Angel arrivesearly so thatthe eventcan startsmoothly.Angel showsthey are activelylistening (e.g.bynodding) toindicateunderstanding.After the event, Angelwrites a thank-younote to one of thespeakers, sharing apiece of advice theyfound valuable. Thisshows maturity andappreciation.Angel wearsclean, neat, andbusiness casualclothing. Dressrespectfully toshow you valuethe professionals.Angel nods,smiles andmaintains eyecontact, showinginterest andrespect.Angel turnstheir phoneoff duringthe talkHagarslouches,showing a lackof respect forthe speakers.Hagar does notarrive early,showing a lackof respect forthe speakers.When asking aquestion, Hagarintroducesthemself first(“Hello, my nameis [Your Name]”Angelstands upto ask aquestionAngel showsinterest in eachspeaker,regardlessof their languageor background.Angelraises theirhand to aska questionHagar does notappreciate thediversity in the roomand gets upset whenstudents speak alanguage they don’tunderstand.Hagar does notsit up straight toshow that theyare activelylisteningAngel says “Thankyou for your answer”or “I appreciate yousharing yourinsights.” after aspeaker finishesanswering theirquestion.Angel reflects onwhat they learnedin the careerpanel, during thenext Advisorymeeting.Hagar says ‘Thecareers did notinterest me’ anddoes not continueto think abouttheir future.AngelusespolitelanguageAngelmaintainseye contactwith thespeakersAfter the event,Hagar walks outwithout thankingthe speakers.The speakersfeel sad.Angel does notmake jokes orsilly commentsas this is aprofessionalsituation.Hagarfaces awayfrom thespeakersAngel givestheir fullattention to thespeakerthroughout theirpresentation.Hagarinterruptsotherspeakers.Hagar fidgetswith items likepens,distractingspeakers andother studentsAngeldoes notfidgetAngel isrespectful andpatient whenothers speak alanguage theydon’t understand;Angel takesnotes ofimportantcomments onnote paperAt the beginningof the event,Angel greets thespeakers with awarm “Goodmorning”Angel goes tothe bathroombefore thepresentersarrive!Angel isnervous to aska question butasks a questionanyway. Angelis happy.Angelspeaksslowly andclearlyHagar makesjokes ordisrespectfulor distractingcommentsHagar waits untilafter the start ofthe talk to use thebathroom and isreally noisyleaving the roomAngel thinks ofquestions ahead oftime related to theindustries beingrepresented (lifeinsurance, marketing,financial analysis).Hagar shoutsout a questionwithout raisingtheir handAngel sitswhere theycan see andhear thespeakersAngel is bright andpositivethroughout theevent, eventhough thisindustry may notinterest Angel.Hagarwhispers totheir friendsduring theevent.Angel understands thateach speaker brings aunique perspectivebased on their culturaland professionalbackground and treatseach one with respectAngel sits upproperlyshowing theyare interestedin the talkHagar does notdressrespectfully toshow that theyvalue theprofessionals.Angel needs to leavethe room in a mini-emergency (e.g.nosebleed). Angelwaits for a breakbetween speakersand exits quietly tominimize disruption.Hagar is nervousto ask a questionand holds aquestion in theirhead withoutasking. Hagar issad.HagarinterruptsotherpeopleAngel listensto speakersandinterpreterspatiently.At the end,Angel saysthank you tothe speakerswith the otherstudents.Hagar does notrealize that all careerinformation can beuseful and does notlisten. Hagar doesnot discover newpossible careers andis sad.Angel writes abrief reflectionabout what theylearned and plansnext steps toexplore potentialcareersAngel arrivesearly so thatthe eventcan startsmoothly.Angel showsthey are activelylistening (e.g.bynodding) toindicateunderstanding.After the event, Angelwrites a thank-younote to one of thespeakers, sharing apiece of advice theyfound valuable. Thisshows maturity andappreciation.Angel wearsclean, neat, andbusiness casualclothing. Dressrespectfully toshow you valuethe professionals.Angel nods,smiles andmaintains eyecontact, showinginterest andrespect.Angel turnstheir phoneoff duringthe talkHagarslouches,showing a lackof respect forthe speakers.Hagar does notarrive early,showing a lackof respect forthe speakers.When asking aquestion, Hagarintroducesthemself first(“Hello, my nameis [Your Name]”Angelstands upto ask aquestionAngel showsinterest in eachspeaker,regardlessof their languageor background.Angelraises theirhand to aska questionHagar does notappreciate thediversity in the roomand gets upset whenstudents speak alanguage they don’tunderstand.Hagar does notsit up straight toshow that theyare activelylisteningAngel says “Thankyou for your answer”or “I appreciate yousharing yourinsights.” after aspeaker finishesanswering theirquestion.Angel reflects onwhat they learnedin the careerpanel, during thenext Advisorymeeting.Hagar says ‘Thecareers did notinterest me’ anddoes not continueto think abouttheir future.AngelusespolitelanguageAngelmaintainseye contactwith thespeakersAfter the event,Hagar walks outwithout thankingthe speakers.The speakersfeel sad.Angel does notmake jokes orsilly commentsas this is aprofessionalsituation.Hagarfaces awayfrom thespeakersAngel givestheir fullattention to thespeakerthroughout theirpresentation.Hagarinterruptsotherspeakers.Hagar fidgetswith items likepens,distractingspeakers andother studentsAngeldoes notfidgetAngel isrespectful andpatient whenothers speak alanguage theydon’t understand;Angel takesnotes ofimportantcomments onnote paperAt the beginningof the event,Angel greets thespeakers with awarm “Goodmorning”Angel goes tothe bathroombefore thepresentersarrive!Angel isnervous to aska question butasks