Howmuch isyour basesalary?How can youdetermine if youhave enoughdollars to makea purchase?Who willhave to stayforWednesdayAcademy?For what typeof offense willyou alwaysreceivedetention?How manyminordeductionswarrant aparent call?How can youkeep track ofyour bonusesanddeductions?Give threeexamplesof a majordeduction.Consequencesare given whenindividuals________ or________.What are theaims of thepaychecksystem?How manyminordeductionswarrant aleadermeeting?How muchdoes a majordeductioncost?What kindof deductionis chewinggum?T/F: Bonusescan offsetdetention forALL majordeductions.All directionsmust befollowed the____ time.Name fourways youcan spendyourpaycheck.If you end theday with lessthan $__ inyour paycheck,you will receivedetention.How manydollars canyou earn byexceedingexpectations?WednesdayAcademy willlast for ___arduoushours.How muchdoes a minordeductioncost?How must wetreat all adults,peers, andproperty whileat West (and atall times)?Name threethings thatyou can earnbonuses for.How many minordeductions canyou accumulatebefore you receivedetention?What are thethreeexpectationsyou must meetto earn yourpaycheck?Give anexample of asituation inwhich you canexceedexpectations.Howmuch isyour basesalary?How can youdetermine if youhave enoughdollars to makea purchase?Who willhave to stayforWednesdayAcademy?For what typeof offense willyou alwaysreceivedetention?How manyminordeductionswarrant aparent call?How can youkeep track ofyour bonusesanddeductions?Give threeexamplesof a majordeduction.Consequencesare given whenindividuals________ or________.What are theaims of thepaychecksystem?How manyminordeductionswarrant aleadermeeting?How muchdoes a majordeductioncost?What kindof deductionis chewinggum?T/F: Bonusescan offsetdetention forALL majordeductions.All directionsmust befollowed the____ time.Name fourways youcan spendyourpaycheck.If you end theday with lessthan $__ inyour paycheck,you will receivedetention.How manydollars canyou earn byexceedingexpectations?WednesdayAcademy willlast for ___arduoushours.How muchdoes a minordeductioncost?How must wetreat all adults,peers, andproperty whileat West (and atall times)?Name threethings thatyou can earnbonuses for.How many minordeductions canyou accumulatebefore you receivedetention?What are thethreeexpectationsyou must meetto earn yourpaycheck?Give anexample of asituation inwhich you canexceedexpectations.

Behavior Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How much is your base salary?
  2. How can you determine if you have enough dollars to make a purchase?
  3. Who will have to stay for Wednesday Academy?
  4. For what type of offense will you always receive detention?
  5. How many minor deductions warrant a parent call?
  6. How can you keep track of your bonuses and deductions?
  7. Give three examples of a major deduction.
  8. Consequences are given when individuals ________ or ________.
  9. What are the aims of the paycheck system?
  10. How many minor deductions warrant a leader meeting?
  11. How much does a major deduction cost?
  12. What kind of deduction is chewing gum?
  13. T/F: Bonuses can offset detention for ALL major deductions.
  14. All directions must be followed the ____ time.
  15. Name four ways you can spend your paycheck.
  16. If you end the day with less than $__ in your paycheck, you will receive detention.
  17. How many dollars can you earn by exceeding expectations?
  18. Wednesday Academy will last for ___ arduous hours.
  19. How much does a minor deduction cost?
  20. How must we treat all adults, peers, and property while at West (and at all times)?
  21. Name three things that you can earn bonuses for.
  22. How many minor deductions can you accumulate before you receive detention?
  23. What are the three expectations you must meet to earn your paycheck?
  24. Give an example of a situation in which you can exceed expectations.