Mascot istheHornedFrogSchoolColors areburnt orangeand whitestate duties includedisaster relief,emergencypreparedness,security assistanceto law enforcement,and border securityHas a groupof maskedriders knownas "ghostriders"Located nearShreveport,Little Rock,and DallasMascot is theHuskies andcolors areroyal blue &orangeTexas'sLeadingBeautySchoolStudents jumpin the SanMarcos Riverto celebrategraduatoin.SchoolColor: green,silver, goldand mascotis the Miner.MississippiUniversity thatproduces369,000gallons of milk.Oldestinstitution ofhigherlearning inMississippiMascotis theShockersKnown at the"Cradle fo thecivil rightsmovements inMississippi "Located inWinterPark,Florida Fans rub thepaw of thebronze statuesbefore coo====going to thegamonly public four-year institution inTexas that offersdegrees in bothaviation scienceand professionalpilot. IOldestCatholicUniversityIN TEXAS.TrainingCenterspecializingin HVAC andelectricalMascot istheLumberjackStarted in 1890as the TexasNormal College&TeacherTrainingInstituteOpened in1845 as theFemale Schoolfor BaylorUniversityThis schoolis minutesaway fromthe fun LasVegas strip.Mascotis theRamsHealthScienceschool locateddowntownFort WorthMascot istheHornedFrogSchoolColors areburnt orangeand whitestate duties includedisaster relief,emergencypreparedness,security assistanceto law enforcement,and border securityHas a groupof maskedriders knownas "ghostriders"Located nearShreveport,Little Rock,and DallasMascot is theHuskies andcolors areroyal blue &orangeTexas'sLeadingBeautySchoolStudents jumpin the SanMarcos Riverto celebrategraduatoin.SchoolColor: green,silver, goldand mascotis the Miner.MississippiUniversity thatproduces369,000gallons of milk.Oldestinstitution ofhigherlearning inMississippiMascotis theShockersKnown at the"Cradle fo thecivil rightsmovements inMississippi "Located inWinterPark,Florida Fans rub thepaw of thebronze statuesbefore coo====going to thegamonly public four-year institution inTexas that offersdegrees in bothaviation scienceand professionalpilot. IOldestCatholicUniversityIN TEXAS.TrainingCenterspecializingin HVAC andelectricalMascot istheLumberjackStarted in 1890as the TexasNormal College&TeacherTrainingInstituteOpened in1845 as theFemale Schoolfor BaylorUniversityThis schoolis minutesaway fromthe fun LasVegas strip.Mascotis theRamsHealthScienceschool locateddowntownFort Worth

College Fair BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Mascot is the Horned Frog
  2. School Colors are burnt orange and white
  3. state duties include disaster relief, emergency preparedness, security assistance to law enforcement, and border security
  4. Has a group of masked riders known as "ghost riders"
  5. Located near Shreveport, Little Rock, and Dallas
  6. Mascot is the Huskies and colors are royal blue & orange
  7. Texas's Leading Beauty School
  8. Students jump in the San Marcos River to celebrate graduatoin.
  9. School Color: green, silver, gold and mascot is the Miner.
  10. Mississippi University that produces 369,000 gallons of milk.
  11. Oldest institution of higher learning in Mississippi
  12. Mascot is the Shockers
  13. Known at the" Cradle fo the civil rights movements in Mississippi "
  14. Located in Winter Park, Florida
  15. Fans rub the paw of the bronze statues before coo==== going to the gam
  16. only public four-year institution in Texas that offers degrees in both aviation science and professional pilot. I
  17. Oldest Catholic University IN TEXAS.
  18. Training Center specializing in HVAC and electrical
  19. Mascot is the Lumberjack
  20. Started in 1890 as the Texas Normal College &Teacher Training Institute
  21. Opened in 1845 as the Female School for Baylor University
  22. This school is minutes away from the fun Las Vegas strip.
  23. Mascot is the Rams
  24. Health Science school located downtown Fort Worth