Complete the"Bodybuilder"aspiration inone Sim'slifetimeWin a fightagainstanotherSimCompletea careertrackWoohooin theelevatorSeduce avampire orspellcaster andhave themmove into yourhouseholdMarry aSim youjust metCatch therarest fishin thegameHave aSim get agold medalon a dateGet a Sim tosteal something(like asculpture) froma neighbor'shouseHave a SimWoohoo with aStranger andNever Talk toThem AgainReachLevel 10in a skillWooHoo in auniquelocation(e.g., rocketship)Have a Simbreak off anengagementFind all thehidden lots(Sylvan Glade,ForgottenGrotto, etc.)Get a Simtobecome aVampireHave a SimWooHoo infive uniquelocations (e.g.,bush, sauna)Build aswimmingpool in theshape ofsomething funGet a Sim toreach Level10 in anyhobby skillCreate a Sim whoachieves both theSerial Romanticaspiration and theVillainousValentineaspirationMarry aSim fromanotherhouseholdComplete the"Public Enemy"aspiration bygetting your Sim tocommit crimes ineveryneighborhoodCompletea fullfestival inCity LivingReachLevel 10 inthe MischiefskillHave awedding whereboth partnersleave theceremonyangryMax out theSpellcasterskill andunlock allspellsGet firedfrom ajobHave amagical duelwith anotherSim and winHavetwins (ormore!)Earn 20,000Simoleonsfrom sellingpaintings orwriting booksWin aStarlightAccoladeaward (GetFamous)Get a Sim toreach level 5 ofthe Fitness skilland complete 3athleticchallengesSuccessfullyplead withthe GrimReaperHave a Sim diefrom emotionaloverload (e.g.,hysteria oranger)Get a Sim to marrya Sim with the"Mean" trait andhave them get intoa fight on theirwedding nightMax out theLogic skilland win 5chessmatchesThrow agold-ratedpartyHave a Simseduce theirpartner'ssibling orparentGet twoSims caughtcheating inthe sameinteractionMake a Simbreak up withtheir partner inpublic in front ofa crowd ofstrangersHave a Simbreak up withsomeone inthe middle ofa partyHave aSim diefrom anaccidentMove into amansion orthe largestlot in thegameHost asuccessful clubgathering withWicked WhimsactivitiesMax out thegardeningskill andgrow aperfect plantWooHoo in arisky orinappropriatespot, like thegym or libraryMax out theCharisma skilland get 3 Simsto become yourbest friendsHave your Simbreak up witha partner whileon vacation inMt. KomorebiWooHoo withevery memberof a singletownie family(without gettingcaught)Complete the"Master Chef"aspiration and owna 5-star restaurantwith at least 10perfect reviewsMax out theComedy skilland then telljokes to yourfriends until theyget really angryHave a Simbecomeromanticallyinvolved withthree SimssimultaneouslyReach Level 5in a child’sskill (e.g.,creativity,motor, social).Get a Sim todance for 12hours straightwithoutstoppingThrow asuccessfulweenieroastCreate a Sim withthe "Lonely" traitand have themlive a happy lifewith no socialinteractionsHave aSim getstruck bylightningHave a Simfail a classafter skippingschool for aweekMax out atoddler’sskills beforeaging themupComplete asocial eventwith a goldmedalCreate a Simwho hatesgardening, butmake them starta successfulgardenHave aSim withthreeenemiesComplete acollection(e.g., frogs,crystals,etc.)WooHooin threedifferentplacesHave yourSim mentoranother Simin a skillHave threepets in yourhouseholdsimultaneouslyCreate ahousehold whereevery Sim has acompletelyopposite trait (e.g.,one neat and oneslob)Have a Simcomplete alifetimeaspirationStart aromanticrelationshipwith acelebrity SimHave yourSim getcaughtflirting with amarried SimCreate a Simwith onlynegative traits,then have themmake a bestfriendGet a Sim to masterthe Writing,Painting, andCharisma skills andthen publish 10best-selling booksand paintingsGet a Sim tomax out theVideoGaming skillComplete theBodybuilderaspiration usingonly pizza asyour daily mealSuccessfullyrevive adead SimusingAmbrosiaMax out 3different skillswith a single Sim(e.g., Cooking,Painting, andFitness)Fail everyclass but stillgraduatehigh schoolGet a teenagercaughtsneaking into aparty withoutpermissionCreate anall-villainhouseholdGet famouswith a viralvideo orperformanceHave a Simthrow a party,but invite all oftheir enemiesinstead offriendsMake a Simwith threeromanceinterests atonceGo on a Simvacation(OutdoorRetreat, SnowyEscape, etc.)Get a Sim to havea randomencounter at thepark and makethem best friendswith a completestrangerHave a Simachieve the"Soulmate"aspiration with aSim who startsas their enemyHave acowplanteatsomeoneStart withzeroSimoleonsand buildyour