a questionanyway. Angelis happy.Angelspeaksslowly andclearlyHagar makesjokes ordisrespectfulor distractingcommentsHagar waits untilafter the start ofthe talk to use thebathroom and isreally noisyleaving the roomAngel thinks ofquestions ahead oftime related to theindustries beingrepresented (lifeinsurance, marketing,financial analysis).Hagar shoutsout a questionwithout raisingtheir handAngel sitswhere theycan see andhear thespeakersAngel is bright andpositivethroughout theevent, eventhough thisindustry may notinterest Angel.Hagarwhispers totheir friendsduring theevent.Angel understands thateach speaker brings aunique perspectivebased on their culturaland professionalbackground and treatseach one with respectAngel sits upproperlyshowing theyare interestedin the talkHagar does notdressrespectfully toshow that theyvalue theprofessionals.Angel needs to leavethe room in a mini-emergency (e.g.nosebleed). Angelwaits for a breakbetween speakersand exits quietly tominimize disruption.Hagar is nervousto ask a questionand holds aquestion in theirhead withoutasking. Hagar issad.HagarinterruptsotherpeopleAngel listensto speakersandinterpreterspatiently.At the end,Angel saysthank you tothe speakerswith the otherstudents.Hagar does notrealize that all careerinformation can beuseful and does notlisten. Hagar doesnot discover newpossible careers andis sad.Angel writes abrief reflectionabout what theylearned and plansnext steps toexplore potentialcareers

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Angel arrives early so that the event can start smoothly.
  2. Angel shows they are actively listening ( nodding) to indicate understanding.
  3. After the event, Angel writes a thank-you note to one of the speakers, sharing a piece of advice they found valuable. This shows maturity and appreciation.
  4. Angel wears clean, neat, and business casual clothing. Dress respectfully to show you value the professionals.
  5. Angel nods, smiles and maintains eye contact, showing interest and respect.
  6. Angel turns their phone off during the talk
  7. Hagar slouches, showing a lack of respect for the speakers.
  8. Hagar does not arrive early, showing a lack of respect for the speakers.
  9. When asking a question, Hagar introduces themself first (“Hello, my name is [Your Name]”
  10. Angel stands up to ask a question
  11. Angel shows interest in each speaker,regardless of their language or background.
  12. Angel raises their hand to ask a question
  13. Hagar does not appreciate the diversity in the room and gets upset when students speak a language they don’t understand.
  14. Hagar does not sit up straight to show that they are actively listening
  15. Angel says “Thank you for your answer” or “I appreciate you sharing your insights.” after a speaker finishes answering their question.
  16. Angel reflects on what they learned in the career panel, during the next Advisory meeting.
  17. Hagar says ‘The careers did not interest me’ and does not continue to think about their future.
  18. Angel uses polite language
  19. Angel maintains eye contact with the speakers
  20. After the event, Hagar walks out without thanking the speakers. The speakers feel sad.
  21. Angel does not make jokes or silly comments as this is a professional situation.
  22. Hagar faces away from the speakers
  23. Angel gives their full attention to the speaker throughout their presentation.
  24. Hagar interrupts other speakers.
  25. Hagar fidgets with items like pens, distracting speakers and other students
  26. Angel does not fidget
  27. Angel is respectful and patient when others speak a language they don’t understand;
  28. Angel takes notes of important comments on note paper
  29. At the beginning of the event, Angel greets the speakers with a warm “Good morning”
  30. Angel goes to the bathroom before the presenters arrive!
  31. Angel is nervous to ask a question but asks a question anyway. Angel is happy.
  32. Angel speaks slowly and clearly
  33. Hagar makes jokes or disrespectful or distracting comments
  34. Hagar waits until after the start of the talk to use the bathroom and is really noisy leaving the room
  35. Angel thinks of questions ahead of time related to the industries being represented (life insurance, marketing, financial analysis).
  36. Hagar shouts out a question without raising their hand
  37. Angel sits where they can see and hear the speakers
  38. Angel is bright and positive throughout the event, even though this industry may not interest Angel.
  39. Hagar whispers to their friends during the event.
  40. Angel understands that each speaker brings a unique perspective based on their cultural and professional background and treats each one with respect
  41. Angel sits up properly showing they are interested in the talk
  42. Hagar does not dress respectfully to show that they value the professionals.
  43. Angel needs to leave the room in a mini-emergency (e.g. nosebleed). Angel waits for a break between speakers and exits quietly to minimize disruption.
  44. Hagar is nervous to ask a question and holds a question in their head without asking. Hagar is sad.
  45. Hagar interrupts other people
  46. Angel listens to speakers and interpreters patiently.
  47. At the end, Angel says thank you to the speakers with the other students.
  48. Hagar does not realize that all career information can be useful and does not listen. Hagar does not discover new possible careers and is sad.
  49. Angel writes a brief reflection about what they learned and plans next steps to explore potential careers