There arenoticeablegrammar,punctuation,or spellingerrorsTheintroductioncould be moreengaging tohook thereader.The topicsentences areunclear ordon’t supportthe thesiswellThe voiceand tone areinconsistentor don’t fitthe topicThe thesisstatementneeds to beclearer ormore specificThe voiceand tone areconsistentthroughoutSentencesare repetitiveor could usemore varietyEvidence andexampleseffectivelysupport themain pointsThe essaycould usemoreoriginality orcreative ideasThe essayneeds moreevidence orexamples tosupport thepoints  Vocabularyisappropriateand preciseVocabularyused isappropriateand preciseThe conclusionfeels incompleteor doesn’tsummarize themain ideas well.Grammar,punctuation,and spellingare correctThe essay’sorganizationis confusingor needsimprovementThe essay iswell-organizedand easy tofollow.Transitionsbetweenparagraphsare smoothand logicalThe topicsentencesare clearand supportthe thesisTransitionsbetweenparagraphsfeel abruptor unclear vocabulary isunclear,repetitive, ortoo simple forthe topic  vocabulary isunclear,repetitive, ortoo simple forthe topicThe essayincludescreative oruniqueideas Introductiongrabs thereader'sattention wellThe thesisstatementis clear &specificSentencesare varied inlength andstructureTheconclusioneffectivelywraps upthe essayThere arenoticeablegrammar,punctuation,or spellingerrorsTheintroductioncould be moreengaging tohook thereader.The topicsentences areunclear ordon’t supportthe thesiswellThe voiceand tone areinconsistentor don’t fitthe topicThe thesisstatementneeds to beclearer ormore specificThe voiceand tone areconsistentthroughoutSentencesare repetitiveor could usemore varietyEvidence andexampleseffectivelysupport themain pointsThe essaycould usemoreoriginality orcreative ideasThe essayneeds moreevidence orexamples tosupport thepoints Vocabularyisappropriateand preciseVocabularyused isappropriateand preciseThe conclusionfeels incompleteor doesn’tsummarize themain ideas well.Grammar,punctuation,and spellingare correctThe essay’sorganizationis confusingor needsimprovementThe essay iswell-organizedand easy tofollow.Transitionsbetweenparagraphsare smoothand logicalThe topicsentencesare clearand supportthe thesisTransitionsbetweenparagraphsfeel abruptor unclear vocabulary isunclear,repetitive, ortoo simple forthe topic  vocabulary isunclear,repetitive, ortoo simple forthe topicThe essayincludescreative oruniqueideas Introductiongrabs thereader'sattention wellThe thesisstatementis clear &specificSentencesare varied inlength andstructureTheconclusioneffectivelywraps upthe essay

Peer Feedback Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. There are noticeable grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors
  2. The introduction could be more engaging to hook the reader.
  3. The topic sentences are unclear or don’t support the thesis well
  4. The voice and tone are inconsistent or don’t fit the topic
  5. The thesis statement needs to be clearer or more specific
  6. The voice and tone are consistent throughout
  7. Sentences are repetitive or could use more variety
  8. Evidence and examples effectively support the main points
  9. The essay could use more originality or creative ideas
  10. The essay needs more evidence or examples to support the points
  11. Vocabulary used is appropriate and precise
    Vocabulary is appropriate and precise
  12. The conclusion feels incomplete or doesn’t summarize the main ideas well.
  13. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct
  14. The essay’s organization is confusing or needs improvement
  15. The essay is well- organized and easy to follow.
  16. Transitions between paragraphs are smooth and logical
  17. The topic sentences are clear and support the thesis
  18. Transitions between paragraphs feel abrupt or unclear
  19. vocabulary is unclear, repetitive, or too simple for the topic
    vocabulary is unclear, repetitive, or too simple for the topic
  20. The essay includes creative or unique ideas
  21. Introduction grabs the reader's attention well
  22. The thesis statement is clear & specific
  23. Sentences are varied in length and structure
  24. The conclusion effectively wraps up the essay