way upStart arelationshipbetween aboss andemployee SimWooHoo in abarn afterseducing thetown mayor orvillage packagedelivery personLive in ahauntedhouse(Paranormalpack)WinthelotteryGet your Sim tobreak up withsomeone andimmediately start anew relationshipwith the firstperson they meetComplete the"MansionBaron"aspiration in ahouse with 10or more roomsGet a Sim tocomplete the"Leader of thePack" aspirationand lead 3different clubs withdifferent activitiesComplete the"RenaissanceSim" aspirationwith a Sim whohas 5 differentcareers duringtheir lifetimeThrow aparty whereat least oneSim diesGet yourSim bittenand turn intoa WerewolfHave yourSimabducted byaliens twiceComplete adegree and getyour Sim’sdream jobimmediatelyafter graduationComplete the"Musical Genius"aspiration andperform at least 10live concerts,achieving a 5-starrating each timeCreate ahousehold withan age-gaprelationship (e.g.,older woman withyounger partner)Create abrothel or clublot and have itreach 5-starpopularityHave aSim diefromlaughterConvince anislander tomove in withyou after asingle day offlirtingStart a Sim's careeras a painter, thenhave them live in acompletely emptyhouse while sellingpaintings for everypennyCatch acowplantBecome aFriend of theWorld bymaking 15friends in asingle weekHave a Simcook a mealand have it beperfect (with nofailed attempts)Adopta childStart afamily feudbetween twohouseholdsGet a Sim tomax out theHandiness skilland upgrade 5different objectsHave yourSim getevicted fornot payingrentHave a Simcomplete theSoulmateaspirationBurn downyour kitchenwhilecookingHave a Simparticipate in apublic WooHoointeractionwithout gettingcaughtMax outa toddlerskillMax out theCharisma skilland host asuccessfulpolitical debateReach Level10 in theSexpertiseskillConvince threeSims in onehousehold toshare apolyamorousrelationshipReach Level10 in twocreative skills(e.g., Painting,Writing)Get a Sim tofall in lovewith their"enemy" orrivalReachLevel 10in twocareersSeduce amermaid orlifeguard,and WooHoounderwaterGetabductedby aliensCreate andsell 10masterpiecesas a painterSuccessfullyWooHoo witha Sim whohates yourSim initiallyComplete the"Bodybuilder"aspiration inone Sim'slifetimeWin a fightagainstanotherSimCompletea careertrackWoohooin theelevatorSeduce avampire orspellcaster andhave themmove into yourhouseholdMarry aSim youjust metCatch therarest fishin thegameHave aSim get agold medalon a dateGet a Sim tosteal something(like asculpture) froma neighbor'shouseHave a SimWoohoo with aStranger andNever Talk toThem AgainReachLevel 10in a skillWooHoo in auniquelocation(e.g., rocketship)Have a Simbreak off anengagementFind all thehidden lots(Sylvan Glade,ForgottenGrotto, etc.)Get a Simtobecome aVampireHave a SimWooHoo infive uniquelocations (e.g.,bush, sauna)Build aswimmingpool in theshape ofsomething funGet a Sim toreach Level10 in anyhobby skillCreate a Sim whoachieves both theSerial Romanticaspiration and theVillainousValentineaspirationMarry aSim fromanotherhouseholdComplete the"Public Enemy"aspiration bygetting your Sim tocommit crimes ineveryneighborhoodCompletea fullfestival inCity LivingReachLevel 10 inthe MischiefskillHave awedding whereboth partnersleave theceremonyangryMax out theSpellcasterskill andunlock allspellsGet firedfrom ajobHave amagical duelwith anotherSim and winHavetwins (ormore!)Earn 20,000Simoleonsfrom sellingpaintings orwriting booksWin aStarlightAccoladeaward (GetFamous)Get a Sim toreach level 5 ofthe Fitness skilland complete 3athleticchallengesSuccessfullyplead withthe GrimReaperHave a Sim diefrom emotionaloverload (e.g.,hysteria oranger)Get a Sim to marrya Sim with the"Mean" trait andhave them get intoa fight on theirwedding nightMax out theLogic skilland win 5chessmatchesThrow agold-ratedpartyHave a Simseduce theirpartner'ssibling orparentGet twoSims caughtcheating inthe sameinteractionMake a Simbreak up withtheir partner inpublic in front ofa crowd ofstrangersHave a Simbreak up withsomeone inthe middle ofa partyHave aSim diefrom anaccidentMove into amansion orthe largestlot in thegameHost asuccessful clubgathering withWicked WhimsactivitiesMax out thegardeningskill andgrow aperfect plantWooHoo in arisky orinappropriatespot, like thegym or libraryMax out theCharisma skilland get 3 Simsto become yourbest friendsHave your Simbreak up witha partner whileon vacation inMt. KomorebiWooHoo withevery memberof a