a change inmatter thatproducesnew subs.smallestparticle ofanelementtwo or moresubs. that aremixed togetherbut not chem.combineda change thatalters the form orappear. of a subs.but doesn't makethe matter intoanother subs.a process inwhich subs.undergochem.changeshow muchmass is ina givenvolumehow muchmatter itcontainsthe amountof spacethat mattercontainshow muchmass is ina givenvolumea subs. thatcan't be brokendown into anyother subst. bychem. or phys.meansthe forcethat holdtwo atomstogetherbreakingdowncoppercompoundsa combinationof symbols thatshows the ratioof elements ina comp.a measure ifthe force ofgravity onan objectusually one- ortwo- letters setof charac. thatis used to IDand elementhow muchmatter itcontainsa subs. madeof two or moreelementschem.combineda subs. thatcan't be brokendown into anyother subs. bychem. or phys.meansa metal stripthat gains orloses electronsduringelectrolysisthe forcethat holdtwo atomstogethersmallestparticle ofanelementA system ofmeasurementsbased on multiplesof ten andestablishedmeasurements ofmass, length, andtimethe study ofthe prop. ofmatter andhow matterchangesa comb. oftwo atomsthat arebondedtogethera change inmatter thatproducesnew subs.smallestparticle ofanelementtwo or moresubs. that aremixed togetherbut not chem.combineda change thatalters the form orappear. of a subs.but doesn't makethe matter intoanother subs.a process inwhich subs.undergochem.changeshow muchmass is ina givenvolumehow muchmatter itcontainsthe amountof spacethat mattercontainshow muchmass is ina givenvolumea subs. thatcan't be brokendown into anyother subst. bychem. or phys.meansthe forcethat holdtwo atomstogetherbreakingdowncoppercompoundsa combinationof symbols thatshows the ratioof elements ina comp.a measure ifthe force ofgravity onan objectusually one- ortwo- letters setof charac. thatis used to IDand elementhow muchmatter itcontainsa subs. madeof two or moreelementschem.combineda subs. thatcan't be brokendown into anyother subs. bychem. or phys.meansa metal stripthat gains orloses electronsduringelectrolysisthe forcethat holdtwo atomstogethersmallestparticle ofanelementA system ofmeasurementsbased on multiplesof ten andestablishedmeasurements ofmass, length, andtimethe study ofthe prop. ofmatter andhow matterchangesa comb. oftwo atomsthat arebondedtogether


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. a change in matter that produces new subs.
  2. smallest particle of an element
  3. two or more subs. that are mixed together but not chem. combined
  4. a change that alters the form or appear. of a subs. but doesn't make the matter into another subs.
  5. a process in which subs. undergo chem. changes
  6. how much mass is in a given volume
  7. how much matter it contains
  8. the amount of space that matter contains
  9. how much mass is in a given volume
  10. a subs. that can't be broken down into any other subst. by chem. or phys. means
  11. the force that hold two atoms together
  12. breaking down copper compounds
  13. a combination of symbols that shows the ratio of elements in a comp.
  14. a measure if the force of gravity on an object
  15. usually one- or two- letters set of charac. that is used to ID and element
  16. how much matter it contains
  17. a subs. made of two or more elements chem. combined
  18. a subs. that can't be broken down into any other subs. by chem. or phys. means
  19. a metal strip that gains or loses electrons during electrolysis
  20. the force that hold two atoms together
  21. smallest particle of an element
  22. A system of measurements based on multiples of ten and established measurements of mass, length, and time
  23. the study of the prop. of matter and how matter changes
  24. a comb. of two atoms that are bonded together