Take a photo withsomeoneattending theHealing and Well-Being lunch tableconversation.Take a pictureof yourselfbrainstormingat the ThrowBack to theFuture session.Snap a photo withthe NationalArchives Building,pretending toprotect theDeclaration ofIndependence.Share a photoof yourconferenceswag or badgeat a famousD.C. location.Create aFYIA secretHandshakewithsomeone.Capture agroup photo atthe AdvocacyCelebrationReception.Snap a selfiepretending topick up theWashingtonMonument likeit’s a pencil.Findsomeonewho hasadopted theirsiblingsFind someonepassionate aboutlifelong familyconnections andcapture yourconversation witha selfie.Find a foodtruck on theNational Malland snap apicture enjoyingyour snack.Pose in front ofthe WashingtonNationalCathedral,pretending tosing in a choir.Meet someonewho has created apolicyrecommendationand take a selfiewhile they sharetheir experience.Take a selfiewith 5 peoplewho are thesame heightas you!Snap a funpicture at theHirshhornMuseum’soutdoor sculpturegarden.Take a selfiewith a fountainin D.C.—bonus points ifit’s mid-splash.Take a pictureat the NationalGallery of ArtSculptureGarden with afun statue.Pose in front ofa SmithsonianMuseumentrance,pretendingyou’re a VIP.Do a video of youand 3 people youdo not knowrocking out doingair guitars (ordrums)Find someoneadvocating forChafee programreforms andsnap a photowith them.Pose withthe JeffersonMemorial inthebackground.Take a picture ofyour team duringthe December 10morningenergizer orchants.Take a selfiewith one of theD.C. CapitalBikeshare bikes,pretending toride it.Do a quickvideo of youdoing thechicken danceand post it!Pretend to"hold up" theCapitol Domewith your handin your photo.Pose with theNational Museumof AfricanAmerican History& Culture’sstunningarchitecture.Findsomeonewho is twice(or Half) yourageVisit the NationalMuseum ofNatural Historyand pose likeyou’re beingchased by adinosaur.Snap a selfieat the UnionMarket withyour favoritefood item.Snap a photo atyour favoritedinner ornetworking spotduring theconference.Take a group selfieat the MartinLuther King Jr.Memorial, pointingto your favoritequote.Take a photowith the NationalPortrait Gallery,pretendingyou’re part ofthe art.Meet someonewho has done aTED Talk and takea selfie. Bonus:Ask them for their#1 public speakingtip.Snap a groupphoto duringthe LegacyLeadersNetworkingReception.Meet someonefrom the ChafeeSteeringCommittee andcapture yourconnection with aphoto.Snap a photoat The Wharf,enjoying thewaterfrontviews.Find a hiddenmural orstreet art inD.C. and posecreatively.Take apicture withan amazingperson!Snap a picturewith someoneadvocating foreconomicopportunitiesfor youth.Snap a photowith apaddleboat atthe Tidal Basin(even if you’renot in it).Take a photoin Chinatownunder theFriendshipArchway.Take a selfie infront of theHolocaustMemorial Museumand reflect on thehistory.Take a photowith the IwoJima MarineCorpsMemorial.Snap a selfie atthe SpyMuseumentrance,striking yourbest spy pose.Take a picture witha representativefrom your state orsomeoneadvocating foryour state.Take a grouppicture at theLeaders 4Change ImpactAwards.Take a picture infront of theKennedy Center,pretendingyou’re about toperform.Pose like asuperhero withthe WashingtonMonument inthebackground.Snap a picture atthe NationalBuilding Museum,pretending todesign somethingamazing.Pose in front ofthe Library ofCongress,pretending toread a giantbook.Take a selfiewith theSupreme CourtBuilding behindyou, lookingvery serious.Take a selfie atthe Tidal Basinduring sunsetfor a serenemoment.Visit the VietnamVeterans MemorialWall, findsomeone with yourfirst name on thewall, and snap aphoto.Pose like asuperhero withthe WashingtonMonument inthebackground.Snap a pictureof someonewho is part of ayouth-ledadvocacygroup.Pose withthe