New Store Bundle Lappland Alter 2nd Rosmontis Skin Endfield Collab Teased Agent Module 2 or more IS- Specific Modules Minos Event 6 Star Alchemist Headhunting History Added New Event is wordier than Lone Trail Base Leaves Beta E2 4 Star Voucher Virtuosa skin Permanent CC Mode ASK's Vampire Appears Omni spontaneously combusts Executor the Ex Foedere skin Reclamation Algorithm- specific module Playable Crownslayer Arts Guard module 6 Star Welfare Arts Defender Cooking Mini- Game added Adam Gubman Retirement Announced Reclamation Algorithm Early Game Overhaul New Store Bundle Lappland Alter 2nd Rosmontis Skin Endfield Collab Teased Agent Module 2 or more IS- Specific Modules Minos Event 6 Star Alchemist Headhunting History Added New Event is wordier than Lone Trail Base Leaves Beta E2 4 Star Voucher Virtuosa skin Permanent CC Mode ASK's Vampire Appears Omni spontaneously combusts Executor the Ex Foedere skin Reclamation Algorithm- specific module Playable Crownslayer Arts Guard module 6 Star Welfare Arts Defender Cooking Mini- Game added Adam Gubman Retirement Announced Reclamation Algorithm Early Game Overhaul
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
N-New Store Bundle
B-Lappland Alter
B-2nd Rosmontis
G-Endfield Collab
N-Agent Module
B-2 or more IS-Specific Modules
B-Minos Event
G-6 Star Alchemist
O-Headhunting History Added
N-New Event is wordier than Lone Trail
I-Base Leaves Beta
O-E2 4 Star Voucher
G-Permanent CC Mode
O-ASK's Vampire Appears
B-Omni spontaneously combusts
O-Executor the Ex Foedere skin
N-Reclamation Algorithm-specific module
I-Playable Crownslayer
G-Arts Guard module
O-6 Star Welfare Arts Defender
I-Cooking Mini-Game added
G-Adam Gubman Retirement Announced
I-Reclamation Algorithm Early Game Overhaul