GIMPGNU ImageManipulationProgram, a free andopen-source imageediting software usedfor creating andmodifying digitalimages.MarkSeamIn 3D modeling, theprocess ofdesignating edgeswhere a UV mapshould be split toproperly unwrap a 3Dmodel's surface fortexturing.TilingThe process ofrepeating a textureor patternseamlessly acrossa surface to cover alarger area withoutvisible seams.BooleanA data type that hasonly two possiblevalues: true orfalse, often used inprogramming forconditionalstatements.Transform.TranslateA method inUnity used tomove an objectin 3D spacerelative to itscurrent position.TerrainA representation ofa landscape in agame or 3Denvironment, oftencreated usingheightmaps andtexture blending.ApproachVectorA vector thatrepresents thedirection andspeed at which anobject is movingtowards a target ina 3D space.DeltaTimeThe time elapsedbetween the currentframe and the previousframe in a game, usedto ensure consistentmovement andanimations regardlessof frame rate.AxisA reference line ina coordinatesystem, typicallyX, Y, or Z, used todefine positionsand orientations in3D space.FPSControllerA pre-builtcomponent or scriptthat handles playermovement andcamera control forfirst-personperspective games.DirectionalLightA light source thatemits parallel raysin a single direction,simulating light froma distant source likethe sun.A free and open-source 3D creationsuite that supports theentire 3D pipeline,including modeling,rigging, animation,simulation, rendering,and video editing.BlenderPrefabA reusable gameobject in Unity thatserves as a template,allowing you tocreate multipleinstances with thesame properties andbehaviors.PolygonA shapecomposed ofstraight lines thatform a closedloop, used asbuilding blocks for3D models.DoubleBufferingA technique used incomputer graphicswhere two framebuffers are usedalternately to drawand display frames,reducing visualartifacts.MeshA collection ofvertices, edges,and faces thatdefine theshape of a 3Dobject.UnityA popular cross-platform gameengine used fordeveloping 2D and3D games,simulations, andinteractiveexperiences.If-statementA programmingconstruct that allowsfor conditionalexecution of codebased on whether aspecified condition istrue or false.BespokeTextureA custom-madetexture createdspecifically for aparticular object orpurpose in a gameor 3Denvironment.Key-framesSpecific points in ananimation timelinewhere the animatordefines importantposes or propertyvalues, with thesoftware interpolatingbetween these points.ShaderA program thatdetermines how 3Dobjects are rendered,controlling aspectssuch as color,lighting, and specialeffects.TriggerZoneAn invisible area ina game that, whenentered by aplayer or object,activates a specificevent or action.3DCursorA point in 3D space,often used in 3Dmodeling softwarelike Blender, thatserves as areference point forvarious operations.OccluderAn object that blocksthe view of otherobjects in a scene,used to optimizerendering by culling(not drawing) hiddenobjects.GIMPGNU ImageManipulationProgram, a free andopen-source imageediting software usedfor creating andmodifying digitalimages.MarkSeamIn 3D modeling, theprocess ofdesignating edgeswhere a UV mapshould be split toproperly unwrap a 3Dmodel's surface fortexturing.TilingThe process ofrepeating a textureor patternseamlessly acrossa surface to cover alarger area withoutvisible seams.BooleanA data type that hasonly two possiblevalues: true orfalse, often used inprogramming forconditionalstatements.Transform.TranslateA method inUnity used tomove an objectin 3D spacerelative to itscurrent position.TerrainA representation ofa landscape in agame or 3Denvironment, oftencreated usingheightmaps andtexture blending.ApproachVectorA vector thatrepresents thedirection andspeed at which anobject is movingtowards a target ina 3D space.DeltaTimeThe time elapsedbetween the currentframe and the previousframe in a game, usedto ensure consistentmovement andanimations regardlessof frame rate.AxisA reference line ina coordinatesystem, typicallyX, Y, or Z, used todefine positionsand orientations in3D space.FPSControllerA pre-builtcomponent or scriptthat handles playermovement andcamera control forfirst-personperspective games.DirectionalLightA light source thatemits parallel raysin a single direction,simulating light froma distant source likethe sun.A free and open-source 3D creationsuite that supports theentire 3D pipeline,including modeling,rigging, animation,simulation, rendering,and video editing.BlenderPrefabA reusable gameobject in Unity thatserves as a template,allowing you tocreate multipleinstances with thesame properties