FDRMemorial’sbronzestatues.Take a selfie onthe National Mall,with as manymonuments asyou can fit in thebackground.Take a photoon EmbassyRow, findingyour favoritecountry’s flag.Attend theWisdom Speaks(TED Talk) sessionand take acreative picturewith your groupoutside the event.Take a pictureon a D.C.Metro train andshow yourtravel vibe.Take a selfiewith yourreflection in theLincolnMemorialReflecting Pool.Take a photoduring theImmersiveLearning Toursand ScavengerHunt session.Take a photoin RockCreek Park,surroundedby nature.Snap a photo onthe NationalArboretumgrounds,especially with theCapitol Columns.Pose near theFrederickDouglassNational HistoricSite for a historicmoment.Take a selfie atthe ArlingtonNationalCemetery or nearthe Tomb of theUnknown Soldier.Snap a creativephoto of yourgroup preparingfor the PolicyLunch & Learnsession.Snap areflective photoat the MartinLuther King Jr.Memorial.Snap a selfiein DupontCircle nearthe fountain.Snap a pictureduring theVisionaryVoices Dinnerwhile enjoyingyour meal.Take a groupselfie in frontof the WhiteHouse.Snap a selfieon the steps ofthe Capitol,channeling yourinner lawmaker.Snap a photoduring theinteractivenetworkingsession at theDecember 10event.Take a selfie withsomeone whosehome stateborders yours andshare where youboth are from.Take a selfiewith someoneworking withstate-leveladvocacyefforts.Snap a photonear theSmithsonianCastle,pretendingyou’re royalty.Findsomeonewith a homePhonenumber!Find a spot inGeorgetownand snap aselfie with itscharming bricktownhouses.Meet someonewho has traveledinternationally andask for their toptravel tip, snappinga photo to share.Capture a selfiewith someoneat the LincolnMemorialReflecting Pool.Snap a pictureof yourself atUnion Stationenjoying lunchwith a group.Take a selfiewith someoneattending theirfirst Leaders 4ChangeConference.Meet someonewith your samebirthday monthand snap aselfie together.Find someonewho has neverbroken a boneand take aselfie withthem.Visit the NationalArchives Museumand snap a selfiepretending to signthe Declaration ofIndependence.Share a selfieof your favoriteconferencemoment with afun caption.Find someonewho is a tripletand take aselfie withthem.Pose at theFord’s Theatreentrance,striking adramatic pose.Snap a selfie infront of theCapitol Buildingduring theCapitol ImpactTour.Find someone whohas spoken onCapitol Hill beforeand take a selfie.Add a captionsharing when andwhat topic.Snap a photowithsomeonewearing yourfavorite color.Take a selfie withthe WashingtonMonumentframed like you’reholding it in yourhand.Take a groupphoto ofattendees fromfive or morestates at theconference. Take a selfie atthe NationalZoo with yourfavoriteanimal.Take a photoin Chinatownunder theFriendshipArchway.Take a picturewith the ZeroMilestoneMarker near theWhite House.Take a selfie withsomeone whohas participatedin more than fiveyouth advocacyconferences.Take adramatic photoleaning on theWashingtonMonument.Take a selfienear the U.S.Botanic Gardensurrounded byflowers.Take a photowith someonewho works inD.C. full-timeas an advocate.Find someonewho is live-streaming orsharing on socialmedia during theconference andtake a selfie.Take a selfie atthe InternationalSpy Museum’srooftop view,showing off thecityscape.Visit theSmithsonianNational Museumof AfricanAmerican Historyand take a photoat the entrance.Find someonewho is afoundingmember of theirorganization andtake a selfie.Take a photowith twodifferentorganizationsrepresented atthe conference.Meet someoneworking onhealing and well-being initiativesand snap apicture with them.Take aselfie with5 gamersShare acreative teampicture duringthe break orfree timesession.Snap acreativepicture nearthe Old PostOffice Tower.Pose with acherry blossomtree or anyother bloomingtree you find inthe