Explain how the end ofAnglo-French imperialcompetition as seen intheFrench and Indian Warand the 1763 Treaty ofParis laid the groundworkfor the AmericanRevolutionExplain thepolicy ofnoninterventionregarding thewar b/w Britainand FranceExplain the colonialresponse to theProclamation of 1763, theStamp Act, and theIntolerable Acts as seen inthe Sons and Daughters ofLiberty and Committees ofCorrespondenceExplain the language,organization, andintellectual sourcesof the Declaration ofIndependence withreferences to JohnLocke and ThomasJeffersonExplainBacon'sRebellionExplain theimportance ofThomas Paine'sCommonSenseExplain the reason forand significance of theFrench alliance andforeign assistance andthe roles of BenjaminFranklin and theMarquis de Lafayette.Explain theGreatCompromiseExplain the3/5Compromiseand the issueof slaveryDescribe thesignificanceof KingPhillip's WarDescribe thepoliticalideologies ofthe Federarlistsand Anti-FederalistsExplain thesignificanceof Jay'sTreaty 1794Analyze howthe Bill of Rightsserves as aprotector ofindividual andstates' rightsExplain thesignficance of theGreat Awakeningand theEnlightenmentExplain theSalemWitchTrialsDescribe theMiddle Passage,growth of theAfrican population,and African-American CultureExplain thereasons forFrenchsettlement ofQuebec.Describereligioustensions thatled to thefounding ofRhode IslandExplain thedevelopment ofmercantilismand the trans-Atlantic tradeExplain thesignificanceof theWhiskeyRebellionExplain theseparation ofpowers withreference toMontesquieu andthe checks andbalances systemExplain howweaknesses in theArticles ofConfederation andDaniel Shays'Rebellion led to a callfor a stronger centralgovernmentIdentify BenjaminFranklin as amodel of socialmobility andruggedindividualismExplain thesignificance ofWashington'sFarewellAddressExplaintheHalfwayCovenantExplain how the end ofAnglo-French imperialcompetition as seen intheFrench and Indian Warand the 1763 Treaty ofParis laid the groundworkfor the AmericanRevolutionExplain thepolicy ofnoninterventionregarding thewar b/w Britainand FranceExplain the colonialresponse to theProclamation of 1763, theStamp Act, and theIntolerable Acts as seen inthe Sons and Daughters ofLiberty and Committees ofCorrespondenceExplain the language,organization, andintellectual sourcesof the Declaration ofIndependence withreferences to JohnLocke and ThomasJeffersonExplainBacon'sRebellionExplain theimportance ofThomas Paine'sCommonSenseExplain the reason forand significance of theFrench alliance andforeign assistance andthe roles of BenjaminFranklin and theMarquis de Lafayette.Explain theGreatCompromiseExplain the3/5Compromiseand the issueof slaveryDescribe thesignificanceof KingPhillip's WarDescribe thepoliticalideologies ofthe Federarlistsand Anti-FederalistsExplain thesignificanceof Jay'sTreaty 1794Analyze howthe Bill of Rightsserves as aprotector ofindividual andstates' rightsExplain thesignficance of theGreat Awakeningand theEnlightenmentExplain theSalemWitchTrialsDescribe theMiddle Passage,growth of theAfrican population,and African-American CultureExplain thereasons forFrenchsettlement ofQuebec.Describereligioustensions thatled to thefounding ofRhode IslandExplain thedevelopment ofmercantilismand the trans-Atlantic tradeExplain thesignificanceof theWhiskeyRebellionExplain theseparation ofpowers withreference toMontesquieu andthe checks andbalances systemExplain howweaknesses in theArticles ofConfederation andDaniel Shays'Rebellion led to a callfor a stronger centralgovernmentIdentify BenjaminFranklin as amodel of socialmobility andruggedindividualismExplain thesignificance ofWashington'sFarewellAddressExplaintheHalfwayCovenant

Unit 1 Project - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Explain how the end of Anglo-French imperial competition as seen in the French and Indian War and the 1763 Treaty of Paris laid the groundwork for the American Revolution
  2. Explain the policy of nonintervention regarding the war b/w Britain and France
  3. Explain the colonial response to the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Act, and the Intolerable Acts as seen in the Sons and Daughters of Liberty and Committees of Correspondence
  4. Explain the language, organization, and intellectual sources of the Declaration of Independence with references to John Locke and Thomas Jefferson
  5. Explain Bacon's Rebellion
  6. Explain the importance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense
  7. Explain the reason for and significance of the French alliance and foreign assistance and the roles of Benjamin Franklin and the Marquis de Lafayette.
  8. Explain the Great Compromise
  9. Explain the 3/5 Compromise and the issue of slavery
  10. Describe the significance of King Phillip's War
  11. Describe the political ideologies of the Federarlists and Anti- Federalists
  12. Explain the significance of Jay's Treaty 1794
  13. Analyze how the Bill of Rights serves as a protector of individual and states' rights
  14. Explain the signficance of the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment
  15. Explain the Salem Witch Trials
  16. Describe the Middle Passage, growth of the African population, and African- American Culture
  17. Explain the reasons for French settlement of Quebec.
  18. Describe religious tensions that led to the founding of Rhode Island
  19. Explain the development of mercantilism and the trans- Atlantic trade
  20. Explain the significance of the Whiskey Rebellion
  21. Explain the separation of powers with reference to Montesquieu and the checks and balances system
  22. Explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and Daniel Shays' Rebellion led to a call for a stronger central government
  23. Identify Benjamin Franklin as a model of social mobility and rugged individualism
  24. Explain the significance of Washington's Farewell Address
  25. Explain the Halfway Covenant