singletownie family(without gettingcaught)Complete the"Master Chef"aspiration and owna 5-star restaurantwith at least 10perfect reviewsMax out theComedy skilland then telljokes to yourfriends until theyget really angryHave a Simbecomeromanticallyinvolved withthree SimssimultaneouslyReach Level 5in a child’sskill (e.g.,creativity,motor, social).Get a Sim todance for 12hours straightwithoutstoppingThrow asuccessfulweenieroastCreate a Sim withthe "Lonely" traitand have themlive a happy lifewith no socialinteractionsHave aSim getstruck bylightningHave a Simfail a classafter skippingschool for aweekMax out atoddler’sskills beforeaging themupComplete asocial eventwith a goldmedalCreate a Simwho hatesgardening, butmake them starta successfulgardenHave aSim withthreeenemiesComplete acollection(e.g., frogs,crystals,etc.)WooHooin threedifferentplacesHave yourSim mentoranother Simin a skillHave threepets in yourhouseholdsimultaneouslyCreate ahousehold whereevery Sim has acompletelyopposite trait (e.g.,one neat and oneslob)Have a Simcomplete alifetimeaspirationStart aromanticrelationshipwith acelebrity SimHave yourSim getcaughtflirting with amarried SimCreate a Simwith onlynegative traits,then have themmake a bestfriendGet a Sim to masterthe Writing,Painting, andCharisma skills andthen publish 10best-selling booksand paintingsGet a Sim tomax out theVideoGaming skillComplete theBodybuilderaspiration usingonly pizza asyour daily mealSuccessfullyrevive adead SimusingAmbrosiaMax out 3different skillswith a single Sim(e.g., Cooking,Painting, andFitness)Fail everyclass but stillgraduatehigh schoolGet a teenagercaughtsneaking into aparty withoutpermissionCreate anall-villainhouseholdGet famouswith a viralvideo orperformanceHave a Simthrow a party,but invite all oftheir enemiesinstead offriendsMake a Simwith threeromanceinterests atonceGo on a Simvacation(OutdoorRetreat, SnowyEscape, etc.)Get a Sim to havea randomencounter at thepark and makethem best friendswith a completestrangerHave a Simachieve the"Soulmate"aspiration with aSim who startsas their enemyHave acowplanteatsomeoneStart withzeroSimoleonsand buildyour way upStart arelationshipbetween aboss andemployee SimWooHoo in abarn afterseducing thetown mayor orvillage packagedelivery personLive in ahauntedhouse(Paranormalpack)WinthelotteryGet your Sim tobreak up withsomeone andimmediately start anew relationshipwith the firstperson they meetComplete the"MansionBaron"aspiration in ahouse with 10or more roomsGet a Sim tocomplete the"Leader of thePack" aspirationand lead 3different clubs withdifferent activitiesComplete the"RenaissanceSim" aspirationwith a Sim whohas 5 differentcareers duringtheir lifetimeThrow aparty whereat least oneSim diesGet yourSim bittenand turn intoa WerewolfHave yourSimabducted byaliens twiceComplete adegree and getyour Sim’sdream jobimmediatelyafter graduationComplete the"Musical Genius"aspiration andperform at least 10live concerts,achieving a 5-starrating each timeCreate ahousehold withan age-gaprelationship (e.g.,older woman withyounger partner)Create abrothel or clublot and have itreach 5-starpopularityHave aSim diefromlaughterConvince anislander tomove in withyou after asingle day offlirtingStart a Sim's careeras a painter, thenhave them live in acompletely emptyhouse while sellingpaintings for everypennyCatch acowplantBecome aFriend of theWorld bymaking 15friends in asingle weekHave a Simcook a mealand have it beperfect (with nofailed attempts)Adopta childStart afamily feudbetween twohouseholdsGet a Sim tomax out theHandiness skilland upgrade 5different objectsHave yourSim getevicted fornot payingrentHave a Simcomplete theSoulmateaspirationBurn downyour kitchenwhilecookingHave a Simparticipate in apublic WooHoointeractionwithout gettingcaughtMax outa toddlerskillMax out theCharisma skilland host asuccessfulpolitical debateReach Level10 in theSexpertiseskillConvince threeSims in onehousehold toshare apolyamorousrelationshipReach Level10 in twocreative skills(e.g., Painting,Writing)Get a Sim tofall in lovewith their"enemy" orrivalReachLevel 10in twocareersSeduce amermaid orlifeguard,and WooHoounderwaterGetabductedby aliensCreate andsell 10masterpiecesas a painterSuccessfullyWooHoo witha Sim whohates yourSim initially

The Sims 4 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Complete the "Bodybuilder" aspiration in one Sim's lifetime