city.Take a photo withsomeoneattending theHealing and Well-Being lunch tableconversation.Take a pictureof yourselfbrainstormingat the ThrowBack to theFuture session.Snap a photo withthe NationalArchives Building,pretending toprotect theDeclaration ofIndependence.Share a photoof yourconferenceswag or badgeat a famousD.C. location.Create aFYIA secretHandshakewithsomeone.Capture agroup photo atthe AdvocacyCelebrationReception.Snap a selfiepretending topick up theWashingtonMonument likeit’s a pencil.Findsomeonewho hasadopted theirsiblingsFind someonepassionate aboutlifelong familyconnections andcapture yourconversation witha selfie.Find a foodtruck on theNational Malland snap apicture enjoyingyour snack.Pose in front ofthe WashingtonNationalCathedral,pretending tosing in a choir.Meet someonewho has created apolicyrecommendationand take a selfiewhile they sharetheir experience.Take a selfiewith 5 peoplewho are thesame heightas you!Snap a funpicture at theHirshhornMuseum’soutdoor sculpturegarden.Take a selfiewith a fountainin D.C.—bonus points ifit’s mid-splash.Take a pictureat the NationalGallery of ArtSculptureGarden with afun statue.Pose in front ofa SmithsonianMuseumentrance,pretendingyou’re a VIP.Do a video of youand 3 people youdo not knowrocking out doingair guitars (ordrums)Find someoneadvocating forChafee programreforms andsnap a photowith them.Pose withthe JeffersonMemorial inthebackground.Take a picture ofyour team duringthe December 10morningenergizer orchants.Take a selfiewith one of theD.C. CapitalBikeshare bikes,pretending toride it.Do a quickvideo of youdoing thechicken danceand post it!Pretend to"hold up" theCapitol Domewith your handin your photo.Pose with theNational Museumof AfricanAmerican History& Culture’sstunningarchitecture.Findsomeonewho is twice(or Half) yourageVisit the NationalMuseum ofNatural Historyand pose likeyou’re beingchased by adinosaur.Snap a selfieat the UnionMarket withyour favoritefood item.Snap a photo atyour favoritedinner ornetworking spotduring theconference.Take a group selfieat the MartinLuther King Jr.Memorial, pointingto your favoritequote.Take a photowith the NationalPortrait Gallery,pretendingyou’re part ofthe art.Meet someonewho has done aTED Talk and takea selfie. Bonus:Ask them for their#1 public speakingtip.Snap a groupphoto duringthe LegacyLeadersNetworkingReception.Meet someonefrom the ChafeeSteeringCommittee andcapture yourconnection with aphoto.Snap a photoat The Wharf,enjoying thewaterfrontviews.Find a hiddenmural orstreet art inD.C. and posecreatively.Take apicture withan amazingperson!Snap a picturewith someoneadvocating foreconomicopportunitiesfor youth.Snap a photowith apaddleboat atthe Tidal Basin(even if you’renot in it).Take a photoin Chinatownunder theFriendshipArchway.Take a selfie infront of theHolocaustMemorial Museumand reflect on thehistory.Take a photowith the IwoJima MarineCorpsMemorial.Snap a selfie atthe SpyMuseumentrance,striking yourbest spy pose.Take a picture witha representativefrom your state orsomeoneadvocating foryour state.Take a grouppicture at theLeaders 4Change ImpactAwards.Take a picture infront of theKennedy Center,pretendingyou’re about toperform.Pose like asuperhero withthe WashingtonMonument inthebackground.Snap a picture atthe NationalBuilding Museum,pretending todesign somethingamazing.Pose in front ofthe Library ofCongress,pretending toread a giantbook.Take a selfiewith theSupreme CourtBuilding behindyou, lookingvery serious.Take a selfie atthe Tidal Basinduring sunsetfor a serenemoment.Visit the VietnamVeterans MemorialWall, findsomeone with yourfirst name on thewall, and snap aphoto.Pose like asuperhero withthe WashingtonMonument inthebackground.Snap a pictureof someonewho is part of ayouth-ledadvocacygroup.Pose withthe