CompatibleTerm that refersto donor bloodand recipientblood having noreaction witheach otherCommonPathwayConvergence ofthe intrinsic andextrinsic pathwaysof coagulation byactivation ofFactor XAntinuclearAntibodies(ANA)Serology test thatchecks forimmunoglobulinreaction with thenucleus or nuclearcomponents ofhost cellsCell-MediatedImmunityImmunemechanismresponsible forbody defensethat involves T-lymphocytesHumoralMediatedImmunityImmunemechanism that isthe primary defenseagainst bacterialinfections andinvolves productionof antibodiesIncompatibleTerm that refersto donor anrecipient bloodthat exhibit andantigen/antibodyreactionAutoclavingSterilizationby steam for15 minutesat 121 C at15 PSISodiumCitrateAnticoagulantused at a 1:10ratio forcoagulationstudies - bindsto calciumExtrinsicPathwayPathway ofcoagulationactivated by tissuethromboplastinentering thevascular systemForward/FrontTypingTesting forantigen onthe patient'sRBCsHemolyticTransfusionReaction(HTR)Term fordestruction ofRBCs causedby ABOincompatibility -can be deadlyAntigenSubstancerecognizedby the bodyas foreign or"non-self"TreponemapallidumCausative agentof syphilis -serology testingcan detect 2types ofantibodiesBloodAgarPlate(BAP)Most commonlyused media thatis important foridentifyingbacterialhemolysisNormalFloraOrganismscommonlyfound in or onthe body (skin,intestines,mouth, throat)BacteriologyStudyofbacteriaFibrinolysisProcess inwhich a fibrinclot isbroken downAntibodyProteinproduced inresponse tostimuli fromforeigninvadersIntrinsicPathwayPathway ofcoagulationactivatedfollowingtissue injuryGramNegativeRefers tobacteria thatstain pinkupon a gramstainCrossmatchedRefers to bloodthat is donated byan unidentifieddonor and given toan unidentifiedrecipient - checkedfor compatibilityReverse/BackTypingTesting forantibody inthe patient'sserumCerebrospinalFluid(CSF)Specimencollected formicrobiologythat shouldALWAYS besterileCalciumIonnecessaryfor all 3stages ofcoagulationCompatibleTerm that refersto donor bloodand recipientblood having noreaction witheach otherCommonPathwayConvergence ofthe intrinsic andextrinsic pathwaysof coagulation byactivation ofFactor XAntinuclearAntibodies(ANA)Serology test thatchecks forimmunoglobulinreaction with thenucleus or nuclearcomponents ofhost cellsCell-MediatedImmunityImmunemechanismresponsible forbody defensethat involves T-lymphocytesHumoralMediatedImmunityImmunemechanism that isthe primary defenseagainst bacterialinfections andinvolves productionof antibodiesIncompatibleTerm that refersto donor anrecipient bloodthat exhibit andantigen/antibodyreactionAutoclavingSterilizationby steam for15 minutesat 121 C at15 PSISodiumCitrateAnticoagulantused at a 1:10ratio forcoagulationstudies - bindsto calciumExtrinsicPathwayPathway ofcoagulationactivated by tissuethromboplastinentering thevascular systemForward/FrontTypingTesting forantigen onthe patient'sRBCsHemolyticTransfusionReaction(HTR)Term fordestruction ofRBCs causedby ABOincompatibility -can be deadlyAntigenSubstancerecognizedby the bodyas foreign or"non-self"TreponemapallidumCausative agentof syphilis -serology testingcan detect 2types ofantibodiesBloodAgarPlate(BAP)Most commonlyused media thatis important foridentifyingbacterialhemolysisNormalFloraOrganismscommonlyfound in or onthe body (skin,intestines,mouth, throat)BacteriologyStudyofbacteriaFibrinolysisProcess inwhich a fibrinclot isbroken downAntibodyProteinproduced inresponse tostimuli fromforeigninvadersIntrinsicPathwayPathway ofcoagulationactivatedfollowingtissue injuryGramNegativeRefers tobacteria thatstain pinkupon a gramstainCrossmatchedRefers to bloodthat is donated byan unidentifieddonor and given toan unidentifiedrecipient - checkedfor compatibilityReverse/BackTypingTesting forantibody inthe patient'sserumCerebrospinalFluid(CSF)Specimencollected formicrobiologythat shouldALWAYS besterileCalciumIonnecessaryfor all 3stages ofcoagulation

MLT 101 Exam 4 BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Term that refers to donor blood and recipient blood having no reaction with each other
  2. Convergence of the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of coagulation by activation of Factor X
    Common Pathway
  3. Serology test that checks for immunoglobulin reaction with the nucleus or nuclear components of host cells
    Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA)
  4. Immune mechanism responsible for body defense that involves T-lymphocytes
    Cell- Mediated Immunity
  5. Immune mechanism that is the primary defense against bacterial infections and involves production of antibodies
    Humoral Mediated Immunity
  6. Term that refers to donor an recipient blood that exhibit and antigen/antibody reaction
  7. Sterilization by steam for 15 minutes at 121 C at 15 PSI
  8. Anticoagulant used at a 1:10 ratio for coagulation studies - binds to calcium
    Sodium Citrate
  9. Pathway of coagulation activated by tissue thromboplastin entering the vascular system
    Extrinsic Pathway
  10. Testing for antigen on the patient's RBCs
    Forward/ Front Typing
  11. Term for destruction of RBCs caused by ABO incompatibility - can be deadly
    Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (HTR)
  12. Substance recognized by the body as foreign or "non-self"
  13. Causative agent of syphilis - serology testing can detect 2 types of antibodies
    Treponema pallidum
  14. Most commonly used media that is important for identifying bacterial hemolysis
    Blood Agar Plate (BAP)
  15. Organisms commonly found in or on the body (skin, intestines, mouth, throat)
    Normal Flora
  16. Study of bacteria
  17. Process in which a fibrin clot is broken down
  18. Protein produced in response to stimuli from foreign invaders
  19. Pathway of coagulation activated following tissue injury
    Intrinsic Pathway
  20. Refers to bacteria that stain pink upon a gram stain
    Gram Negative
  21. Refers to blood that is donated by an unidentified donor and given to an unidentified recipient - checked for compatibility
  22. Testing for antibody in the patient's serum
    Reverse/ Back Typing
  23. Specimen collected for microbiology that should ALWAYS be sterile
    Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
  24. Ion necessary for all 3 stages of coagulation