  2. Win a fight against another Sim
  3. Complete a career track
  4. Woohoo in the elevator
  5. Seduce a vampire or spellcaster and have them move into your household
  6. Marry a Sim you just met
  7. Catch the rarest fish in the game
  8. Have a Sim get a gold medal on a date
  9. Get a Sim to steal something (like a sculpture) from a neighbor's house
  10. Have a Sim Woohoo with a Stranger and Never Talk to Them Again
  11. Reach Level 10 in a skill
  12. WooHoo in a unique location (e.g., rocket ship)
  13. Have a Sim break off an engagement
  14. Find all the hidden lots (Sylvan Glade, Forgotten Grotto, etc.)
  15. Get a Sim to become a Vampire
  16. Have a Sim WooHoo in five unique locations (e.g., bush, sauna)
  17. Build a swimming pool in the shape of something fun
  18. Get a Sim to reach Level 10 in any hobby skill
  19. Create a Sim who achieves both the Serial Romantic aspiration and the Villainous Valentine aspiration
  20. Marry a Sim from another household
  21. Complete the "Public Enemy" aspiration by getting your Sim to commit crimes in every neighborhood
  22. Complete a full festival in City Living
  23. Reach Level 10 in the Mischief skill
  24. Have a wedding where both partners leave the ceremony angry
  25. Max out the Spellcaster skill and unlock all spells
  26. Get fired from a job
  27. Have a magical duel with another Sim and win
  28. Have twins (or more!)
  29. Earn 20,000 Simoleons from selling paintings or writing books
  30. Win a Starlight Accolade award (Get Famous)
  31. Get a Sim to reach level 5 of the Fitness skill and complete 3 athletic challenges
  32. Successfully plead with the Grim Reaper
  33. Have a Sim die from emotional overload (e.g., hysteria or anger)
  34. Get a Sim to marry a Sim with the "Mean" trait and have them get into a fight on their wedding night
  35. Max out the Logic skill and win 5 chess matches
  36. Throw a gold-rated party
  37. Have a Sim seduce their partner's sibling or parent
  38. Get two Sims caught cheating in the same interaction
  39. Make a Sim break up with their partner in public in front of a crowd of strangers
  40. Have a Sim break up with someone in the middle of a party
  41. Have a Sim die from an accident
  42. Move into a mansion or the largest lot in the game
  43. Host a successful club gathering with Wicked Whims activities
  44. Max out the gardening skill and grow a perfect plant
  45. WooHoo in a risky or inappropriate spot, like the gym or library
  46. Max out the Charisma skill and get 3 Sims to become your best friends
  47. Have your Sim break up with a partner while on vacation in Mt. Komorebi
  48. WooHoo with every member of a single townie family (without getting caught)
  49. Complete the "Master Chef" aspiration and own a 5-star restaurant with at least 10 perfect reviews
  50. Max out the Comedy skill and then tell jokes to your friends until they get really angry
  51. Have a Sim become romantically involved with three Sims simultaneously
  52. Reach Level 5 in a child’s skill (e.g., creativity, motor, social).
  53. Get a Sim to dance for 12 hours straight without stopping
  54. Throw a successful weenie roast
  55. Create a Sim with the "Lonely" trait and have them live a happy life with no social interactions
  56. Have a Sim get struck by lightning
  57. Have a Sim fail a class after skipping school for a week
  58. Max out a toddler’s skills before aging them up
  59. Complete a social event with a gold medal
  60. Create a Sim who hates gardening, but make them start a successful garden
  61. Have a Sim with three enemies
  62. Complete a collection (e.g., frogs, crystals, etc.)
  63. WooHoo in three different places
  64. Have your Sim mentor another Sim in a skill
  65. Have three pets in your household simultaneously
  66. Create a household where every Sim has a completely opposite trait (e.g., one neat and one slob)