FDRMemorial’sbronzestatues.Take a selfie onthe National Mall,with as manymonuments asyou can fit in thebackground.Take a photoon EmbassyRow, findingyour favoritecountry’s flag.Attend theWisdom Speaks(TED Talk) sessionand take acreative picturewith your groupoutside the event.Take a pictureon a D.C.Metro train andshow yourtravel vibe.Take a selfiewith yourreflection in theLincolnMemorialReflecting Pool.Take a photoduring theImmersiveLearning Toursand ScavengerHunt session.Take a photoin RockCreek Park,surroundedby nature.Snap a photo onthe NationalArboretumgrounds,especially with theCapitol Columns.Pose near theFrederickDouglassNational HistoricSite for a historicmoment.Take a selfie atthe ArlingtonNationalCemetery or nearthe Tomb of theUnknown Soldier.Snap a creativephoto of yourgroup preparingfor the PolicyLunch & Learnsession.Snap areflective photoat the MartinLuther King Jr.Memorial.Snap a selfiein DupontCircle nearthe fountain.Snap a pictureduring theVisionaryVoices Dinnerwhile enjoyingyour meal.Take a groupselfie in frontof the WhiteHouse.Snap a selfieon the steps ofthe Capitol,channeling yourinner lawmaker.Snap a photoduring theinteractivenetworkingsession at theDecember 10event.Take a selfie withsomeone whosehome stateborders yours andshare where youboth are from.Take a selfiewith someoneworking withstate-leveladvocacyefforts.Snap a photonear theSmithsonianCastle,pretendingyou’re royalty.Findsomeonewith a homePhonenumber!Find a spot inGeorgetownand snap aselfie with itscharming bricktownhouses.Meet someonewho has traveledinternationally andask for their toptravel tip, snappinga photo to share.Capture a selfiewith someoneat the LincolnMemorialReflecting Pool.Snap a pictureof yourself atUnion Stationenjoying lunchwith a group.Take a selfiewith someoneattending theirfirst Leaders 4ChangeConference.Meet someonewith your samebirthday monthand snap aselfie together.Find someonewho has neverbroken a boneand take aselfie withthem.Visit the NationalArchives Museumand snap a selfiepretending to signthe Declaration ofIndependence.Share a selfieof your favoriteconferencemoment with afun caption.Find someonewho is a tripletand take aselfie withthem.Pose at theFord’s Theatreentrance,striking adramatic pose.Snap a selfie infront of theCapitol Buildingduring theCapitol ImpactTour.Find someone whohas spoken onCapitol Hill beforeand take a selfie.Add a captionsharing when andwhat topic.Snap a photowithsomeonewearing yourfavorite color.Take a selfie withthe WashingtonMonumentframed like you’reholding it in yourhand.Take a groupphoto ofattendees fromfive or morestates at theconference.Take a selfie atthe NationalZoo with yourfavoriteanimal.Take a photoin Chinatownunder theFriendshipArchway.Take a picturewith the ZeroMilestoneMarker near theWhite House.Take a selfie withsomeone whohas participatedin more than fiveyouth advocacyconferences.Take adramatic photoleaning on theWashingtonMonument.Take a selfienear the U.S.Botanic Gardensurrounded byflowers.Take a photowith someonewho works inD.C. full-timeas an advocate.Find someonewho is live-streaming orsharing on socialmedia during theconference andtake a selfie.Take a selfie atthe InternationalSpy Museum’srooftop view,showing off thecityscape.Visit theSmithsonianNational Museumof AfricanAmerican Historyand take a photoat the entrance.Find someonewho is afoundingmember of theirorganization andtake a selfie.Take a photowith twodifferentorganizationsrepresented atthe conference.Meet someoneworking onhealing and well-being initiativesand snap apicture with them.Take aselfie with5 gamersShare acreative teampicture duringthe break orfree timesession.Snap acreativepicture nearthe Old PostOffice Tower.Pose with acherry blossomtree or anyother bloomingtree you find inthe city.

