of the above”questions, if you findone answer option thatyou are confident isincorrect, you canimmediately eliminatethat answer and the“all of the above”answer optionGo back andrevisit difficultquestions orquestionsyou markedDo what youcan, even if youdon’t knoweverything. Youmight earnpartial pointsJot down anyimportantinformation atthe start ofthe testListen forany last-minute tipsor directionsOccasionallycheck the timeremaining soyou can stayon trackTrust yourintuition – don’tchange youranswer unlessyou arecompletely sureDouble-checkthat youcompleted allquestions onthe testDon’t rushthrough atest just toget it overwithRead TestDirectionsIn “all of the above”questions, once youfind two answersthat are definitelycorrect, you canimmediately mark“all of the above.”Circle or markquestions youskip over orwant to returnto laterShowupearlyCirclenegativewords like“Not” or“Except”Complete easyquestions firstto buildconfidence andreduce stressAsk last-minutequestionsEliminateobviouslywrong answersand physicallycross them outTry to come up withan answer in yourhead before lookingat the answerchoices so you aren’tconfused by incorrectanswer choicesBe an activetest taker.Underline keyterms whenreading aquestionCircle wordslike always,never, all,every, ornoneMaking yourbest guess on aquestion you areunsure about isbetter thanleaving it blankReframe yournegative orlimiting beliefsinto positivethoughtsLook overthe wholetest beforeyou startBreak longquestions intosmaller, moremanageablechunksSometimes theanswer from onequestion will helpyou answeranother questionyou were unsureaboutSave timeat the endto reviewyour workTake some deepbreaths, relaxyour writinghand, or take ashort stretchingbreakAnswerAllQuestionsOnce you havefinished thetest, take thetime to reviewyour workRunning out oftime? Prioritizequestions thatare worth morepoints or thatseem easy

Freshmen Seminar: Test Taking Strategies - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. It is okay to “jump around” the test and answer sections out of order
  2. In “all of the above” questions, if you find one answer option that you are confident is incorrect, you can immediately eliminate that answer and the “all of the above” answer option
  3. Go back and revisit difficult questions or questions you marked
  4. Do what you can, even if you don’t know everything. You might earn partial points
  5. Jot down any important information at the start of the test
  6. Listen for any last-minute tips or directions
  7. Occasionally check the time remaining so you can stay on track
  8. Trust your intuition – don’t change your answer unless you are completely sure
  9. Double-check that you completed all questions on the test
  10. Don’t rush through a test just to get it over with
  11. Read Test Directions
  12. In “all of the above” questions, once you find two answers that are definitely correct, you can immediately mark “all of the above.”
  13. Circle or mark questions you skip over or want to return to later
  14. Show up early
  15. Circle negative words like “Not” or “Except”
  16. Complete easy questions first to build confidence and reduce stress
  17. Ask last-minute questions
  18. Eliminate obviously wrong answers and physically cross them out
  19. Try to come up with an answer in your head before looking at the answer choices so you aren’t confused by incorrect answer choices
  20. Be an active test taker. Underline key terms when reading a question
  21. Circle words like always, never, all, every, or none
  22. Making your best guess on a question you are unsure about is better than leaving it blank
  23. Reframe your negative or limiting beliefs into positive thoughts
  24. Look over the whole test before you start
  25. Break long questions into smaller, more manageable chunks
  26. Sometimes the answer from one question will help you answer another question you were unsure about
  27. Save time at the end to review your work
  28. Take some deep breaths, relax your writing hand, or take a short stretching break
  29. Answer All Questions
  30. Once you have finished the test, take the time to review your work
  31. Running out of time? Prioritize questions that are worth more points or that seem easy