  67. Have a Sim complete a lifetime aspiration
  68. Start a romantic relationship with a celebrity Sim
  69. Have your Sim get caught flirting with a married Sim
  70. Create a Sim with only negative traits, then have them make a best friend
  71. Get a Sim to master the Writing, Painting, and Charisma skills and then publish 10 best-selling books and paintings
  72. Get a Sim to max out the Video Gaming skill
  73. Complete the Bodybuilder aspiration using only pizza as your daily meal
  74. Successfully revive a dead Sim using Ambrosia
  75. Max out 3 different skills with a single Sim (e.g., Cooking, Painting, and Fitness)
  76. Fail every class but still graduate high school
  77. Get a teenager caught sneaking into a party without permission
  78. Create an all-villain household
  79. Get famous with a viral video or performance
  80. Have a Sim throw a party, but invite all of their enemies instead of friends
  81. Make a Sim with three romance interests at once
  82. Go on a Sim vacation (Outdoor Retreat, Snowy Escape, etc.)
  83. Get a Sim to have a random encounter at the park and make them best friends with a complete stranger
  84. Have a Sim achieve the "Soulmate" aspiration with a Sim who starts as their enemy
  85. Have a cowplant eat someone
  86. Start with zero Simoleons and build your way up
  87. Start a relationship between a boss and employee Sim
  88. WooHoo in a barn after seducing the town mayor or village package delivery person
  89. Live in a haunted house (Paranormal pack)
  90. Win the lottery
  91. Get your Sim to break up with someone and immediately start a new relationship with the first person they meet
  92. Complete the "Mansion Baron" aspiration in a house with 10 or more rooms
  93. Get a Sim to complete the "Leader of the Pack" aspiration and lead 3 different clubs with different activities
  94. Complete the "Renaissance Sim" aspiration with a Sim who has 5 different careers during their lifetime
  95. Throw a party where at least one Sim dies
  96. Get your Sim bitten and turn into a Werewolf
  97. Have your Sim abducted by aliens twice
  98. Complete a degree and get your Sim’s dream job immediately after graduation
  99. Complete the "Musical Genius" aspiration and perform at least 10 live concerts, achieving a 5-star rating each time
  100. Create a household with an age-gap relationship (e.g., older woman with younger partner)
  101. Create a brothel or club lot and have it reach 5-star popularity
  102. Have a Sim die from laughter
  103. Convince an islander to move in with you after a single day of flirting
  104. Start a Sim's career as a painter, then have them live in a completely empty house while selling paintings for every penny
  105. Catch a cowplant
  106. Become a Friend of the World by making 15 friends in a single week
  107. Have a Sim cook a meal and have it be perfect (with no failed attempts)
  108. Adopt a child
  109. Start a family feud between two households
  110. Get a Sim to max out the Handiness skill and upgrade 5 different objects
  111. Have your Sim get evicted for not paying rent
  112. Have a Sim complete the Soulmate aspiration
  113. Burn down your kitchen while cooking
  114. Have a Sim participate in a public WooHoo interaction without getting caught
  115. Max out a toddler skill
  116. Max out the Charisma skill and host a successful political debate
  117. Reach Level 10 in the Sexpertise skill
  118. Convince three Sims in one household to share a polyamorous relationship
  119. Reach Level 10 in two creative skills (e.g., Painting, Writing)
  120. Get a Sim to fall in love with their "enemy" or rival
  121. Reach Level 10 in two careers
  122. Seduce a mermaid or lifeguard, and WooHoo underwater
  123. Get abducted by aliens
  124. Create and sell 10 masterpieces as a painter
  125. Successfully WooHoo with a Sim who hates your Sim initially