Find a mapthat has datadisplayed asPointsTurn adata layerOn or Offon a mapRedesign afamous mapin your ownartistic styleGo on a walkand create amap of yourjourneyFind a mapwith a legendfeaturinguniquesymbolsSearch for‘ArcGIS TopoExplorer’ andfind a coolold mapFind a mapthat has datadisplayed asLinesDeterminethe Elevationof your worklocationDeterminethe Latitudeof your worklocationLearn abouta mapprojectionthat is newto youFind amap thatdisplaysdata in 3DExplore yourstate’shub/portalsite for openGIS dataOn theInnovation Atlaspage, open andexplore AET’sUniversalBoring MapOn theInnovation Atlaspage, find andopen the ‘GISTraining orData Request’DeterminetheLongitude ofyour worklocationLocate yourAET officelocation ona mapCreate yourown map ofyour favoritefictionalsettingFindhistoricalimagery of aninterestinglocationFind a mapthat has datadisplayed asPolygonsAdd yourown datato a mapCollaborateon making amap withsomeoneelseUse a mapto explore alocation youhave nevervisitedFind a mapthat doesNOT displayNorth as upFindsomething ona historicalmap that nolonger existsUse a scalebar on amap toestimate adistanceFind a mapthat has datadisplayed asPointsTurn adata layerOn or Offon a mapRedesign afamous mapin your ownartistic styleGo on a walkand create amap of yourjourneyFind a mapwith a legendfeaturinguniquesymbolsSearch for‘ArcGIS TopoExplorer’ andfind a coolold mapFind a mapthat has datadisplayed asLinesDeterminethe Elevationof your worklocationDeterminethe Latitudeof your worklocationLearn abouta mapprojectionthat is newto youFind amap thatdisplaysdata in 3DExplore yourstate’shub/portalsite for openGIS dataOn theInnovation Atlaspage, open andexplore AET’sUniversalBoring MapOn theInnovation Atlaspage, find andopen the ‘GISTraining orData Request’DeterminetheLongitude ofyour worklocationLocate yourAET officelocation ona mapCreate yourown map ofyour favoritefictionalsettingFindhistoricalimagery of aninterestinglocationFind a mapthat has datadisplayed asPolygonsAdd yourown datato a mapCollaborateon making amap withsomeoneelseUse a mapto explore alocation youhave nevervisitedFind a mapthat doesNOT displayNorth as upFindsomething ona historicalmap that nolonger existsUse a scalebar on amap toestimate adistance

AET GIS Day 2024 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find a map that has data displayed as Points
  2. Turn a data layer On or Off on a map
  3. Redesign a famous map in your own artistic style
  4. Go on a walk and create a map of your journey
  5. Find a map with a legend featuring unique symbols
  6. Search for ‘ArcGIS Topo Explorer’ and find a cool old map
  7. Find a map that has data displayed as Lines
  8. Determine the Elevation of your work location
  9. Determine the Latitude of your work location
  10. Learn about a map projection that is new to you
  11. Find a map that displays data in 3D
  12. Explore your state’s hub/portal site for open GIS data
  13. On the Innovation Atlas page, open and explore AET’s Universal Boring Map
  14. On the Innovation Atlas page, find and open the ‘GIS Training or Data Request’
  15. Determine the Longitude of your work location
  16. Locate your AET office location on a map
  17. Create your own map of your favorite fictional setting
  18. Find historical imagery of an interesting location
  19. Find a map that has data displayed as Polygons
  20. Add your own data to a map
  21. Collaborate on making a map with someone else
  22. Use a map to explore a location you have never visited
  23. Find a map that does NOT display North as up
  24. Find something on a historical map that no longer exists
  25. Use a scale bar on a map to estimate a distance