L4C 2024 DC Bingo #OurVoicesOurVision2024 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Take a photo with someone attending the Healing and Well-Being lunch table conversation.
  2. Take a picture of yourself brainstorming at the Throw Back to the Future session.
  3. Snap a photo with the National Archives Building, pretending to protect the Declaration of Independence.
  4. Share a photo of your conference swag or badge at a famous D.C. location.
  5. Create a FYIA secret Handshake with someone.
  6. Capture a group photo at the Advocacy Celebration Reception.
  7. Snap a selfie pretending to pick up the Washington Monument like it’s a pencil.
  8. Find someone who has adopted their siblings
  9. Find someone passionate about lifelong family connections and capture your conversation with a selfie.
  10. Find a food truck on the National Mall and snap a picture enjoying your snack.
  11. Pose in front of the Washington National Cathedral, pretending to sing in a choir.
  12. Meet someone who has created a policy recommendation and take a selfie while they share their experience.
  13. Take a selfie with 5 people who are the same height as you!
  14. Snap a fun picture at the Hirshhorn Museum’s outdoor sculpture garden.
  15. Take a selfie with a fountain in D.C.—bonus points if it’s mid-splash.
  16. Take a picture at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden with a fun statue.
  17. Pose in front of a Smithsonian Museum entrance, pretending you’re a VIP.
  18. Do a video of you and 3 people you do not know rocking out doing air guitars (or drums)
  19. Find someone advocating for Chafee program reforms and snap a photo with them.
  20. Pose with the Jefferson Memorial in the background.
  21. Take a picture of your team during the December 10 morning energizer or chants.
  22. Take a selfie with one of the D.C. Capital Bikeshare bikes, pretending to ride it.
  23. Do a quick video of you doing the chicken dance and post it!
  24. Pretend to "hold up" the Capitol Dome with your hand in your photo.
  25. Pose with the National Museum of African American History & Culture’s stunning architecture.
  26. Find someone who is twice (or Half) your age
  27. Visit the National Museum of Natural History and pose like you’re being chased by a dinosaur.
  28. Snap a selfie at the Union Market with your favorite food item.
  29. Snap a photo at your favorite dinner or networking spot during the conference.
  30. Take a group selfie at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, pointing to your favorite quote.
  31. Take a photo with the National Portrait Gallery, pretending you’re part of the art.
  32. Meet someone who has done a TED Talk and take a selfie. Bonus: Ask them for their #1 public speaking tip.
  33. Snap a group photo during the Legacy Leaders Networking Reception.
  34. Meet someone from the Chafee Steering Committee and capture your connection with a photo.
  35. Snap a photo at The Wharf, enjoying the waterfront views.
  36. Find a hidden mural or street art in D.C. and pose creatively.
  37. Take a picture with an amazing person!
  38. Snap a picture with someone advocating for economic opportunities for youth.
  39. Snap a photo with a paddleboat at the Tidal Basin (even if you’re not in it).
  40. Take a photo in Chinatown under the Friendship Archway.
  41. Take a selfie in front of the Holocaust Memorial Museum and reflect on the history.
  42. Take a photo with the Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial.
  43. Snap a selfie at the Spy Museum entrance, striking your best spy pose.
  44. Take a picture with a representative from your state or someone advocating for your state.
  45. Take a group picture at the Leaders 4 Change Impact Awards.
  46. Take a picture in front of the Kennedy Center, pretending you’re about to perform.
  47. Pose like a superhero with the Washington Monument in the background.
  48. Snap a picture at the National Building Museum, pretending to design something amazing.
  49. Pose in front of the Library of Congress, pretending to read a giant book.
  50. Take a selfie with the Supreme Court Building behind you, looking very serious.
  51. Take a selfie at the Tidal Basin during sunset for a serene moment.
  52. Visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, find someone with your first name on the wall, and snap a photo.