andbehaviors.PolygonA shapecomposed ofstraight lines thatform a closedloop, used asbuilding blocks for3D models.DoubleBufferingA technique used incomputer graphicswhere two framebuffers are usedalternately to drawand display frames,reducing visualartifacts.MeshA collection ofvertices, edges,and faces thatdefine theshape of a 3Dobject.UnityA popular cross-platform gameengine used fordeveloping 2D and3D games,simulations, andinteractiveexperiences.If-statementA programmingconstruct that allowsfor conditionalexecution of codebased on whether aspecified condition istrue or false.BespokeTextureA custom-madetexture createdspecifically for aparticular object orpurpose in a gameor 3Denvironment.Key-framesSpecific points in ananimation timelinewhere the animatordefines importantposes or propertyvalues, with thesoftware interpolatingbetween these points.ShaderA program thatdetermines how 3Dobjects are rendered,controlling aspectssuch as color,lighting, and specialeffects.TriggerZoneAn invisible area ina game that, whenentered by aplayer or object,activates a specificevent or action.3DCursorA point in 3D space,often used in 3Dmodeling softwarelike Blender, thatserves as areference point forvarious operations.OccluderAn object that blocksthe view of otherobjects in a scene,used to optimizerendering by culling(not drawing) hiddenobjects.

Game Design 2A Final Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. GNU Image Manipulation Program, a free and open-source image editing software used for creating and modifying digital images.
  2. In 3D modeling, the process of designating edges where a UV map should be split to properly unwrap a 3D model's surface for texturing.
    Mark Seam
  3. The process of repeating a texture or pattern seamlessly across a surface to cover a larger area without visible seams.
  4. A data type that has only two possible values: true or false, often used in programming for conditional statements.
  5. A method in Unity used to move an object in 3D space relative to its current position.
  6. A representation of a landscape in a game or 3D environment, often created using heightmaps and texture blending.
  7. A vector that represents the direction and speed at which an object is moving towards a target in a 3D space.
    Approach Vector
  8. The time elapsed between the current frame and the previous frame in a game, used to ensure consistent movement and animations regardless of frame rate.
  9. A reference line in a coordinate system, typically X, Y, or Z, used to define positions and orientations in 3D space.
  10. A pre-built component or script that handles player movement and camera control for first-person perspective games.
  11. A light source that emits parallel rays in a single direction, simulating light from a distant source like the sun.
    Directional Light
  12. Blender
    A free and open-source 3D creation suite that supports the entire 3D pipeline, including modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, and video editing.
  13. A reusable game object in Unity that serves as a template, allowing you to create multiple instances with the same properties and behaviors.
  14. A shape composed of straight lines that form a closed loop, used as building blocks for 3D models.
  15. A technique used in computer graphics where two frame buffers are used alternately to draw and display frames, reducing visual artifacts.
    Double Buffering
  16. A collection of vertices, edges, and faces that define the shape of a 3D object.
  17. A popular cross-platform game engine used for developing 2D and 3D games, simulations, and interactive experiences.
  18. A programming construct that allows for conditional execution of code based on whether a specified condition is true or false.
  19. A custom-made texture created specifically for a particular object or purpose in a game or 3D environment.
    Bespoke Texture
  20. Specific points in an animation timeline where the animator defines important poses or property values, with the software interpolating between these points.
  21. A program that determines how 3D objects are rendered, controlling aspects such as color, lighting, and special effects.
  22. An invisible area in a game that, when entered by a player or object, activates a specific event or action.
    Trigger Zone
  23. A point in 3D space, often used in 3D modeling software like Blender, that serves as a reference point for various operations.
    3D Cursor
  24. An object that blocks the view of other objects in a scene, used to optimize rendering by culling (not drawing) hidden objects.