  53. Pose like a superhero with the Washington Monument in the background.
  54. Snap a picture of someone who is part of a youth-led advocacy group.
  55. Pose with the FDR Memorial’s bronze statues.
  56. Take a selfie on the National Mall, with as many monuments as you can fit in the background.
  57. Take a photo on Embassy Row, finding your favorite country’s flag.
  58. Attend the Wisdom Speaks (TED Talk) session and take a creative picture with your group outside the event.
  59. Take a picture on a D.C. Metro train and show your travel vibe.
  60. Take a selfie with your reflection in the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool.
  61. Take a photo during the Immersive Learning Tours and Scavenger Hunt session.
  62. Take a photo in Rock Creek Park, surrounded by nature.
  63. Snap a photo on the National Arboretum grounds, especially with the Capitol Columns.
  64. Pose near the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site for a historic moment.
  65. Take a selfie at the Arlington National Cemetery or near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
  66. Snap a creative photo of your group preparing for the Policy Lunch & Learn session.
  67. Snap a reflective photo at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.
  68. Snap a selfie in Dupont Circle near the fountain.
  69. Snap a picture during the Visionary Voices Dinner while enjoying your meal.
  70. Take a group selfie in front of the White House.
  71. Snap a selfie on the steps of the Capitol, channeling your inner lawmaker.
  72. Snap a photo during the interactive networking session at the December 10 event.
  73. Take a selfie with someone whose home state borders yours and share where you both are from.
  74. Take a selfie with someone working with state-level advocacy efforts.
  75. Snap a photo near the Smithsonian Castle, pretending you’re royalty.
  76. Find someone with a home Phone number!
  77. Find a spot in Georgetown and snap a selfie with its charming brick townhouses.
  78. Meet someone who has traveled internationally and ask for their top travel tip, snapping a photo to share.
  79. Capture a selfie with someone at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool.
  80. Snap a picture of yourself at Union Station enjoying lunch with a group.
  81. Take a selfie with someone attending their first Leaders 4 Change Conference.
  82. Meet someone with your same birthday month and snap a selfie together.
  83. Find someone who has never broken a bone and take a selfie with them.
  84. Visit the National Archives Museum and snap a selfie pretending to sign the Declaration of Independence.
  85. Share a selfie of your favorite conference moment with a fun caption.
  86. Find someone who is a triplet and take a selfie with them.
  87. Pose at the Ford’s Theatre entrance, striking a dramatic pose.
  88. Snap a selfie in front of the Capitol Building during the Capitol Impact Tour.
  89. Find someone who has spoken on Capitol Hill before and take a selfie. Add a caption sharing when and what topic.
  90. Snap a photo with someone wearing your favorite color.
  91. Take a selfie with the Washington Monument framed like you’re holding it in your hand.
  92. Take a group photo of attendees from five or more states at the conference.
  93. Take a selfie at the National Zoo with your favorite animal.
  94. Take a photo in Chinatown under the Friendship Archway.
  95. Take a picture with the Zero Milestone Marker near the White House.
  96. Take a selfie with someone who has participated in more than five youth advocacy conferences.
  97. Take a dramatic photo leaning on the Washington Monument.
  98. Take a selfie near the U.S. Botanic Garden surrounded by flowers.
  99. Take a photo with someone who works in D.C. full-time as an advocate.
  100. Find someone who is live-streaming or sharing on social media during the conference and take a selfie.
  101. Take a selfie at the International Spy Museum’s rooftop view, showing off the cityscape.
  102. Visit the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and take a photo at the entrance.
  103. Find someone who is a founding member of their organization and take a selfie.
  104. Take a photo with two different organizations represented at the conference.
  105. Meet someone working on healing and well-being initiatives and snap a picture with them.
  106. Take a selfie with 5 gamers
  107. Share a creative team picture during the break or free time session.
  108. Snap a creative picture near the Old Post Office Tower.
  109. Pose with a cherry blossom tree or any other blooming tree you find in the city.